The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
^^^And I now have a new idea for a wallpaper for my PS3.

Also, my Mug is here :)
Remember everybody, the fan interview of Daniel Ingram should be taking place in about 20 minutes or so (assuming my time zone math is accurate) an hour, because my math was wrong.

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Wow. This page is full of EEEEEEEEEEE! FC has fanart already, and then the Pinkie Pie set-up with the TV...

EDIT: Make that LAST Page.
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Step 1:
Interview someone known for creating the music for FiM.

Step 2:
Interview him (mostly) about creating the music for FiM.

Step 3:
Play SONIC MUSIC in the background.

Step 4:

Step 5:

Good interview though, even if there were a couple of audio drops towards the end.
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This might sound a bit off topic but,everyone,absolutely everyone is creating fan art with pony theme,is this right,I have seen a lot of really good designs but passing by deviantART I found stuff that you might not what to know.

Is this right,I don't want to see the pony get burn out like many other stuff that become silly (like star wars).
This might sound a bit off topic but,everyone,absolutely everyone is creating fan art with pony theme,is this right,I have seen a lot of really good designs but passing by deviantART I found stuff that you might not what to know.

Is this right,I don't want to see the pony get burn out like many other stuff that become silly (like star wars).

I try not to look at inappropriate stuff. It's sad to see what some people draw. Makes me puke.
I just saw the humanized Cupcakes pics.

My face when...

Stuff like that...hell no.

But disregarding the disgusting stuff, I have reason to believe the community will survive until next season. There are a number of people who are really enthusiastic about ponies. Look at all the fanfics, fan art, and fan videos popping all over the place. Sure it's parodies a ton of stuff, but that's why it's awesome. It works. Plus, one thing I definitely love about the fanbase is the rule "Love & tolerate all". There are never or rarely any arguments amongst us. We've all very open-minded about stuff (usually). Hateful people could learn from this.
Eh, I'm in so many controversial fandoms (Sonic, Star Fox, etc.) that I'm more or less calloused to it and don't really care.

I mean, there's no real point in getting worked up about it. It's the internet, there's depraved, unattractive single young men everywhere, and they're going to do what they do. Just don't do it yourself if you don't like it.

Also, this is the first fandom I've been in which I really don't like the two-legged "anthropomorphized" versions of the characters that much. Strange for me.

dA? Used to it, been a member for gawd knows how long, so it's not really a surprise that the Rules are being summoned.
Yeah, I've never really been fazed by any kind of artwork.
I've seen things that would cause most people to loose interest in something in an instant.
I've stumbled upon seemingly innocent image galleries that ended up being nothing but graphic R34/63 for 200+ Pages with 50 pics each. I've seen these for Misc. Disney characters; including Lion King, Bugs Bunny, and many many more.
Those pictures don't phase me in the slightest anymore.

And if you think this will hurt the fan-base, look at Pokemon, they're hit the hardest by R34/63 and their still going very strong.

One thing though, even though I don't like that stuff, I'm fine with people liking anything as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. That stuff's fine to me, I just wish people would keep it in the appropriate places(Like specified R34/63 websites) and it wasn't mixed in with the pleasant stuff.
Speaking of pleasant stuff, I'm going back to thinking about that.

Also, does this belong to someone in the thread, or was it pulled from another site?
I pulled it off of IMDB.

Considering how much digging around I've been doing for images (and how many Cupcakes related joke pics I've found), including digging around on DA, I'm surprised I haven't found these infamous humanized images. I've seen them talked about elsewhere as well.

Edit: Not that I want to see them, so no one PM me a link or anything, but I find it interesting nonetheless.
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I guess that a rule for the "over saturation" should be stablish,I'm aware that for every popular thing there is a ton of fan art,the thing about ponies is the simplicity of the drawings,which put people in a very comfortable position to create fan art,which results in unbalance between the good stuff and the bad stuff.

I'm now just limited to see pony-related stuff here and in Equestria daily,so please don't hotlink anything disgusting,please(I think that it should be a rule here,but that's just my opinion).
I guess that a rule for the "over saturation" should be stablish,I'm aware that for every popular thing there is a ton of fan art,the thing about ponies is the simplicity of the drawings,which put people in a very comfortable position to create fan art,which results in unbalance between the good stuff and the bad stuff.

I'm now just limited to see pony-related stuff here and in Equestria daily,so please don't hotlink anything disgusting,please(I think that it should be a rule here,but that's just my opinion).

Hey, we don't show fugly stuff here. But we do have a place for creepy pictures in our club.
I personally want to see normal pictures, that portray real Equestrian life.
Part of the appeal with making Pony art is that it is incredibly easy to replicate with Illustrator if you know what you are doing, because it is "basically" just vector art anyways (that's a huge simplification, but I assume you get my point). Vector art allows absolutely staggeringly huge pictures like this without any loss of image quality. And then from the people who are really good you end up with stuff that literally could pass as a frame from the episode even to someone who actually worked on the show.

Also, don't worry about anything disgusting showing up in this thread or the GTP Bronies picture album. The closest that anyone has come to that in this thread are joke pictures/comics made in response to Cupcakes and shipping jokes (with one exception), and the stuff here is generally even tamer than the stuff on ED is (with the stuff in the GTP Bronies album slotting between the two).
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Hey, we don't show fugly stuff here. But we do have a place for creepy pictures in our club.
I personally want to see normal pictures, that portray "real" Equestrian life.

I don't think you can post some of the images I've seen in the Creepy Picture album. Some of the images are just completely wrong and I wish that I hadn't come across them. Then again, I have to wade through the nasty stuff to find some pretty good MLP images.

That being said, I'll add the ponified DiRT 3 pics because they're awesome:



Also, shipping joke :D

So, Dirt3 allows custom liveries? Hmmm... Intriguing!

PS Store is still down. I wonder if there's a demo.
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In other news, I now want DiRT 3. Stupid GT5 and its lack of a livery editor. I want a Trollestia Evo X!

Also: The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle is probably the funniest fic I think I've ever read (perhaps even better than the Luna: Progress series). Its about The Great and Powerful Trixie making a movie about her travels (including the events of Boast Busters), and needing Twilight to sign off on the use of her likeness in the film
It is technically a shipping fic in the sense that shipping occurs (of the Twilight/TGaPT and AJ/RD variety, but nothing happens beyond suggestive jokes and allusions), but I think it is far too well written and far too comedy-oriented for that to bother people who don't like shipping fics. Treats from the first chapter (of 6 so far) include Twilight sending Celestia a message about Jägerbombs, and a funny flashback of Twilight trying to deal with her hangover in a way that is hilariously in character. There are also a lot of subtle visual jokes and callbacks that start piling on by the second chapter, making each one funnier than the last.

At the very least, it would be something uplifting and happy to read in between The Night That Never Ended chapters.
^ :lol:

I might give The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle a look now. Also, If part 10 of the Night That Never Ended is up tomorrow, it's likely that I won't be able to read it until late on Saturday.

So, Dirt3 allows custom liveries? Hmmm... Intriguing!

PS Store is still down. I wonder if there's a demo.

The guy who created those DiRT 3 liveries is planning on making them available to download, but I believe it's only for the PC version of the game.

This has to be on the PC version. Either this person replaced the car's texture, or they are amazing with photoshop, because as far as I know, there is no livery editor in Dirt3.

If anyone knows of one, let me know because I haven't seen one and can't find anything on Google or in the game itself on the PS3.

Anyway, more on topic;
FlutterScubashy helping a Great White.
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