The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Madmax is some kind of ridiculous comic machine. I have no idea how she does it. Twilight as a Soul Reaper is very awesome indeed.

Also, some news about when the Equestria Girls extended version will first air on TV:

The full music video will premiere on The Hub during the first commercial break of the Garfield movie at 5pm ET. It will run on our air in regular rotation from that point forward. We will be playing two back to back episodes of MLP on Saturday 5/28 as part of our Summer Preview, and double episodes of Pony on Saturday mornings all summer long! We hope all our fast-fine-fierce "pony-fabulous" friends tune in!


Also, real life Sonic Rainboom.

We clearly all died on the 21st. Clearly. As I said in the comments, watch as millions of people watch Garfield for the first commercial, then simultaneously change to something else before it is over.
By the way, today was a great and sunny day. I saw a rainbow colored smudge next to the sun. Must be volcanic ash.

By the way, today was a great and sunny day. I saw a rainbow colored smudge next to the sun. Must be Rainbow Dash.


Also, real life Sonic Rainboom.

We clearly all died on the 21st. Clearly. As I said in the comments, watch as millions of people watch Garfield for the first commercial, then simultaneously change to something else before it is over.

So I wasn't seeing things today! Awesome1
Multi-colored (G4) ponies are the best that could happen to this world.


No, I neither have idea why would someone make such a huge GIF.
So, how much does Hasbro love us? Just went to set things up to tape that horrible Garfield movie tomorrow, and I noticed what episodes actually are in the rotation for the back-to-back thing.

Winter Wrap Up.
Suited for Success.

A.K.A. Two of the most loved episodes of Season One. A.K.A. The two episodes with extended musical numbers. A.K.A. Awesome.
Just saw Pinkie's extended remix (you people move too fast for someone who works eight hours a day!)

Best. Day. Ever.

Tali' Zora nar Rayya vas Normandy; Can anyone think of a way to ponyfy that name as well?
And Spike thought "Twilight Sparkle" was a hard name to work with.

And I actually knew her full name off the top of my head. I love the game that much.

Oh, and heres another really well done trailer;

And another one;

The person who made those 2 is a genius. They've got a bunch of them on their channel.
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I shouldn't be laughing. I REAAALLLY shouldn't be laughing...



Oh, look, now there's two angry Twilights... or...wait...
Oh boy. No The Night That Never Ended yet, but it appears the newest chapter in the Psychological series is up. Better get some tissues.
Oh boy. No The Night That Never Ended yet, but it appears the newest chapter in the Psychological series is up. Better get some tissues.

Question here is, will you lend me some? I have some stupid cold and I'm all out of tissues. :banghead:

Use TP?

That one wasn't sad like the one with Fluttershy and Dash were (even though I expected it to be), but good lord. Dat Ending. The next chapter is going to either be the most epic shark jump in history, or it is going to be a satisfying conclusion. There will be no middle ground.
^ I like the slightly modified version in the gallery more. Makes the implication in the last panel more obvious.

Is it just me, or does MLP Sonic look a LOT like a Pokemon?
I should post that on TSS and watch the MLP thread there explode.

Who posted that most recent comic in the gallery? I'd like to see it in full size but I can't get it to load. Anyone have the original source?

Edit: And whose is this?
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Hello pony lovers in this thread,I have recently seen my little pony and i love it but it will not make me want to watch it all the time without stopping or switching my avatar on GtPlanet.Anyway i wanted to announce i like it
,I also can't believe that you guys are putting one of my favorite things(sonic)together with my little pony videos Well after all my long typing i am done.
^ I like the slightly modified version in the gallery more. Makes the implication in the last panel more obvious.

I should post that on TSS and watch the MLP thread there explode.

Who posted that most recent comic in the gallery? I'd like to see it in full size but I can't get it to load. Anyone have the original source?

Not sure on original source, but I didn't post it, I just downloaded it to take a look. Pretty funny, but it's a big'n though so I'm not surprised things get weird when you try to view full size.

EDIT: Also, just because I feel like changing things up, and I've noticed a few people doing it, I might just choose a color for the text in my posts. Just not sure what one though.Maybe "Navy"?
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Now I feel like a moron. I completely forgot that you could download the photos.

Edit: Oh go that's awesome. Should have been formatted some other way, though.
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Watching My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Episode 8,And it seems as though they purposely made Twilight rather How do i put it...Less smarter than usual on the episode..
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Watching My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Episode 8,And it seems as though they purposely made Twilight rather How do i put it...Less smarter than usual on the episode..

My favorite part was where she says that there's nothing in the book about dealing with trees in your window. :lol:
Post Questioning The Logic of A Little Girl's Show About Ponies:

In Suited for Success it is directly implied that the reason that they were able to get Rarity's original dresses redone for the second fashion show so fast is because Fluttershy is very skilled at sewing. How is Fluttershy very skilled at sewing?

But I'm reading The Night That Never Ended: Part 7, and this line:
"At the tree, Twilight finished mentally. Since she threw him at the tree. The tree that collapsed across the path. Oh, Celestia!".

I have never shed a tear while reading a story before this moment. I wasn't flat out bawling, but I will admit to shedding a tear. The delivery of that was just fantastic, the fact that it doesn't just tell you what happened, and you have to figure that out on your own just made it feel the stronger than most stories I've read where it spells everything out.
I figured I would say possible spoilers because if you know what that quote means you've probably already read that part.

Anyway, I just stopped after that paragraph to say what I think, and I really, really hope I'm wrong and the story mislead me intentionally. EDIT: Damn :(

EDIT: Finished part 7, this story just keeps getting more and more amazing with each paragraph.
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