The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Is it me, or there it sounds like if somebody is actually singing, unlike Katy Perry's? That and the fact that there are no dying gummy bears or cream-shooting suits make this video awesome.


Pinkie Pie > Katy Perry

Is it me, or there it sounds like if somebody is actually singing, unlike Katy Perry's? That and the fact that there are no dying gummy bears or cream-shooting suits make this video awesome.


Pinkie Pie > Katy Perry



Racedude, is that you?
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The shout out t the Bronies and "Break it down, DJ Pon-3" make that video officially the greatest thing in the world besides the show itself.

I knew they were happy with the fanbase and how much attention the show is getting, but the fact they're making this stuff is just awesome. It's amazing to see how much they care about their fanbase.
*LANGUAGE WARNING!* Seriously, I can't stress this point enough in reference to this video which contains more than 24 minutes of MLP parodies:

PONIES The Anthology

EDIT: Lost connection as I was making this post, the link should work fine now.
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Must watch exclusive stuff here for Bronies nao! *aaaa* (not a joke!)

*Mind blown away! I need a medic!!!*
More information here.


Suffice to say, my jaw hit the floor and stayed there.

My mind has officially been blown. To the moon.
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I've noticed sort of a pattern in some of these fan fics. An awful lot of them (including, now that I think about it, The Night That Never Ended) seem to start along the lines of:

1. Twilight practicing group teleportation spells.

2. ?????

3. Terrible things happen.

Also, I found the fic I was talking about yesterday. unit-one was right: It is a Heavy Rain adaptation, and it is on ED under the name "Pony Rain" (I won't link to it for obvious reasons).

Edit: OMIGOD Season 2 information here.

They updated it with an extended version. Now you can derp longer, lol.

I've noticed sort of a pattern in some of these fan fics. An awful lot of them (including, now that I think about it, The Night That Never Ended) seem to start along the lines of:

1. Twilight practicing group teleportation spells.

2. ?????

3. Terrible things happen.

Also, I found the fic I was talking about yesterday. unit-one was right: It is a Heavy Rain adaptation, and it is on ED under the name "Pony Rain" (I won't link to it for obvious reasons).

Yay, I was right!
Also, fan-fic authors read other fan-fics, so if they find something interesting, they use it in theirs. game developers, yeah.
I'm not saying it isn't a useful plot device (I mean, teleportation gone wrong is frequently used for science fiction stories ranging from Doom to Half Life), or that it is bad. Just interesting, is all. And now that I've noticed it, I can't un-notice it.
Yeah, that's interesting. It's kinda easy to write a story once teleportation gone wrong =)
You just have to be really good with words!

When's Part 9 will be up? Do you know?
Hey, i found lyrics to the Equestria Girls song.

There is a place
where the grass is what's for dinner
Charmed, fun, and wild
There must be something in the water

Sipping rainbow juice
Talkin' Elements of Harmony
Our bronies hang out too (C'mon bronies)
Cause they know we're awesome fillies (C'mon everypony)
You could travel the world (You could travel the world)
But no one can groove like the girls with the hooves
Once you party with ponies (Party with ponies)
You'll be seeing rainbooms

Equestria girls (Equestria)
We're kind of magical
Boots on hooves
Bikinis on top
Furry colts so cute
We'll blow your mind

Equestria girls (Equestria)
We're pony-fabulous
Fast, fine, fierce
We trot til we drop
Cutie marks represent (Cutie marks)
Now put your hooves up (Get your hooves in the air)

(Break it down, DJ-Pon3
These are the ponies I love the most
I wish you could all be Equestria girls)

I can't imagine what Season2 will bring.
One thing I love about the "Equestria girls" promo is the mention of bronies, and DJ-P0n3.


This inspires me to make cupcakes for all of you guys.
I'm consuming muffins. Can't find cupcakes here... :grumpy:


How random is that?

By the way, today was a great and sunny day. I saw a rainbow colored smudge next to the sun. Must be volcanic ash.
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You guys get cooler keychains than us Collector's Edition owners. :(

Not to mention the SLS 1:18 scale model is more appealing than the GTR Spec-V model we get.

Anyway... Panty/Stocking crossover. :sly:
^ Nice one, Racedude!

GT5 Signature edition costed me a fortune xD
Too bad that SLS is not in the game.
The key chain easily gets scratched, so I just look at it. And attach it to the DFGT steering wheels bolt when I use it.
And the memory stick uses 2 USB slots due to it's huge size xD

Speaking of PSG. Who else watched that show before MLP? Hah, that was a crazy cartoon. All those English words *rolls*
That equestrian girls song is stuck in my head and repeats over and over again. And I'm loving it. I just hope I don't accidently start signing out loud.

Also, I'm at work and they have free cupcakes in the break room today :P

Now I just need to print a picture of Pinkie and put it next to them. I doubt anyone here would understand, but it'd be funny to me.
Too bad I don't have access to a computer here or I actually would do that.

EDIT: Also ill be able to finish parts 6, 7, & 8 of "The Night That Never Ended" when I get home. First time I've had more than an hour to myself since I finished part 5 a couple days ago.