The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Times like this that a lot of the pre-readers reveal themselves to be a bunch of nitpicky buggers.

Even though I asked Seth to remove me from the list...and he didn't. :|
I honestly don't know what my top five would be.
If I had to cobble together something now, I'd probably say.

1: Ranbo Das (Truly a twist worthy of M Night Shyamalan)
2: Octy (My taunting of MSTER clearly backfired here. Dat French maid.)
3: Loona (That humanized chess drawing is brilliant)
4: Appa Jak (AppaDas is best ship, y'all)
5: Pip Prolly Spitfire or sumthin. Maybe even Gilda.

Don't really think I can choose between all the artwork to pick one for each. Really brilliant year for art, but most of my choices will probably have been drawn by JJ anyway. Everypony is pretty damn equal though. Seriously. With the exception of RD it's hard for me to even order them.

(Dat New Year 2012. Dat Pegasus Party.)

This is probably my favourite piece of the year though.

Can't really compare to last year, as I didn't really focus on artwork or anything back then.
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Why is everyone putting out top 5's? I don't know, guess I better join in on it.

1: Applejack - Started as my favourite due to... Well every aspect of her, and I can relate to her... Though I'm not as hard working, I'm actually a bit lazy. :P
2: Sweetie Belle - As of recently I like Sweetie Belle. :lol: She's just adorable.
3: Twilight Sparkle - Just another that I can relate to. But isn't as amazing as Sweetie Belle or AJ (sorry, Minty).
4: Lyra - Just found her to be entertaining from what I see in the fandom. It's amazing what fans can do with just a background pony.
5. Derpy Hooves - I love how she tries to be useful but can't do things right. Sort of like Sweetie Belle helping Rarity. :lol: And she also shows that just because she is different she can still be accepted by society.

Eeeeyup. That should do the trick Trixie.
Why is everyone putting out top 5's? I don't know, guess I better join in on it.

1: Applejack - Started as my favourite due to... Well every aspect of her, and I can relate to her... Though I'm not as hard working, I'm actually a bit lazy. :P
2: Sweetie Belle - As of recently I like Sweetie Belle. :lol: She's just adorable.
3: Twilight Sparkle - Just another that I can relate to. But isn't as amazing as Sweetie Belle or AJ (sorry, Minty).
4: Lyra - Just found her to be entertaining from what I see in the fandom. It's amazing what fans can do with just a background pony.
5. Derpy Hooves - I love how she tries to be useful but can't do things right. Sort of like Sweetie Belle helping Rarity. :lol: And she also shows that just because she is different she can still be accepted by society.

Eeeeyup. That should do the trick Trixie.

Everyone would know what my Top 5 would be :lol: .
I had heard that going around a while ago, I had assumed it was trolling.

My theory of a feature length movie is gaining strength! Discord returning, shenanigans ensues.

Oh dear god Justin joined the thread, you're going to get corrupted jus, so... soo badly.
Anyways, May as well hop on the bandwagon
1. Zecora - Zebra? Check. Mohawk? Check. Speaks in rymhes? Check. Helps out all of ponyville after they treat her like the plague? check.
2. Fluttershy - Basically me minus the animal skills. And the singing. And the cute.
3. Applejack - Southern accent, hardworking, and just plain ol' amazing. There's a reason my truck is named AJ.
4. Twilight - She's so adorkable and awesome and smart.
5. Pinkie - Truth be told, didn't like her much in the first season, but during the 2nd, alot funnier.
Top 5 at current -

1, 2: Tie between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. I think it's mostly because I've been writing for both of them. Both also stepped up hugely in the show recently.
3: Spitfire. I didn't want to actually give her first as I simply don't know her all that well from the show, but fanon Spits is quite...interesting. That and the whole female fighter pilot thing.
4,5: Derpy and The Doctor. again, we don't know much about them in canon - okay, we know more about Derpy - but the fandom's done amazing things with these characters, and The Doctor even has had some interesting scenes in the latest episode. They're lots of fun to play where's waldo with.
Garrett: :lol: Why would you say that?


My Top 5

1. Fluttershy - She has definitely improved herself in Season 2. For example, in "Put Your Hooves Down", she learned to be assertive, and in "hurricane Fluttershy", she learned to not be shy on taking up challenges (sort of like me :indiff:).
2. Pinkie Pie - I just do. :D I mostly love her songs. SMILE SMILE SMILE! :D :D :D
3. Rainbow Dash - She learned not to think of fame over friends in "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" episode. That is somehow applicable to anyone from YouTube and here. Fame isn't everything.
4. Derpy Hooves - She was canonized! :D Until the iTunes version. :(
5. Unknown at the moment
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Jim Prower
Top 5 at current -
1, 2: Tie between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. I think it's mostly because I've been writing for both of them. Both also stepped up hugely in the show recently.
4. Twilight - She's so adorkable and awesome and smart.
3: Twilight Sparkle - Just another that I can relate to. But isn't as amazing as Sweetie Belle or AJ (sorry, Minty).

And then TopGearFTW was worst pony.

(sorry, Minty).

We all make mistakes.

I'm not sure what would make me come off worse. Twilight not being on my list at all, or the reason Twi isn't on the list being because I forgot about her.

I will probably be killed this night. >_>
My top 5 would be... I can't decide, and you can't make me. I'm not one for lists anyway, but all I know is that Fluttershy won't be anywhere near the top of it.






Forget helping big sis, because sleep is what's really important.

Oh, and can you imagine if Makkon ever made an interpretation of This Day Aria? That would be bloody amazing.
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My top 5 would be... I can't decide, and you can't make me. I'm not one for lists anyway, but all I know is that Fluttershy won't be anywhere near the top of it.



Forget helping big sis, because sleep is what's really important.

HNNNNNNNNG...... :crazy:
Saw this posted on the Bronies FB page,
For all you musicians out there, here's a little something for you! You know the B.B.B.F.F. song from yesterday's finale? There was actually a double meaning in the song:

The song is in the key of Db Major (just like Winter Wrap Up!) . That means that the root chord is a Db major chord. Usually, a Ab major chord will lead into a Db major. This is the V-I chord progression and it is also known as the...
...*Authentic Cadence!*

Now, it seems to resolve to a sadder chord at the end of the phrase. Instead of ending on Db major around 1:16 into the song, it lands on Bb minor: the relative minor of Db major. Now, when a chord progression seems to be heading to the root chord but lands on the relative minor instead, that is called a...
...*Deceptive Cadence!*

Daniel Ingram you crafty bastard.
Saw this posted on the Bronies FB page,

Daniel Ingram you crafty bastard.

Haha, that's awesome. I love those minor details that they use in the show. :D

EDIT: I'm guessing you guys have already heard this, but I'll post it anyway:

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Derp... (Bottom center)


This is the only scene I see her in with the "Derp" eyes. Trying to be polite with the eyes un-derped during the ceremonies? Perhaps.
Also apparently that brown-haired character you saw arguing before Cadence performed that love spell (during the flashback) is one of the lead designers ponyfied.

So much cool in this episode.

So this is what Mass murder looks like.
Much cuter than I had expecte-

Also, iTunes shuffle win. This Day Aria -> My Apocalypse
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Nearly a month on, and this pic is still hilarious:

Okay, why are you bringing this?

And you should have seen what Gravekeeper made... I wish that he will find time, strength, will and motivation to finish the drawing, because I already love it so much! (He showed it in the chat)