*Yawn!* Good morning everybrony!
I got my picture of mine in probably bad for my first try 
Anyway here it is:
Hey, you used red/black color combo too!

:idea:Nah, It's okay. Not bad for a first try too. Is this your final desighn? But what is story? Why he has a horn and wings? Only 2 ponies have them both, and they are Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Royal ponies who rise the moon and the sun. And they are thousands years old. So... you have 3 choices to choose from. Pegasus, Unicorn or a normal pony.
I want answers now!
@T-rex412: I wonder, just for the lulz, what did your mother say when she knew you were using her laptop to see ponies?
My mom was like "-If it's good for you, and if it's not getting you in to trouble - do it."
She liked the animation too. =)
Sister was like "-whatis this? I don't want to watch this!... " Then she watched 26 episodes in 4 days, bursting in laughter when something funny happened. Now she has DJ P0N3 avatar in her MSN and "Desctop ponies" running around on her PC screen xD
I don't have a father...
If anyone wants to read a fic that is so well-written and in-character that it could pass for an episode of the show, here's one. I'm serious. They should turn that into a script for Season 3.
That's a good story! Feels like an episode from the show. 👍
I just read this line in Part 9 of The Night That Never Ended: "Rarity’s ears perked. “Lieutenant? Was that her rank in the Shadowbolts? How did you-?”"
I actually said outloud "Ho.ly....S:censored:" loud enough for my sister to hear in the other room. I haven't read past that, but damn, that is one of the most intense feelings of.....well, I'm not really sure how to describe this feeling.
EDIT: Oh wow, I actually misunderstood that for a second....at least....I think I did. For a second I thought my suspicions of the Captains identity were right and she somehow got into the safe-room, but it now appears I was wrong....I think.
That still might be whats happening, but this story is jumping all over the place now. It's screwing with my mind and I love it.
EDIT: AJ and Twilight just started trying to break open the door. When AJ said who she had found, I....well, lets just say my hands are actually shaking after that.
I feel like I get way to into these stories sometimes.
^Just glad I'm not the only one who takes this so seriously.
I've said worse, but never at 11:44 with my sister trying to sleep in the next room over. I can usually keep that in when I need to.
Also, completely done Part 9 now. I have never been so excited for anything before, let alone a single chapter to a story about ponies.
I'm going to sleep now, but this will give me something to dwell on at work to help pass the time.
I was thinking of compiling my favorite fan-fics in a couple months and then getting them printed into a book, and if I do, this will almost definitely be at the front of that book.
EDIT: I was actually kind of joking about the book thing, but after checking it out, I might actually do that. Getting a hardcover book with up to 800 pages would cost me at most $35
It would take some effort on my part considering I would have to format every page into a PDF, but copy pasting into word and then selection cutepdf as a print option would work.
And this now saved onto my phone as well, looking forward to reading it tomorrow.
"The Night that never ended" had a big impact on me too! I didn't say any words when Captain's true identity was revealed, but I did emit a weird noise xD
Does anypony here write their own fanfics? I'd like to see what some of you guys can write

I was thinking about doing one when I get some free time, but I feel I don't know some characters well enough to keep them acting like they would in the episodes
I tried yesterday, but I'm not good with words, especially English...👎
Seriously. In a world of Deadmau5, Ke$ha and 5oul on D!splay, that's hell of a n00bish mistake. The video as a whole was fantastic, though.
I think it was intentional. If they say "DJ Pony" it would be lees obvious.
They said DJ Pon-three (?) whitch sounds weird, but now everyone knows it has a 3 instead of E.
Besides DJ P0N3 is an unofficial name.
They could have pronounced like this too - Dee Jay Pzeroenthree!