I... actually can't think of anything wrong with that. There are a few that I would change to something better (AJ as a Ram SRT-10, Luna as Phantom Corsair, Vinyl as a Kia Soul, please), but some of them are perfect ('Dat Gilda Trans Am).
oh, I have quite a few arguments with the selections, mostly because they were obviously picked by a European that doesn't know that Americans would scratch their heads in puzzlement at a good 95% of the selections and wonder what the bleep they are. I bet the 20 somethings nowadays wouldn't recognise a Lincon if it bit them in the butt (well, outside of car guys)
among other things:
Fluttershy should be the one in the Prius
why give flutters a Suzuki Samurai?
Pinkie in a European Market step van?
Rarity's parents are in too
NEW of vehicles, I'd say more seventies oriented, not 80's and 90's
where the BLEEP did someone find pics of a century old Olds Curve-dash?
the artist forgets that Americans don't know what an Opel is, anymore.
Why isn't Ocavia in an Octavia
i have NO argument with the selections for the Apples (except maybe put AB in an older first gen Ranger) and Derpy. a lot of the others are so Obscure it's ridiculous!
Oh, and Tia belongs in a Roller!