The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Too much hair, very little quantity.

I... I stand by what I said.

And changing the name to CoffeeGrunt in that quote

I dunno, I like Miu's mix most, (Hymn to the Moon,) followed by JeffTheStrider's, then Makkon's, then that new one, then NotACleverPony's.

I just love the vocals in Miu's, and Jeff's makes for such easy listening.

Miu's mix is good, but I still say that the original NotACleverPony version is my favourite.

When we did that this thread didn't average a hundred posts a day like it does now.



So now you all decide to change it?

Then confusion shall reign down upon this thread!



It's been a while since I've seen any Shadowbolt fan art, or RD Shadowbolt for that matter.
Canon Gilda as a Griffon? Fairly unlikeable bitch.
Canon Gilda as a human (not necessarily JJ's, but a man can dream)? Hot.

I...I can agree with that...ewww, feels dirty just saying it. D:

Oh, you're just having fun watching them squirm.

Oh God, it's far too fun for words! I can see why Studio B troll so much! xD

Also, this is a thing that exists, surprisingly:

Dammit, got bored over winter break and watched the first episode of season one...

watched 7 episodes before i got up again ;-;

<3 Rainbow Dash the bestest.
Toro, liking fanon Gilda put through the Redemption Fic wringer a few times is okay, but canon Gilda? That just ain't right!

I actually just like Canon Gilda.

She was nicer than Nightmare Moon was, yet they treated her far, far worse after her "defeat".

Also, I blame racism. Griffon's may simply not have a sense of humor. They're a different species. They might as well be harassing her for having to eat meat to not starve. We literally know nothing about griffons.

But really, I just like her.
Dammit, got bored over winter break and watched the first episode of season one...

watched 7 episodes before i got up again ;-;

<3 Rainbow Dash the bestest.


Also, I blame racism. Griffon's may simply not have a sense of humor. They're a different species. They might as well be harassing her for having to eat meat to not starve. We literally know nothing about griffons.

And we probably won't find out anything else about Griffons in future episodes, but who knows. It is something that I would like to see, and I'm sure that many others would as well.

I must admit that I'm still not a fan of canon Gilda myself, though.
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I...I can agree with that...ewww, feels dirty just saying it. D:

Only JJ can simultaneously hold the title of History's Greatest Monster and Hero.

Also, this is a thing that exists, surprisingly:

Not bad, but it seems like it was intended to be so much more and then pared back.

Avast Octavia's Ass is also much better.

I actually just like Canon Gilda.

She was nicer than Nightmare Moon was, yet they treated her far, far worse after her "defeat".

Also, I blame racism. Griffon's may simply not have a sense of humor. They're a different species. They might as well be harassing her for having to eat meat to not starve. We literally know nothing about griffons.

But really, I just like her.

I will say that Gilda did seem to have a sense of humor (one not that far detached from Dash's), though. She just hated being on the receiving end more even more than Dash does.

Dammit, got bored over winter break and watched the first episode of season one...

watched 7 episodes before i got up again ;-;

<3 Rainbow Dash the bestest.

Welcome to the thread.


Other than the snout, this is a really cool real-ish art style.

Edit: Oh, and pretend this post was written in Slate Gray.
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There's a Mare Do Well AJ vector?


And that's my favorite one behind Rarity's. A really good job choosing art and animations for that one.



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Found that vect....

Damn, beat me to it. I've also just realised that the person who made that vector also made the desktop wallpaper that I'm currently using.

And I like AJ's video more than Rarity's. Both of them have a good choice of images, but some parts of Rarity's video seemed a little out of sync to me. RD's "20% Cooler" one is my favourite though, but only just, plus I can't keep up with all the Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie videos that have been made over the past couple of days (some of which are pretty well made).
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Found this:


Also, there's a lot of vectors...

A lot of exploitable vectors...

*boots up Photoshop*



'Dat Pissedlestia.
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Dammit, got bored over winter break and watched the first episode of season one...

watched 7 episodes before i got up again ;-;

Welcome to the GTP heard, where quantity/quality.

I was getting the pic that WiegertCoffeeGrunt post but he beat me to it, either way welcome :cheers:


Also, someone finally made this:

That one is pretty good, not as good as the Pinkie one you posted yesterday but is still pretty good.

Also, free-falling:


Or high altitude derp.

And I'm pretty sure that CoffeeGrunt will like it that TGaP video over ED, which is also not a good as the Pinkie one.

(*Rehashes several puns done during the day, checks very interesting thread in the infield and moves into fanfiction*)
Anyone here seen the comments on Kyrospawn's Photo Finish clips? There's a lot of funny argument whether Photo Finish is Lady Gaga.
That one is pretty good, not as good as the Pinkie one you posted yesterday but is still pretty good.

