The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

That is just awesome, simple but awesome(and that song makes me watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, good references everywhere).


the first jj mlp pic ever

Yeah, he got the belly wrong, now he doesn't make anything wrong, anything.

Yes. The Canterlot Chaos chapter. What happens in Canterlot between Disccord letting everyone out of the maze and him being turned back to stone.


Wow, you are already that far, I need to catch up on that(and get ready with some facial tissues).

Is this the right place to link this? I made a Gilda beanie plush. She's also for sale :D


Hi and welcome to GTP, home of the lesbian equine fiction following, and ponies too.

At the echo of others I'll say that you cant link directly to Ebay, however you still can do what MintBerryCrunch said and you should be fine.

Also, say hello to my little friend (oh, and Fezzes are cool):

Her "little" friend?

That is just more awesomeness there, needs a Rarity and a Vinyl Scratch version.



Viable shipping options.


She can do Wonders.

And I think that Rainbow dash's version of that vid could use this song:

Either her, or Big Mac.[/Implying_Steel_factory_Simpsons_bit]

(*Goes back to tea, then fics*)
And in truth, that was only one plushie that went for that much - the others were significantly less well-received, but I did start a trend! I think.
Well, I might be biased, but I really liked the AJ one.

Can anyone tell me when people started calling them "Pony Plushes"? Was it after or before I co-opted that name?
I wasn't aware of them ever being called anything else...

Wow, you are already that far, I need to catch up on that(and get ready with some facial tissues).
I'm actually 5 chapters ahead of that. I finished Black Pearl several days ago and I haven't gotten the nerve up to read Links to witness the fallout of what happened (which of course means that I can't read anything else in the meantime either).



Viable shipping options.



Equestria's Formation.

*goes back to... well, I'm probably going to go watch South Park*
I wasn't aware of them ever being called anything else...

I'm also known to be crazy, so I wasn't sure if that was a coincidence or not. Also, Applejack was my favourite of the big ones, though her material isn't the perfect colour.

Its actually really hard getting that orange without it being Scootaloo orange.

Also, finished another commission!

I'm also known to be crazy,

You'll find yourself right at home here, then.:lol:

I am slightly worried that your presence here will eventually cost me money:lol:. I might not be able to resist dropping some money on one of your plushies for long. They look great.
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I am slightly worried that your presence here will eventually cost me money:lol:. I might not be able to resist dropping some money on one of your plushies for long. They look great.

Thanks! But someone would have eventually reposted my stuff. You could find your way back to my page eventually (breadcrumb trail?).

I'll try not to post often though, keep your interest in buying low =P
Thanks! But someone would have eventually reposted my stuff. You could find your way back to my page eventually (breadcrumb trail?).

I'll try not to post often though, keep your interest in buying low =P
Just kidding. I don't have any money to spend:lol:

I probably would have bought something eventually, anyway. When I'm in the mood to spend some money on ponies I'll remember to keep you in mind:tup:

Are you planning on posting here as a normal thing or just updates on your stuff? Either is cool, but new regular visitors are always a good thing.
Look, this thing went viral in like 15 minutes or something:

And after looking on ponibooru more psycho tumblrs I just realized that the concept looses its charms once is done more than a million times.

I'll stay with Saucy themed tumblrs for now and I will continue with the fics I got left (that might include Kindess' Reward) tomorrow, I'm just too tired after a whole day of sneezing by that stupid cold.

Goodnight everyone.
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Naveek, no offense mate, but I reclaimed that avatar because you'd changed away from it. Can you change away from it again, please?

Dammit Coffee. I don't want to have to swallow my words, so tonight I'm going to have to read Allegrezza and the first part of Heartstrings and Gumdrops (which appeared out of ing nowhere!).

Aha, feel the burn of your own pride, Welshman!


Seconded, it's probably my favourite AVery fic. If you comment on it, though, just don't mention all. Safest way to play.

Also, hey Brainbread. Don't worry, the easiest way to get rid of me would be to attempt murder via a Vinyl and Octavia plushie hugging.

But that would be baaaad.
This thread has been quite quiet, time to give some life to it:


That's just really really cute.

Also, Flutternator:


And some chest pain:


Courtesy of...

(*Searches insulin quickly*)
*searching Ponibooru*

And then there was wet Mane Scootaloo.



