The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Just pulled these out from boredom:


I still haven't read anymore of The Night That Never Ended, but I did just manage to get 2 fanfics onto my new phone.
I'll be able to read the rest of TNTNE right now, but at least this way I will be able to keep up with fanfics even while I'm not at home.
Also, someone should definitely Ponyfy the Android mascot, I would love to have that as my wallpaper. Or if you've seen one, please send me the link.
@T-rex412: I wonder, just for the lulz, what did your mother say when she knew you were using her laptop to see ponies?


If you want to know, my little brother was like this when he saw me watching the show:

@T-rex412: I wonder, just for the lulz, what did your mother say when she knew you were using her laptop to see ponies?


If you want to know, my little brother was like this when he saw me watching the show:


:lol:She dosnt know i watch it she dosnt even know i have an account on here :lol::scared:

And thats what my bro was like except when i asked if he wanted to stop he said yes and skipped to the end and said he hated it :lol:!
:lol:She dosnt know i watch it she dosnt even know i have an account on here :lol::scared:

And thats what my bro was like except when i asked if he wanted to stop he said yes and skipped to the end and said he hated it :lol:!

But:if she would see i was watching it shed say a little something like this:Are you turning into a young little girl again go to your room and dont watch this girly show so i can watch it!:lol:

But:if she would see i was watching it shed say a little something like this:Are you turning into a young little girl again go to your room and dont watch this girly show so i can watch it!:lol:

oops double post :scared:sorry it was an accident.
I was trying to edit my first post :dunce:

Whoever is responsible for that, just won 1 ns of free internet and a muffin...
Yay. I like muffins.

If anyone wants to read a fic that is so well-written and in-character that it could pass for an episode of the show, here's one. I'm serious. They should turn that into a script for Season 3.

Wait Wait Wha-!On episode 17 and rarity has a little sister too?! How many more of them have little sisters!
Only AJ and Rarity. Though, and this will probably make you spit-take, all three of the CMC first appeared in the first episode.
I just read this line in Part 9 of The Night That Never Ended: "Rarity’s ears perked. “Lieutenant? Was that her rank in the Shadowbolts? How did you-?”"

I actually said outloud "" loud enough for my sister to hear in the other room. I haven't read past that, but damn, that is one of the most intense feelings of.....well, I'm not really sure how to describe this feeling.

EDIT: Oh wow, I actually misunderstood that for a least....I think I did. For a second I thought my suspicions of the Captains identity were right and she somehow got into the safe-room, but it now appears I was wrong....I think.
That still might be whats happening, but this story is jumping all over the place now. It's screwing with my mind and I love it.

EDIT: AJ and Twilight just started trying to break open the door. When AJ said who she had found, I....well, lets just say my hands are actually shaking after that.
I feel like I get way to into these stories sometimes.
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And thats what my bro was like except when i asked if he wanted to stop he said yes and skipped to the end and said he hated it :lol:!

Too bad, he might be too young to understand the magic of friendship...

He'll fall for it, eventually... :sly:
I actually said outloud "" loud enough for my sister to hear in the other room. I haven't read past that, but damn, that is one of the most intense feelings of.....well, I'm not really sure how to describe this feeling.
I've said far worse things than that over the course of that fic, and every chapter since Chapter 6 has had me cursing like a sailor at least once per page.

And when you are done with Chapter 9, go back and reread the conversation between Dash and Twilight at about the halfway point with the knowledge you have from the ending in mind. I guarantee you will start swearing uncontrollably again.

EDIT: AJ and Twilight just started trying to break open the door. When AJ said who she had found, I....well, lets just say my hands are actually shaking after that.
I feel like I get way to into these stories sometimes.
When I read the ending to Chapter 8, I was basically dead to emotions for the next day and a half. It bothered me enough that my mother caught on that there was something wrong and kept asking what the problem was.
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^Just glad I'm not the only one who takes this so seriously.

I've said worse, but never at 11:44 with my sister trying to sleep in the next room over. I can usually keep that in when I need to.

Also, completely done Part 9 now. I have never been so excited for anything before, let alone a single chapter to a story about ponies.
I'm going to sleep now, but this will give me something to dwell on at work to help pass the time.

I was thinking of compiling my favorite fan-fics in a couple months and then getting them printed into a book, and if I do, this will almost definitely be at the front of that book.

EDIT: I was actually kind of joking about the book thing, but after checking it out, I might actually do that. Getting a hardcover book with up to 800 pages would cost me at most $35
It would take some effort on my part considering I would have to format every page into a PDF, but copy pasting into word and then selection cutepdf as a print option would work.

If anyone wants to read a fic that is so well-written and in-character that it could pass for an episode of the show, here's one. I'm serious. They should turn that into a script for Season 3.

And this now saved onto my phone as well, looking forward to reading it tomorrow.
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^Thinking about it, I've never been able to write anything I can't at least kind of relate to in physical form, I've just always had a hard time putting myself into a situation where there are no humans.

