The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard


:lol::lol::lol: Who ever heard of pony Barbecue?Hmm she seems to be too flammable..
^couple more like that;


Only with less actual pony, but still, I laughed at these.

I laughed so uncontrollably at this that I almost fell out of my chair, and I have no idea why. Even if it weren't a YouTube caption fail, I would have laughed.
Whoever found this, I thank you.

EDIT: Damn, it's 1:16
Alright, I'm done for the night;

I laughed so uncontrollably at this that I almost fell out of my chair, and I have no idea why. Even if it weren't a YouTube caption fail, I would have laughed.
Whoever found this, I thank you.
I found a big source of them and grabbed as many as I liked (which turned out to be over a hundred). By the time I was done I was laughing so hard that my throat hurt.

This is the one that I absolutely lost it on:

Hello pony lovers in this thread,I have recently seen my little pony and i love it but it will not make me want to watch it all the time without stopping or switching my avatar on GtPlanet.Anyway i wanted to announce i like it
,I also can't believe that you guys are putting one of my favorite things(sonic)together with my little pony videos Well after all my long typing i am done.

Hey, no worries. 👍

Even if you don't change your avatar or put something in your signature, or whatever it maybe, it doesn't mean you're not a brony or hate the stuff. Just remember, love and tolerate always. Besides, like it says on the disclaimer below the first post, it's entirely up to you to decide on what you think of all of this.

And again, welcome to the herd.

I just had a look at the youtube captions gallery.

How come nobody posted this here yet? :lol:


I shouldn't be laughing. :lol:
Post Questioning The Logic of A Little Girl's Show About Ponies:

In Suited for Success it is directly implied that the reason that they were able to get Rarity's original dresses redone for the second fashion show so fast is because Fluttershy is very skilled at sewing. How is Fluttershy very skilled at sewing?

Remember when I said she was almost a Parody of a Mary Sue at times?

There you go. I've noticed that she just happens to be inexplicably good at many strange things. XD
Of the thousand things that I really don't need to happen, this is one:


Ahh!Not pinkie pie combined with nyan cat!!!That will be total chaos!:lol:

I just had a look at the youtube captions gallery.

How come nobody posted this here yet? :lol:


I shouldn't be laughing. :lol:

Wait wha-?Is spike doing the holocaust!:lol:

And im not gonna stay on here any longer right now my laptops about to die,So bye till i use my other one!

So between that, this;

and this;

I think we can go ahead and confirm that this show as a whole is indeed the single most adorable thing on the planet.

It's already been confirmed that it's incredibly adorable, but at this point I think it holds the record.

I have never seen anything that made me laugh like this while still being able to make me go "'s so adorable". I know it's been said before, but I'll say it again, Hasbro, Lauren Faust, and the entire rest of the production staff for this show are amazing and deserve awards for this.
Hello pony lovers in this thread,I have recently seen my little pony and i love it but it will not make me want to watch it all the time without stopping or switching my avatar on GtPlanet.Anyway i wanted to announce i like it
,I also can't believe that you guys are putting one of my favorite things(sonic)together with my little pony videos Well after all my long typing i am done.


*Brohoofs so epically that smashes screen*

The best part is that it did happen. Now I have a huge crack in my laptop's monitor. Good thing only the outer edges got those green, dirty stains that broken LCD's get. Anyone know where can I get a replacement screen for a Compaq Presario CQ62?
Who posted that most recent comic in the gallery? I'd like to see it in full size but I can't get it to load. Anyone have the original source?

Edit: And whose is this?

Sorry, I've been away for the past 24 hours so I haven't been able to respond. I uploaded both the comic and the image of that, er, MLP shrine (I don't know who made that shrine though).

Here's the full size image of that unreadable frame from the comic. I found it absurd yet funny:



Jeremy Hoofson? Richard Hammoats? James Hay?


Also...Looks like Pemmy (femmegasm) has been at it again, looking at the post above...
I need to learn to exercise some self-control. I assume it won't be as bad once I start back to work in two weeks, but its getting to the point where I see a fan fic, acknowledge completely that I shouldn't read it because I know it will bother me based on the synopsis alone, then read it anyways and spend the rest of the afternoon shaking.
The best part is that it did happen. Now I have a huge crack in my laptop's monitor. Good thing only the outer edges got those green, dirty stains that broken LCD's get. Anyone know where can I get a replacement screen for a Compaq Presario CQ62?

I can see it now...
Racedude sees a BroHoof picture, then nanoseconds later slams his hoof at the screen with a happy smile. Then realises that his liquid crystal display sprung a leak xD
I hope it won't get worse!


Jeremy Hoofson? Richard Hammoats? James Hay?

That is so awesome! *Saved*

Sounds like I need to finish mine, then, Toro.

Yes, please =)

Anyways, anyone want a Dash Drive?

Someone set up a shop for them. Thinking about a 32 or 64GB one, but I'm still mulling it over.[/color][/b][/font]

Wow, nice! I'll order one! Choosing a color combo will be hard.