The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Good night, head hurts...
Space core is showing up a LOT in MLP works....
Possibly because of the ending. on the Moon. IN space.

and Luna's imprisonment. In Space.
I just gave that creator a try and I feel happy with the results.

The coloring on the wing isn't as smooth as I wanted, but since I'm going to work this into my avatar late I figure it won't be noticeable.

I've always loved the blue/white/black color combo.

EDIT: Forgot a cutie mark, but I'll fix that when I go to work it into my avatar.
I was listening to this with my eyes shut, and my head was immediately attacked with visions of Flutterguy and DJ P0n-3 performing this song. :crazy: :lol:

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What a fantastic day. Nearly all of the major fanfics that I read updated today.

First, I read the final chapter of Sunset and was shaking by the end of it. The I reread the last handful of paragraphs and realized something I missed, then I went from shaking to depressed. I explained this in greater detail earlier today, so I won't go over it here.

Then I read Chapter 10 of The Night That Never Ended and was shaking throughout it, and basically had an hour in a car to mull over what was going on (Brotip: Do NOT read chapters of two GrimDark fanfics in a row). My predictions for Chapter 11/opinions on Chapter 10 will be at the end of this post. Kinda sad about the lengthened update schedule, though I am glad to know that BronyCray has the story outline for the ending planned out.

Then I read the newest chapter of Progress (Luna vs. Television) on my phone when we arrived (it made me feel much better, though I will admit that throughout the day my mind kept going back to the ending of Sunset, which is something that I imagine is going to bother me until the author writes the Epilogue).

Then I discovered with joy that the newest chapter It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door was up (think of it as a story similar in scope and intensity to The Night That Never Ended, but considerably less dark and slightly more optimistic), and even more so when I read it and found that particular chapter very uplifting compared to... well, Sunset and The Night That Never Ended.

Then I checked back on ED an hour later and found another new chapter in Progress to read through, and laughed a few more times as well (not a lot of funny in this one, as it was more about setting up the next one; but a lot of callback to the last chapter, which I found hilarious).

Basically, Pinkie is alright. Pinkie's television, and most of Pinkie's house, is not. Luna was certainly very surprised, but that is what you get for watching the "Cupcakes: The Movie" at Pinkie's house when Pinkie is actually in the process of making (regular, not at all disgusting) cupcakes.

And, even better, a new chapter of The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle, which once again lived up to being one of the funniest damn things I've ever read. I ended up laughing so hard a couple of times that I had to leave the room I was in.

My favorite bit was when Dash was gleaming through the legal contract and catching every single bit of obtuse writing that was written into it, and changing it to simpler and more beneficial wording that is totally in the style of what Dash would say. When I saw the line "← Totally not cool- FIX IT!" and the description of how it was written, I basically laughed until I couldn't breathe anymore.

So, I got the depressing fics read first, and then I read a bunch of more uplifting ones the clear out the day. I'm sure the ending of Sunset is going to pop back into my mind and bother the crap out of me every time I have a moment to spare just like Chapter 8 of TNTNE did and Chapter 10 of TNTNE is now, but in the meantime I'm all smiles. I also found out today that PayPal had screwed up the payment of my 20% Cooler sweatshirt, so I had to reorder it. I used this as a flimsy pretext to spring for a khaki-colored Brony baseball cap from the same store while I was reordering, though, so its all good.

So, now, the important part. Where The Night That Never Ended is going to go from here.

I don't know. I really don't. My mind is swimming in possibilities, each one as likely as the next. This entire chapter defied each and every one of my expectations. Even worse, it did so in exactly the same way that Chapter 8 did in that it led my mind along only to brutally subvert my thought process at the worst time. BronyCray seems to think and write in much the same way that I do, and I'm all the worse for it.

Just like Rainbow Dash felt in-story, Applejack's confession to Rainbow Dash was something that I expected Applejack was thinking but never believed would be said. I didn't think that Applejack would come out and say that she was having difficulty trusting Rainbow Dash. I didn't think Applejack would admit that immediately deciding to execute Spitfire and Captain Dash was something that shouldn't have been done. And now I'm not sure what to think of Applejack.

I also didn't expect Twilight to ever find out about Fluttershy. I figured that Rainbow would take that to the grave. I did assume that Twilight, if she ever did find out, would take Fluttershy's side and lie to protect Dash, but I never really thought it would come up.

I didn't expect Captain Dash to go straight back to the Shadowbolts. I didn't expect Trixie to accelerate her move against Captain Dash as her pretext for launching the war on New Ponyville. I didn't expect either of those things to happen, and in hindsight I really should have because all of the pieces of the puzzle were right there.

And when Trixie started describing her plan...when I realized that Trixie's plan was perfectly, rationally and logically sound, I felt a dark pit gather at the bottom of my stomach. I have no belief that Captain Dash will die. But other than that that, I just don't know what to expect.
I felt angry... no, I was pissed, when Trixie said she was going to act as if Captain Dash killed Spitfire as part of her betrayal. My hands started shaking and my blood started to boil. And knowing that Trixie was trying to get the same effect out of the Captain, and knowing that she succeeded...

This chapter comes close to Chapter 8 in the "crap that bothers me and makes me think" department. And I imagine reading Sunset certainly didn't help.
Well, 🤬. As it turns out, my computer is set to go into "Sleep" mode after 30 minutes of inactivity, so my plans of coming home from work, grabbing my pony filled phone and heading off to my friends house are being postponed for the next hour or 2.

And then.

Haha, I knew you would cave eventually. Once you start watching, you can't stop getting more and more into it.


Exactly :lol:

Right, here's the first pony I created, it took me about 5 minutes to create the actual pony and 20 minutes to get the CM right:


I only made this because I thought the name would work well with a Mercedes-Benz based pony, but I actually like how it's turned out.

Looks awesome!;)

awesome! Can you please make the same using my OC? :dopey:

Hey,Is it weird our Bronies look kind of like brothers?Well except for the fact mine has a Horn so its an alicorn And hes a god..:lol:Well after getting mad about that double wear off some anger i'm gonna start watching the episodes again.By the way what episode ends season one?

....Crap double post!!(slaps self in face..)
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To be honest i didn't like My Little Pony at all till this series came out this one single series of them all caught my attention :P so i really want a season 2 too come out and i want to see how far this goes till they stop making them,
To be honest i didn't like My Little Pony at all till this series came out this one single series of them all caught my attention :P so i really want a season 2 too come out and i want to see how far this goes till they stop making them,
