The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Well, I decided screw it, I can't fix it any more, so here's the fifth revision of Velocitas Eradico's first chapter.

Clicky link.

If you could find a bit of time, read it and tell me what I should fix or improve.
Just the normal one. But you, my son, have not tried a Cadbury's Dairy Milk...the only real kind of chocolate.

Oh I'm not saying there aren't better things out there.

But I would never say they suck.


I love doing that to people. Evidently I either have very good hearing, or I'm just absurdly good at detecting sounds and minimizing my own. The result is that no one can enter my room while I'm sleeping without me either waking up immediately, or doing what Rarity did and act like I'm asleep to 'see' what they're doing. I scare the crap out of people doing that.
I would like a further explanation on your use of this word... :S

Because it implied things that I'm not sure if you are intending to imply.

He's messing with you. I'm sure of it...

Eh. I had to force my Scottish accent to be more English so people could understand. Damn thing's like an elastic band, though.

You could have just put on a stereotypically British accent for that interview (hilarious as that would have been). Then again, I could understand you perfectly well.

If you could find a bit of time, read it and tell me what I should fix or improve.

I don't think I'll have time to read any of it tonight, but I can try and go through it tomorrow.

The result is that no one can enter my room while I'm sleeping without me either waking up immediately, or doing what Rarity did and act like I'm asleep to 'see' what they're doing.

I'm a heavy sleeper. You would either need to generate a very loud noise or smack me in the face in order to wake me up.
Twilight being adorable:

Twilight being a badass:

Have there been any fics where she experimented with black magic and things went wrong? I might want to check one out when I get some time.

Mane 6 being adorable:

Colgate being awesome:

Toronado being murdered:

Really good Drawfriends.

EDIT: This.

Interesting stuff.

Faust supports the 'AJ's parents are dead' theory, and while not making it canon, is still cool to know.

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Now canon. Ish.

I also fear for the human race regarding how pants-on-head retarded some of those questions were, to the extent that I was too embarrassed to even read the answer she gave.

Wonder what the next episode is gonna be about now, though.
I'll just put this here:


This thread has more terrorism than Al-Quaeda.

Besides I remember that you "still hit it" a certain Rarity cosplayer that MintBerryPunch later confirmed as a crime against nature.(found it:*warning, watch at your own risk, I do not have any responsibility for any traumas or other side effects of watching this picture, you have been warned*, This one.)

(*Apologies for the slow response, this internet speed over here is quite dreadful, I barely get access to anything*)
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Besides I remember that you still hit it to certain Rarity cosplayer that MintBerryPunch later confirmed as a crime against nature.(found it:*warning, watch at your own risk, I do not have any responsibility for any traumas or other side effects of watching this picture, you have been warned*, This one.)

Admit it. That other Rarity cosplayer was more aesthetically appealing than the one Toro posted earlier (not say either of them are good looking though, because they aren't).

Why am I talking about this again?
I also recall that the initial picture that I was responding to did not show the crippling amounts of Little Nicky face until Mint unearthed that picture afterward; and that as soon as I was made aware of how Little Nicky that she was I switched my position to just the AJ of that set.
*Better sat sync*
I also recall that the initial picture that I was responding to did not show the crippling amounts of Little Nicky face until Mint unearthed that picture afterward; and that as soon as I was made aware of how Little Nicky that she was I switched my position to just the AJ of that set.

Yeah, I can do quick video flowcharting way outs.

Apart from that I quite like this:


And this:


(*Goes back to fast internet, yay*)

104552, in relation to this.

I still don't know why people are saying that Lauren's answers in that interview are apparently killing fanon.

And I listened to Coffee's Brony Show interview again so that I could pick up on things that I missed the first time. I actually laughed when he said "book" and the other guys couldn't understand him due to his accent
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Well these are fanfics for a reason, besides more than 99% of fanfics are about lesbian ponies so meh, waste of time.

Exactly. I mean, people wouldn't act like this if Lauren said that lesbian shipping wasn't canon. They would just ignore it and continue writing or read such stories instead.

And 104571. So... Molestia feels like SexyDynamite?

Anyway, I'm quite tired, so good night.
That is amazing. Especially love the Dash expression in the second information panel.


And 104571. So... Molestia feels like SexyDynamite?

I'm actually kind of disappointed that SexyDynamite only showed up twice in Molestia.[/tangent]
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Is brilliant actually, I man where the hell did she get that guitar, the sun glasses I understand but the guitar?


And Celestia's Moon sending system is actually quite impressive, they should make a pun about that (that, or I'm a bit too silly).

I'm really torn between favorite tumblrs, here.

On the one hand, filly Twilight, on the other hand, TwiDash....I just don't know. They're both so good.

Well, I go. Night. I had to go out twice today, and both times got SOAKED. Now my shoes are sitting by the heater, and my socks are wetter than, I don't know. And Fluttershy didn't even bring the bucket.
Apparently there is a sequel to A Dark Sky that has actually been in progress for quite a while now (9 chapters completed, in fact). Suffice to say, I am very intrigued, so I'm going to give it a check over when I wake up in the morning.

Apparently there is a sequel to A Dark Sky that has actually been in progress for quite a while now (9 chapters completed, in fact). Suffice to say, I am very intrigued, so I'm going to give it a check over when I wake up in the morning.

Which one is?

(*Goes back to lack of sleep due to heat*)
Apparently there is a sequel to A Dark Sky that has actually been in progress for quite a while now (9 chapters completed, in fact). Suffice to say, I am very intrigued, so I'm going to give it a check over when I wake up in the morning.

Holy 🤬!

I hope it makes it to ED.
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