The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I went poking around Ponibooru and I saw a pic I did not anticipate seeing, if anyone wants to know, I will PM the number to you.

I'm not saying I didn't like it though....

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And if you want to see how the old version looks like, click HERE.

Excellent work Unit. I love young Star Fighter.

Just in case any of you came back to life:



So Cute. So this is what Molestia does when she's not molesting.

Really nice piece, this:
Also, a weak attempt on Coffee's life (because I'm such a nice guy):


And it's far later than I thought it was, so good night.

Very nice but I have 1 question, is that a cello or a double bass? :sly:
*eyebrow* am I the only one immune to cute?

besides, all that "not gonna move" comic did was make me go Pomf


personal favorite




These are amazing, instead of the source being posted at the bottom of each one, I'll just have it here and you can click from there.
what IS it with bronies hating Anthros? i hope you don't believe all that fetish crap from a decade ago, geeze.

(Sorry Akira)

Who is this "CoffeeGrunt"? He writes stories about Octavia and Vinyl in this tumblr universe? He sounds an awful lot like the Ice Cream Pony from some story I once read.
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Disregard Toro, recolour Dash to Star Fighter...


First coat of the coat:

It's patchy as hell, and I immediately regret choosing gloss over matte, but I'm gunna keep layering it until the coverage is silky smooth. Just needed to create something that wasn't text, for once.
You don't have any acrylic paint? It's just that gloss is not the type of paint I would consider using for the purpose of painting blind bag ponies, plus it's messy as hell.
Eh, I'm just doing it to distract myself for now. It's peaceful, and it was meant to be a practice anywho...

Yeah, I don't really know anything about different paints. It'll only be me that has it, anyway.
Make do with what you've got at your disposal, I guess. Honestly, gloss might actually be better than matte for this purpose (it contains too much pigment which would probably cause the finish to crack, plus gloss has a much better looking finish anyway). I've seen some people seal the acrylic with a satin and matte finish, but yeah, it's just practice.

And as I too have a blind bag Dashie, I would try and create a Daring Do recolour if I had the right selection of paints, but it's not the same without the hat, which would probably mean I'd have to buy some clay to sculpt it.

Aw, CoffeeGrunt, you have such wonderful fans!

Disregard Toro, recolour Dash to Star Fighter...

It's patchy as hell, and I immediately regret choosing gloss over matte, but I'm gunna keep layering it until the coverage is silky smooth. Just needed to create something that wasn't text, for once.

OMG! No way! I can believe that you decided to do something other than writing! But I can't believe that you sacrificed your figurine!
But I can't believe that you sacrificed your figurine!

It costs, like, £1.97. It shouldn't be too difficult to acquire another blind bag RD :P

Oh, and I suddenly find myself organising a weekly DiRT3 event (was not expecting that to happen). Well, wish me luck!


so, someone finally gave a scouce for the gryphonized ponies (and WHY won't anything recognise the "gryphon" spelling?)

btw...looks like coffee ain't the only one that might have found their special somepony *grins*

In addition to Sniffs, there's also at least....three people now, who bit the bullet an are in gay relationships as a result of my Journal...


Wow, it really does spread like a disease. xD
COFFEE! i've been out of the closet since before September 11th! i'm on boyfriend number 4 for pete's sake!
Wait, I worded that wrongly...

I didn't mean that Sniffs came out as a result of my Journal, just that other people did. Sorry, I boob'd...

Wait, this September 11th just gone? Kind of a funny day to pick, but oh well.