Best episode ever! Best songs, best villain, best story progression!
Wub wub wub! And Vinyl has red eyes!
This day Aria, that one...I freaking love it!
I even stopped listening to the Deus Ex soundtrack for it!
So along with the amazing episode, and all the happenings in Driver San Fransisco, this was really, the best night ever.
Rank 'Em Up (Oh Gawd the Language):
- Applejack. 95%
- The Great and POWERFUL Trixie. 94.5%
- Freaking Rainbow Dash! 92.5%
- Big Macintosh. 85%
- Twilight Sparkle. 80%
inb4 Akira Rarity spam.
BBB Sexy Sparkalight > BBB Sexy Dynamite.
Laser ponies!Twilight Turret Gun
And I won't be making a list right now. I just don't have any definitive ranking for each pony, plus there are a few that I have no idea where to place on my list, like RD for example.
This actually happened, okay?
Will watch the new episodes today with my sister. I wonder what will be her reaction to the "Brother Song"...
Wub wub wub! And Vinyl has red eyes!