The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I am seriously considering getting a custom vanity plate for my car that says something involving "Brony"

Seriously. In a world of Deadmau5, Ke$ha and 5oul on D!splay, that's hell of a n00bish mistake. The video as a whole was fantastic, though.
They did it on purpose so people would know that it was a reference.
I've just read "A terrible secret" and I think that how it's written would make a good episode.
It might ruin Dash as a character for people, being white haired instead of rainbow coloured.
And I've started on the Twilight Sparkles Mare Attorney stories, it's good so far. It's written in first person from Twilight's perspective. I've always wondered what she thought about things.
However having Celestia being the judge in Luna's case seems like a conflict of interest to me.
Both stories should be easy to find on ED if you want to read them.

Anyway it's late everypony so I'll see you tomorrow.
They did it on purpose so people would know that it was a reference.

I imagined that, but it's just that it sounds weird. (Besides, if you don't pay attention to that part, it sounds like pony). It's like if I said "One of my favorite songs is Fiveoul on DEE-splay", It just sounds weird.

Forget it, have these:




*Yawn!* Good morning everybrony!
Hey, you used red/black color combo too! :grumpy:
:idea:Nah, It's okay. Not bad for a first try too. Is this your final desighn? But what is story? Why he has a horn and wings? Only 2 ponies have them both, and they are Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Royal ponies who rise the moon and the sun. And they are thousands years old. So... you have 3 choices to choose from. Pegasus, Unicorn or a normal pony.

I want answers now!;)

I believe it's some kind of demon or semi-god. After all, the guy's watching some kind of exorcist anime business.
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Newest update of the Progress series is up. Last chapter was kind of weak, but that was before Abacus Fever gripped ED. The latest chapter is tagged... "Cupcakes," so I need to compose myself before I read it, because I'm sure I'm going to laugh myself hoarse at the in-jokes it is going to have.
I was right. I predicted the main joke and the punchline, and I still laughed my ass off the entire time.

I just hope Pinkie's house in insured.

Edit: Also, Sunset had a really fantastic final chapter with an unbelievably terrible ending. I hope the author does an epilogue or something, because it would be a shame to let that story go to waste.
I figured something out about the ending. See post 2505. Now I know why he ended it the way he did, and now I feel crappy for dumping on the ending in the comments.
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*Yawn!* Good morning everybrony!

Hey, you used red/black color combo too! :grumpy:
:idea:Nah, It's okay. Not bad for a first try too. Is this your final desighn? But what is story? Why he has a horn and wings? Only 2 ponies have them both, and they are Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Royal ponies who rise the moon and the sun. And they are thousands years old. So... you have 3 choices to choose from. Pegasus, Unicorn or a normal pony.

I want answers now!;)

Morning everyone! hmm whats this?Oh so you want to know what he is..Well i havnt came up with a story yet and hes not a demon,While in the process of making him i thought of making him like the god that controls volcanoes or something ,I am also watching Ao No Exorcist but i had not the slightest idea to make a pony of the demon category so there you have it!Oh an oops i called him a pegasus :scared:.
Yeah T-Rex412, he's not a Pegasus. A horse with both wings and a horn is called an Alicorn, so your pony should now be called 'Shade the Alicorn' rather that 'Shade the Pegasus' ;)

Edit: Also, Sunset had a really fantastic final chapter with an unbelievably terrible ending. I hope the author does an epilogue or something, because it would be a shame to let that story go to waste.
I figured something out about the ending. See post 2505. Now I know why he ended it the way he did, and now I feel crappy for dumping on the ending in the comments.

The picture above the story is kinda gruesome.
Is this about a war with Celestia?

Morning everyone! hmm whats this?Oh so you want to know what he is..Well i havnt came up with a story yet and hes not a demon,While in the process of making him i thought of making him like the god that controls volcanoes or something ,I am also watching Ao No Exorcist but i had not the slightest idea to make a pony of the demon category so there you have it!Oh an oops i called him a pegasus :scared:.