What, "When I'm Crazy"? That's one of the best so far, definitely.

"When I'm Partying" isn't quite as well made to be honest, but I think it has a better selection of vector images than the other Pinkie video.

And I'm pretty sure that CoffeeGrunt will like it that TGaP video over ED, which is also not a good as the Pinkie one.

I'm surprised that Seth wasn't the one who posted that video, although he probably asked Cereal to feature it on EqD, even though it isn't the best one I've seen.

And now you've forced me to compile a list of my top 5 "When I'm Bored" videos:

1. When I'm 20% cooler
2. When I'm Honest
3. When I'm Crazy
4. When I'm Great and Powerful
5. When I'm Partying

I still think Rarity's is alright though, plus I've seen a couple of well made Fluttershy videos over the past day or so.
CoffeGrunt, Y U NO follow game.
What, "When I'm Crazy"? That's one of the best so far, definitely.

"When I'm Partying" isn't quite as well made to be honest, but I think it has a better selection of vector images than the other Pinkie video.

I think I might referring to "When I'm Crazy", it was fairly well done, the timing on it and the vectors are almost flawless.


And now you've forced me to compile a list of my top 5 "When I'm Bored" videos:

1. When I'm 20% cooler
2. When I'm Honest
3. When I'm Crazy
4. When I'm Great and Powerful
5. When I'm Partying

I still think Rarity's is alright though, plus I've seen a couple of well made Fluttershy videos over the past day or so.

1. When I'm Crazy
2. When I'm Great and Powerful
3. When I'm 20% cooler
4. When I'm Honest
5. When I'm Magic

I'm not sure about the Fluttershy ones though, there is one that is pretty well made but the others are pretty average if I'm honest.


If I'm honest, I find that AJ version very appealing, needs a humanized version (JJ seems to be on holiday or something).

(*Gets distracted by GT5's Escape Velocity's(CB song) version, I will proceed to fanfics once I overcome this laziness I'm having towards reading massive batches of text today*)
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I have to say that out of the 6 or 7 different Fluttershy videos, "When I'm Um" is the best (plus it's the most likely to give some people a seizure).
Is the only good one that probably is, besides people was already having seizures after the first RD one.



That draw seems to be a Celestiased human, those facial characteristics doesn't correspond.

And I really like this Art style:


By looking at the comments it seems that he/she got right pretty much everything from that scene (except for the melting RainbowDash).

(*Goes back to Pinkie's chapter of Healing, finally*)
Has anybody else noticed how when Twilight equalizes the amount of frosting on the cupcakes, they magically gain frosting?

Little frosting:


Lots of multicolored frosting:


Also, the frosting on Mrs.Cupcake disappeared. I find this enjoyable.
So, Healing pony POV Pinkie Pie:

Well is massive, there are some good and bad aspects to be said, for one "standard" Pinkie Pie is just not very good; is non-canon, exaggerated and fastidious, terribly annoying to read and painfully written considering Pinkie's canon demeanour.

But in this chapter Pinkie's personality is completely fragmented(pretty Freudian) and thus it creates several characters that interacts with each other conforming Pinkie's personality as a whole, I know I'm stating the obvious here but is important to consider that each part of Pinkie has its own identity and almost its own character(which depend on what of Pinkie's psyche is used/embed). Parting from this I must say that "Pinkamina" is the real protagonist in this chapter, I can recall that she might be a lead on her psyche (given that she had dominance in Party of One) but I cant figure out if she can play out the things that happens on that chapter, seeking control of the situation might be one of "Pinkamina" characteristics, but there is stuff like saving her own psyche elements from "Angry Pie" which doesn't make much sense to me, giving it the benefit of the doubt I will say that probably "Pinkamina" knows more about Pinkie Pie as a whole, because of being the part that was active during her childhood.

The whole scenario was pretty clever too(considering the stuff in the AJ episode, I'm actually quite surprise that the writer also came up with the whole concept of "Pinkie's psyche scenario"), the whole thing reminded me a lot of The End of Evangelion(everything being one, inner psyche realization, self awareness, huge alter ego/ego ID fights, everything was pretty much there).

In short words, a pretty cool episode, Pinkie Pie's standard character is pretty weak if I'm honest, but the rest of the story manages to subside this problem, and how the events were managed was pretty original, it doesn't leave the theme of "inner-fight" but is still more interesting than whatever bipolar disorder comes out of writers these days.

(*Takes a quick break, then Twilight's chapter, there is also Trixie so I guess I'll hit that chapter at once because my interest has arisen since the AJ chapter*)

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