The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
So, I watched SHED.MOV earlier on in the day, and found it utterly hilarious.

Seriously, you're a bunch of miserable curmudgeons if you didn't at least titter mildly at Fluttershy's song. 'Dem skeleton xylophones - it was almost like a Tim Burton movie...

That said, it was wholly disturbing and really rather vile, and I felt that Pinkie's final line in particular was major overkill, and fell way beyond the boundaries of sick humour; there's a point where even I stop thinking "****ING LOL" and start thinking "dude, that **** is just nasty".



Definitely better than any other racing game out there...

Somepony clearly hasn't played Wipeout 2048, OutRun 2SP or F-Zero GX. :P
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It was the Prom Night scene that did that for me. Probably cause I wouldn't actually laugh at something like that happening in real life, either.

Sure, I like seeing people knocked down a I'm not even much of a Fluttershy fan, and it really grated. Would have done if it were any other pony.
Seriously, you're a bunch of miserable curmudgeons if you didn't at least titter mildly at Fluttershy's song.

I honestly didn't during that particular scene (although I may have smirked a little earlier in the video). The Prom Night scene was just coarse though, and the rest of it didn't tickle my funny bone.

That short was more disturbing then funny, I still got a laugh out of it but i liked a lot better.

APPLE.MOV is still the best, and DRESS.MOV was alright I guess. Both better than SHED though.

Hold on, you're not a Brony?


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The only jokes from Shed.MOV were so unoriginal and overused that I didn't even smirk. I mean, I wasn't sitting there annoyed or disgusted. I just felt nothing at all.

That short was more disturbing then funny, I still got a laugh out of it but i liked a lot better.

Hello guy I just saw in another thread and didn't know was a brony apparently.
SHED.MOV's main problem was that it was a pathetically shallow parody, like Date Movie and those other crapboxes.

For example, remaking that horrible scene from Carrie shot for shot with Ponies doesn't suddenly make it funny.
Oh you, CMC. :lol:

That Dan VS FiM is great.

Poofy Pink Puff. :lol:

The creator of the tumblr also made an animation. You should watch it, it's on page 3.
Please stop reminding me of time wasted on movies like that.

It fills me with all kinds of regret.

Also, that gif I posted, I just realized it makes mysticalpha's muzzle design canon:

Oh yes I am :)

Welcome to the thread.

Also, just fair warning, we're mostly crazy.
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Awww how cute.

At the risk of posting the entire tumblr here I shall stop.

I really need to see this show. We don't get it over here.
I take it that you guys didn't find Duke Nukem Forever funny, either... :P


That had it's moments for me, though. I could play it again and still enjoy myself and the game for what it is, but it wasn't as funny as I was hoping it would be.


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Oh, I think I'll finally go an read the latest chapter of Beyond Ju...


Dammit Coffee!

Hm. Wonder if us GTP Bronies should submit GTPony...or Sebastian Vittles...driving an X2011 kart...

It would be the most OP kart ever created. I quite like the sound of that idea.
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Wow. And I thought the other movies mentioned were bad.:lol:

That cover is awesome, though. I'd probably definitely watch that if it stared Daring Do, though.

So I created an account on Pony Square this morning just to check it out, and there's a profile for Filly Twilight(From the person responsible for best tumblr). This just happened:

This was my reaction:

(Yeah, I sent the friend request and she's accepting all of them, but still....)
Then she shared this:


excuse me while I go grab my insulin.

Putting aside that whoever from Hasbro made that comic never watched Best Night Ever, I'm not a big fan of the idea of an alicorn other than the 2 we've already got.

Then again, it could just be Blueblood and whoever made that thing thought he was an alicorn. I mean, they have the same everything color. They're even wearing the same bow tie and neck...thingie.

And the same qt-mark.

Hm. Wonder if us GTP Bronies should submit GTPony...or Sebastian Vittles...driving an X2011 kart...

Oh, I think I'll finally go an read the latest chapter of Beyond Ju...
Dammit Coffee!

What did I do? D:

Also, my innocuous Email to Hasbro apparently found its way to their Global Brand Licensing and Publishing Director...


She said no. But I sent a reply Email with plan B. Here's hoping...
Mint, Are they hunting or trying to sleep?

Hunting, I reckon. First they strike their prey down with a chronic disease by using their extreme cuteness. Then they, uh... go in for the kill?

What did I do? D:

Also, my innocuous Email to Hasbro apparently found its way to their Global Brand Licensing and Publishing Director...


She said no. But I sent a reply Email with plan B. Here's hoping...

You just uploaded H&G part 2, and my reaction was perhaps a little over dramatic. That's actually the second time I've been meaning to read Beyond Judgement this week, but I ended up reading Ballad last night instead, and now your story updated just as I was planning to read something else.

No matter, I'll give your fic a look before reading Judgement tonight (seeing as I'll have time to do so, unlike last night).

And here's hoping you have more luck with plan B.
Nope, I just suggested the idea of myself and Lulu not actually making money off the sales, and doing it non-profit. Would essentially end up being the physical equivalent of the current digital distribution system I have.

I'm still trying to work out whether I actually am narcissistic or not. I seriously can't tell!

No but really, popularity is directly oppositional to quality. Just look at Bose and Apple products...

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