Sweet ;) seems like everyones liking my first try now i just gotta edit him up a bit and he'll be perfect!👍

I'd like to see an improved version. Also, if you don't mind. I want to try and make him myself =)

Oh crap. I just caught something in Sunset that made me realize the greater implications of the ending.

Now I feel bad.

grrr... where's my dictionary. implications...implications...implications
Wat iz dis word!? (6_9)

EDIT: Ah, I get it! False alarm!
Sure you can try to draw him Unit-One ,Im also about to edit him right now i just have to find the picture again:crazy:

Aie..i had the quote thing but it went away -_-
The picture above the story is kinda gruesome.
Is this about a war with Celestia?
Ultimately, yes. But most of the story is basically an alternate retelling of the events leading up to Episode 1/Episode 2 (including why Twilight is as powerful as she is, and why Celestia took her on as an apprentice), and the rest of it deals with the fallout that the new backstory causes. It is a very intense piece (almost of The Night That Never Ended proportions), albeit one that has occasionally clumsy writing.

It heavily revolves around the relationship between Twilight and Celestia, with the relationship between Luna and Celestia being the catalyst that ties all of the events together.

That picture is highly appropriate for the story as a whole, but is actually only directly related to the final chapter.
I'm not sure how long ago it went up, but Part 10 of TNTNE is up. I'm realizing this just in time for me to have to go to work

EDIT: Also, I just started up "Double Twist" which will automatically convert my videos files into the proper format for my new phone, and then load them onto it. In about an hour I will have 12 hours worth of pony on my phone. And that's not counting the music and fan-fics.

And I just realized I may not be able to finish because I forgot I've got work in about 50 minutes. And the reason I can't read part 10 now is because I've got stuff to do between now and then. I would try to finish the story, but I don't want to risk cutting myself off on the last few paragraphs.
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Ultimately, yes. But most of the story is basically an alternate retelling of the events leading up to Episode 1/Episode 2 (including why Twilight is as powerful as she is, and why Celestia took her on as an apprentice), and the rest of it deals with the fallout that the new backstory causes. It is a very intense piece (almost of The Night That Never Ended proportions), albeit one that has occasionally clumsy writing.

It heavily revolves around the relationship between Twilight and Celestia, with the relationship between Luna and Celestia being the catalyst that ties all of the events together.

That picture is highly appropriate for the story as a whole, but is actually only directly related to the final chapter.

I think I'll pass on this one.
WHAT!? Double post? oh come on!!
Sure you can try to draw him Unit-One ,Im also about to edit him right now i just have to find the picture again:crazy:

Aie..i had the quote thing but it went away -_-


Template with a background transparency, feel free to add details and a background of choice. Just remember to save it as .png.
^Exactly, I just don't have the time (or patience for that matter) to read multiple stories in quick succession.

Probably for the best. I'm about to read Chapter 10 of TNTNE, and I'm almost certain that reading it right after reading the final chapter of Sunset is a terrible idea.

I'll pass on that Sunset fanfic as well. I'm currently in the middle of reading a story which I'll finish soon, then I'll be moving onto TNTNE part 10.

Template with a background transparency, feel free to add details and a background of choice. Just remember to save it as .png.

Sweet thanks ,And umm i tried to fill in the stomach after outlining and it didnt work >.< so ill try it with this one thanks for the pic ;)
I take it something big happens in this one? Can't wait to read it for myself. I might actually wait until later tonight though, it just helps the atmosphere when I'm not in a brightly lit room.

Also, it's been 20 minutes since I started the syncing process with my phone. It's only 20% complete cooler. I think I may need to break out my watch that I haven't worn in a years when I go to work so my phone can sit here and finish syncing.
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episode 10 of TNTNE is awesome! I'm really wondering what happens next.

Then again I don't want to think about it. I want to be surprised.