The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
And here it is, and with this, I become Tom's favorite non-show pony.
Sexy Twi.

Dear Celestia, please, may my parents never, ever, ever find this thread.
thank you.


That looks really cool Gtuned. 👍
If you guys didn't know already Gtuned and Unit-one are both in the voting for the next Premium giveaway incase you want to vote. (For some wildly unknown reason W&N is in the poll too)
I spent about half hour working on this:

16:10 version, since you can't just crop it like you could with the other one. Not the most amazing of editing, but what you gonna do?

Back to the topic at hand, it really is fantastic, GTuned. Thanks a lot. I may not like it quite as much as Tom does, but I do like it quite a bit.
16:10 version, since you can't just crop it like you could with the other one. Not the most amazing of editing, but what you gonna do?

Thanks for resizing that, and thanks to both you and Tom for helping me with my inability to understand the inner workings of Rainmeter.

Uh, right, ponies:


Would it be a good thing that I'm not scared of that?

In other news, screw exciting milestones. Not that 1188 is a bad number. It's one of "those" numbers.
That looks really cool Gtuned. 👍
If you guys didn't know already Gtuned and Unit-one are both in the voting for the next Premium giveaway incase you want to vote. (For some wildly unknown reason W&N is in the poll too)

I don't think that we have a chance to win. Bu hey, it's good to be there anyways. =)

GTuned, your work is awesome! I never told you that, but it's very impressive! Do you have a DeviantArt account?
Well, just passing by to tell you I finished with the pics. 42 this time, so I'll only post my favorites. You can see the full set here (Page 3 onwards).

Lyra NSX:

Sweetie Belle Copen:

Scootaloo AZ-1:

Applebloom Cappuccino:

Group shot (TGTT):

Dammit Toro!:

Japanese Supercar trio:

Random drift:


Hope you guys like them! :)👍
You know that it's Derpy when the watermark is upside down in the opposite corner. :lol: I think the front of a Morgan would suit Derpy quite well, but GT5 doesn't have them.
Oh, and This helmet:


Is best helmet. Because Celestia.

(Now, if there is a matching suit anywhere, I'd like to know...)

I can't see the helmet. Are you sure you're using the correct image URL?

EDIT: I can see the helmet now. No worries. It looks nice and I really do hope there is a matching helmet somewhere :drool: ...
I can't see the helmet. Are you sure you're using the correct image URL?

EDIT: I can see the helmet now. No worries. It looks nice and I really do hope there is a matching helmet somewhere :drool: ...


:lol: (I know what you mean)

And nice shots RaceDude. I especially like that Derpy one. (Because it was my car :lol:)

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