The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
So along with the amazing episode, and all the happenings in Driver San Fransisco, this was really, the best night ever.
Best Night Ever? Why didn't I think of dropping of that. But this indeed was the best day ever. Can't wait for Season 3.
Best episode ever! Best songs, best villain, best story progression!

Wub wub wub! And Vinyl has red eyes!

All I can say about that is yes, yes, yes, yes.... and hell yes!

This day Aria, that one...I freaking love it!

I even stopped listening to the Deus Ex soundtrack for it!

I like them all, but I like Love is in Bloom just a little bit more than the others. I mean, it already sounds like a remixed MLP track as it is.


So along with the amazing episode, and all the happenings in Driver San Fransisco, this was really, the best night ever.

Agreed. You, me, Tom, Brandon, and his brother, all ramming each other hard in San Fran-... oh, wait. That came out wrong. Cars, I meant.
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First, is best rape face:

And this is pretty awesome:

And now for some good 'ol fashion suicide:





I'm sorry Big Macintosh, but....Shining Armor is best big brother.

I've downloaded all the songs now... I have 35 in show songs! Now I want an official CD with just the same. I don't even like that pop sound in Love is in Bloom but those vocal melodies are beautiful and remind me of some of the Sheryl Crow my mum used to listen to (oddly enough). And it's a good nostalgic yet modern feel.
Oh yeah, Bon Bon. The multiple voices of Bon Bon. This:

Accidental foreshadowing?
The Dash has been doubled has been doubled. 200% cooler?


Rank 'Em Up (Oh Gawd the Language):
  1. Applejack. 95%
  2. The Great and POWERFUL Trixie. 94.5%
  3. Freaking Rainbow Dash! 92.5%
  4. Big Macintosh. 85%
  5. Twilight Sparkle. 80%

  1. Applejack: 100 BILLION MILLION%.
  2. Twilight Sparkle: 100 Billion%
  3. The Great and POWERFUL Trixie: 95%
  4. Celly: 92.5%
  5. Gilda: 90%

Honorable Mention because Tom made me feel bad:
Pinkie Pie: 89.99999999%

inb4 Akira Rarity spam.
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Ew, character rankings.

Aside from the ever present AJ at the top, the changes since season 2 began are pretty dramatic. I was also wondering where you ranked Trixie these days, and she's far higher up your list than I was expecting. I still find it hard to believe it's been more than 7 months since the season started, and how much has changed since then as well.



And I won't be making a list right now. I just don't have any definitive ranking for each pony, plus there are a few that I have no idea where to place on my list, like RD for example.



This actually happened, okay?
This is really the best episode ever not just for Season 2 but for the entire show!

Some spectacular scenes I've seen:

Vinyl Scratch cameo!

Party Cannon!

Twilight Turret Gun

The Songs:

This Day Aria

Reminds me of Disney movies

Love is in Bloom - Twilight Sparkle

Best. Song. Ever. IMO.

Wub wub wub! And Vinyl has red eyes!

The most important thing about the episode obviously. :lol:

You all know I loved the episode and nearly started crying because I was enjoying it so much, so I won't do a review.

Mint, I didn't know you liked Rarity too. I don't currently have a list for my top 5 but Rarity would definitely be between 1 and 3.

And sorry I left while playing Driver guys. My mum needed help getting some stuff from our shipping container and she chose me to help.


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