*reads comments*





And then;

And after looking on ponibooru more psycho tumblrs I just realized that the concept looses its charms once is done more than a million times.

It also doesn't help that most of them don't think beyond "make dark tumblr" when it comes to ideas for them.

I'm also known to be crazy

I'll probably try and make it a regular thing.

If I remember.

Cool. 👍

Naveek, no offense mate, but I reclaimed that avatar because you'd changed away from it. Can you change away from it again, please?

Seconded, it's probably my favourite AVery fic. If you comment on it, though, just don't mention all. Safest way to play.
What do you mean?






Ew, Not Lesbian.

That artist is totally screwed up in the head.
God, you guys are all so immature. xD

People are gunna get confused. Shall we all don these avatars then start posting around as some sort of amorphous brony hivemind?
God, you guys are all so immature. xD

People are gunna get confused. Shall we all don these avatars then start posting around as some sort of amorphous brony hivemind?

I would never consider doing such a thing. Again.

*sends PM to T12*

This one probably is my favorite in terms of scenes used:

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Actually, the first time I saw those I kind of figured Rarity had the potential to be the best fit for it.

I guess that's been confirmed, because that's actually my favorite of those so far.

For some reason I really like Rarity in those kinds of videos. Same reason I like Shiropoint's Rarity video the most.

Rarity is just perfect for stuff like this.
Speaking of Rarity, after re-watching a couple episodes, I think she might just be my 3rd favorite overall.


Man, no wonder the mayor made such a big deal about finishing on time.
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Naveek, no offense mate, but I reclaimed that avatar because you'd changed away from it. Can you change away from it again, please?

My bad, no worries. As of writing, changed to Twilight Sparkle. Might change to something else.
Aha, feel the burn of your own pride, Welshman!

Good job I caught up then. Guess I didn't have to swallow my words afterall.

Also, hey Brainbread. Don't worry, the easiest way to get rid of me would be to attempt murder via a Vinyl and Octavia plushie hugging.

But that would be baaaad.

Actually, you would be well-advised to make such a plushie, Brainbread :lol:

I wanna play:D


You know what, so do I.

People are gunna get confused. Shall we all don these avatars then start posting around as some sort of amorphous brony hivemind?

Eeyup, although this might not last very long.

My bad, no worries. As of writing, changed to Twilight Sparkle. Might change to something else.

No, you must change back to that VinylTavia avatar at once! We need to maximise the confusion.


I shall keep my avatar...

...well I cant think of anything new anyway, so yeah lets mess around with everynyan.

And look, no porn:

What the hell I was thinking when I put the AJ one, I will never know.

(*Goes back to documentation*)
For some reason I really like Rarity in those kinds of videos. Same reason I like Shiropoint's Rarity video the most.

That is actually really cool. And its probably because of how expressive she always is. That's at least why I liked it. So much stuff to work with for stuff like that.

Rarity is just perfect for stuff like this.
Speaking of Rarity, after re-watching a couple episodes, I think she might just be my 3rd favorite overall.
Dash already got bumped off the podium. Combined with the wonderfulness of Secret of my Excess (and, honestly, how great Rarity has been all season) and how annoyed I was with how Dash acted in Hearth's Warming Eve, it really was a no brainer for me.

Fluttershy is still unchaged.
No, you must change back to that VinylTavia avatar at once! We need to maximise the confusion.

And if I do change back to it, Luna will say the confusion has been doubled. I might try and get away with using that avatar again. TRY. Assuming Coffee doesn't notice...
And if I do change back to it, Luna will say the confusion has been doubled. I might try and get away with using that avatar again. TRY. Assuming Coffee doesn't notice...

As the Nike slogan suggests, Just do it :D

The previous page is so bloody confusing as well.

Also, just found this (still listening to it now):

Just brilliant. This guy ponified every song on the Demon Days album. So far I'm liking "Kids With Cupcakes", "Dirty Enchantress" and "Every Pet You Suggest Is Lame".

"Dare" mixed with the Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Song is so bad it's funny :lol:
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And if I do change back to it, Luna will say the confusion has been doubled. I might try and get away with using that avatar again. TRY. Assuming Coffee doesn't notice...

But CoffeeGrunt noticing is one of the better parts of doing it. :dopey:
I'll at least try to change back to that avatar. I just can't right now, need to get my hands on the image, which I can;t do until later. Let's just hope Coffee doesn't crash our party...