Closest I've ever come to writing a fan-fic was a modern day take on How To Train Your Dragon, but I never actually went through with that.

I'll try to think of something while I'm at work tomorrow, and if I do, I'll try to make it into a story.

EDIT: Just thought of something, I may end up doing something involving the dragon from HTTYD, and a human character in Equestria. Just don't expect me to actually make anything, because I may or may not be able to put together a good story out of this idea. Maybe, just maybe.

And I'm off to bed for the night.

And in case your wondering, I do enjoy using this .gif
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Does anypony here write their own fanfics? I'd like to see what some of you guys can write :) I was thinking about doing one when I get some free time, but I feel I don't know some characters well enough to keep them acting like they would in the episodes :(

Well i do but i've never wrote them on here and they were never about ponies :P i guess i could try to make one.

Seriously. In a world of Deadmau5, Ke$ha and 5oul on D!splay, that's hell of a n00bish mistake. The video as a whole was fantastic, though.

*Yawn!* Good morning everybrony!

I got my picture of mine in probably bad for my first try :dunce::scared: Anyway here it is:


Hey, you used red/black color combo too! :grumpy:
:idea:Nah, It's okay. Not bad for a first try too. Is this your final desighn? But what is story? Why he has a horn and wings? Only 2 ponies have them both, and they are Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Royal ponies who rise the moon and the sun. And they are thousands years old. So... you have 3 choices to choose from. Pegasus, Unicorn or a normal pony.

I want answers now!;)

@T-rex412: I wonder, just for the lulz, what did your mother say when she knew you were using her laptop to see ponies?


My mom was like "-If it's good for you, and if it's not getting you in to trouble - do it."
She liked the animation too. =)

Sister was like "-whatis this? I don't want to watch this!... " Then she watched 26 episodes in 4 days, bursting in laughter when something funny happened. Now she has DJ P0N3 avatar in her MSN and "Desctop ponies" running around on her PC screen xD

I don't have a father...

If anyone wants to read a fic that is so well-written and in-character that it could pass for an episode of the show, here's one. I'm serious. They should turn that into a script for Season 3.
That's a good story! Feels like an episode from the show. 👍

I just read this line in Part 9 of The Night That Never Ended: "Rarity’s ears perked. “Lieutenant? Was that her rank in the Shadowbolts? How did you-?”"

I actually said outloud "" loud enough for my sister to hear in the other room. I haven't read past that, but damn, that is one of the most intense feelings of.....well, I'm not really sure how to describe this feeling.

EDIT: Oh wow, I actually misunderstood that for a least....I think I did. For a second I thought my suspicions of the Captains identity were right and she somehow got into the safe-room, but it now appears I was wrong....I think.
That still might be whats happening, but this story is jumping all over the place now. It's screwing with my mind and I love it.

EDIT: AJ and Twilight just started trying to break open the door. When AJ said who she had found, I....well, lets just say my hands are actually shaking after that.
I feel like I get way to into these stories sometimes.

^Just glad I'm not the only one who takes this so seriously.

I've said worse, but never at 11:44 with my sister trying to sleep in the next room over. I can usually keep that in when I need to.

Also, completely done Part 9 now. I have never been so excited for anything before, let alone a single chapter to a story about ponies.
I'm going to sleep now, but this will give me something to dwell on at work to help pass the time.

I was thinking of compiling my favorite fan-fics in a couple months and then getting them printed into a book, and if I do, this will almost definitely be at the front of that book.

EDIT: I was actually kind of joking about the book thing, but after checking it out, I might actually do that. Getting a hardcover book with up to 800 pages would cost me at most $35
It would take some effort on my part considering I would have to format every page into a PDF, but copy pasting into word and then selection cutepdf as a print option would work.

And this now saved onto my phone as well, looking forward to reading it tomorrow.
"The Night that never ended" had a big impact on me too! I didn't say any words when Captain's true identity was revealed, but I did emit a weird noise xD

Does anypony here write their own fanfics? I'd like to see what some of you guys can write :) I was thinking about doing one when I get some free time, but I feel I don't know some characters well enough to keep them acting like they would in the episodes :(
I tried yesterday, but I'm not good with words, especially English...👎


Seriously. In a world of Deadmau5, Ke$ha and 5oul on D!splay, that's hell of a n00bish mistake. The video as a whole was fantastic, though.

I think it was intentional. If they say "DJ Pony" it would be lees obvious.
They said DJ Pon-three (?) whitch sounds weird, but now everyone knows it has a 3 instead of E.
Besides DJ P0N3 is an unofficial name.
They could have pronounced like this too - Dee Jay Pzeroenthree!
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I'm good at writing, but I've never tired writing fan fiction. (Unless you count GT race stories as fan fiction.)
I'm good at writing, but I've never tired writing fan fiction. (Unless you count GT race stories as fan fiction.)

Yes I do.
Please write a pony one until you get your PS3 and can start working on your race story again. :D
You know how absurd that would be, right?

Yet Another Pony Story; where Twilight Sparkle gets possessed by David Johnson.