The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Well, as none of you know, I live natively in the wonderful state of Washington, not a stone's throw away from Seattle. I heard there was going to be a convention in the area, and I was terribly sad I'd have to miss it, due to being on a different continent.

Turns out, nope. I'll be back before then. I'll be saving up some money to pay off the trip down there and the entrance fee. I can be the official Everfree NW messenger, if you'd like.


Dear Princess Celestia

Today, I learned that if you make ludicrous claims on GTPlanet, other ponies will sniff you out and the moderators will ready the scary-as-hell banhammer if you don't comply with their requests. The best action you can take is to just admit you were a fool.

Your faithful subject

Why does this kind of remind me of the Sweet and Elite episode? Only vaguely, but still.

Good on you for coming clean, at least.

New group popped up on DA that Ponibooru has been tearing into:

"The owner of this deviation has disabled comments".

I guess I'll look for it on ponibooru.

EDIT: Found that stamp on Ponibooru and the comments are amazing. I'm not even going to bother getting into the serious side of the argument because there's no changing people like that.
It's the person who made "E-Qual-Estria," whom me, Avery, and a shedload of other DeviantArtists all boycotted and told our fans to boycott as well.

We buried them in two days flat. It appears they're back, although the group itself doesn't even appear to exist, yet...
Looks like they were testing the water. And given the poster already has someone else defending them, and has disabled comments on their profile, I'd say they didn't get the response they were hoping for.

EDIT: Oh, nevermind, they didn't disable the comments on their page. That or they turned them back on, I was going by comments on Ponibooru for that part.

I'm still blocked, though.
As far as I'm aware, you can't disable comments on your page, only block and hide existing ones. I've never tested it to find out, though.

Ah well, we'll just bury 'em again.
Should be fun to watch, at least.

Oh, and this:




Based on this.



Give me a minute to pick my jaw up from the floor.

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I saw that. And then I scrolled down and noticed your comment with -48 seconds and rushed to post it before you.

Obviously I was too late.

Still, though :lol:


There's a mini Joseco-verload happening


I was actually watching the Resi 6 trailer last night, and it looks truly epic (even when compared to the previous installment). All I can say is that my anticipation levels have increased greatly since watching it.

And when did Michos colour that new VinylTavia image? The original has only been up for an hour.



Join the REA!

That's not Dash's wing feathers coming from the engine, is it?
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^Now that's brilliant, especially adding the styles which are used by the more prolific and better known brony artists. The whole thing is bloody marvelous though.

Also, is there really such a thing as a Michos-overload? I mean, after JJ has his upload extravaganza, we seem to get a load of coloured versions not long after:

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I knew there was something I wanted to post here. I saw that when it was uploaded to DA but I didn't have time to post it, and by the time I got home I had forgotten exactly what it was I wanted to post. Just glad someone else found it because I probably never would have found it again.

That is awesome!👍


I've had this for a long while but I'm not sure if it's been posted in this thread. And YouTube normally messes up audio quality, but it really, really :censored:s up the bass.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it a little more, I'm fairly sure it was posted here, but it's awesome so it stays.
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Ponies in PlayStation HOME!

Storm the Stitchkin Pegasus.

Although not official, they sure look nice.

There's another Pegasus, Nimbus with yellow mane and light blue body. And two Unicorns. One with purple mane and violet body and the other has pastel tones.

I used a real camera, because if you choose the in-game camera, the pony will be placed back to the inventory.
It seems after they completed their epic battle (*snicker*), Sea Pony Lyra and Octo-Octavia have joined forces to emulate the underpants gnomes.

JJ's good with those jokes isn't he. Luna's face. :lol:

In really off topic news I've put a deposit on a motorbike and it's being delivered today. Hopefully on Friday (Thursday's a public holiday) I'll get the road worthy certificate on it and registered to my name. Then I'll have time to continue my discussions on ponies.
/Off topic

Here's a pony that conveniently shows my current situation.
*reads episode synopsis*


Are we sure they aren't just screwing with us? That's basically the first half of Building Bridges summed up in one sentence.

In really off topic news I've put a deposit on a motorbike and it's being delivered today. Hopefully on Friday (Thursday's a public holiday) I'll get the road worthy certificate on it and registered to my name. Then I'll have time to continue my discussions on ponies.

And that was the last we heard from Brando.
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*reads episode synopsis*


Are we sure they aren't just screwing with us?

I had an inkling that the description for that episode would be changed slightly. Now they've only gone and made it sound even more like Building Bridges. These coincidences just keep popping up.

And that was the last we heard from Brando.

Exactly what I was thinking.

We knew him well.
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So let me get this straight:

Comedy gold. Best fandom shout out ever seen. Adorable and funny and blah blah blah.

This, however:

Offensive and hateful and mean spirited and perpetuates stereotypes and blah blah blah.

What, pray tell, is the difference?
That's a question I had for about a minute or two. Then I realized the people who are complaining probably couldn't even answer it.

Anyway, on to more positive things:


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