The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I watched 15 minutes of that terrible Garfield movie to see that commercial.

And it was totally worth it.

Edit: U.S. Air Force testing new, 20% Cooler fighter jet:

O-O I think the star fighter one looks awesome!

PS:How do you guys find and make all these awesome pictures?!

Thanks. That's my character. I want to write a fan-fic, but I'm not good with words, especially English =)

I used this Pony Creator + MS Paint to add details.

Awesome pictures can be found in out Club. Also on

I watched 15 minutes of that terrible Garfield movie to see that commercial.

And it was totally worth it.

What commercial?

\*F-22 Raptor doing a "SonicRainboom"*

That's super!
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What commercial?

The "Equestria Girls" one.

I watched 15 minutes of that terrible Garfield movie to see that commercial.

And it was totally worth it.

If only we had The Hub in the UK so I could get to see that 'Equestria Girls' advert on TV, all we got here was the Champions League Final (Which Man United lost :ouch:).

I've created my own Pony using that creator recently which I might upload soon. Also, if anyone else is interested in making their own Pony using the creator and they feel like adding it to the Picasa album, I reckon a new folder should be created for such images, but only if the number of images reaches a certain amount.
What could you possible do to her laptop by using paint?

Has anypony out there read "Trouble comes in threes"?
It's a comedy and the first fanfic I've started to read (1 chapter so far) so I think it's okay, but what are your opinions?

You can find it here.
You could also use the "Snipping tool". It allows you to take a capture of any part of your screen, highlight something if you want and save it in the same window.
Though I don't know what could be so wrong with the old "Print screen+Paint" combo.
What could you possible do to her laptop by using paint?

Has anypony out there read "Trouble comes in threes"?
It's a comedy and the first fanfic I've started to read (1 chapter so far) so I think it's okay, but what are your opinions?

You can find it here.
:lol: That's why I used to consult the dictionary for that kind of words!
I think this show actually managed to save my social life. As ironic as that sounds, it's true.

Random deep moment;

I use to be extremely shy, I mean more shy than Fluttershy. I mean shy as in problematically so; even if something really important needed to be said, I would ussually just lock up and say nothing at all. I mean I could rarely get out the occasional "Hello", or "Thanks" to someone I didn't know personally. But after I watched this show, I started talking about it with my close friends, and then I started talking about it with acquaintances, and after a while I just started to feel comfortable talking to people I hardly knew, and then I started noticing that when I tried to speek, what came out wasn't a muffled random noise that could barely be considered a word, now I speak clearly and calmly to people I've never seen before. I mean, I really had a problem, a problem that could have caused me to spend the rest of my life living almost entirely alone other than my group of 3 friends, but after watching this show, and interacting with a community as awesome as this, I've managed to get over my shyness.

A few weeks ago, I never thought a TV show could help me, hell, I didn't even think professional help would have been any good. But for some reason, this show just made something click, and now I'm way more outgoing than I ever have been.

/deep moment

And no, I'm not exaggerating any of that.
Well I've finished reading the chapters that are available, and while I don't think it's the best written story out there, (Applejack just disappears at one point, instead of acknowledging that she left Raritys house) I'm enjoying it.

It's rather short so I recommend it if you don't have much time to spend reading fanfics.
Good for you! 👍 This show has too many lessons to give us...

Even the development of the episodes sometimes leaves teachings not implied in the moral of the episode.

^Yeah, most important lesson - look at your fears, they may be funny.
^Yeah, most important lesson - look at your fears, they may be funny.

That and: "If life sucks, do something about it, preferably something you may laugh of later" Also: "If someone is poking at you, play stupid, it always works" (It really does, I've done that twice since that episode)
Newest update of the Progress series is up. Last chapter was kind of weak, but that was before Abacus Fever gripped ED. The latest chapter is tagged... "Cupcakes," so I need to compose myself before I read it, because I'm sure I'm going to laugh myself hoarse at the in-jokes it is going to have.

I don't get it. Why wait for it to watch on TV, when you can watch it non stop here?
Because of the ambiance. I had to watch it as a commercial on the channel to be there when they actually played it the first time. Needed to feel the awesome. Needed to take in the experience.

Think of it like watching Christmas specials on DVD in the middle of June versus watching them on normal television in December.
That and: "If life sucks, do something about it, preferably something you may laugh of later" Also: "If someone is poking at you, play stupid, it always works" (It really does, I've done that twice since that episode)

What episode was that from? :confused: I've seen them all but I don't remember this.
What episode was that from? :confused: I've seen them all but I don't remember this.

Griffon Brush-off. Can't remember the number, but that should do it. Pinkie responded at Gilda by acting as she never did anything. Even if she didn't pull any pranks on Gilda, it works. Rarity also did something like that in the "A dog and a Pony show" episode.
I could only think of A Dog and Pony Show and that didn't seem like the right episode.
I need to watch Griffon the brush-off again, I didn't like it the first time I saw it, I might like it now.
^Not bad for a first try, especially if you aren't familiar with the tools in paint.
Although, I noticed you just colored the chest area with a normal brush.
For that, you should trace a red line around where you want the red part, and then use to "Fill Tool"(picture of a paint bucket) to fill it in. Same goes for the flank.