The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard




Good night!
Part 8 of the Night that Never Ended made me terribly sad. Terribly, terribly sad.

Very visual story! The scenes created are very descriptive... mainly because they're pretty simple.

Seriously though....
This has to be the coolest thread in the whole forums

20% cooler than all other threads. We've done the science to confirm it too!

My thoughts on the story by the way:

I had my theories on Captain Dash and they were pretty much confirmed by the colors that the Captain used to decorate her room and then the great lengths the author took to keep her identity concealed. This coupled with the fact that nobody actually saw Dash die (rather fleeing whilst she was fighting) and then the tenderness the Captain seemed to take towards everything (and the fact that Dash represents Loyalty) pretty much points to her being the Captain. Her loyalty having been corrupted by Nightmare Moon to serve her.

I knew the Lieutenant was Spitfire when the author mentioned that the Lieutenant recognized one of the ponies when she initially bumped into Dash and Soaren(not specifying which) and then later mentions Soaren by name (remember that this universe's Spitfire never would've met Dash and doesn't know the Captain without the uniform). All of the guilt building discussion by Soaren leading up to it pretty much confirmed my suspicions. While I expect that Spitfire is "killed off" I really hope she isn't because she's one of my favorite one-hit-wonder characters in the regular show.

The Spike element I forsee as the plot mechanic that is used to spare Captain Dash's life. However her identity will more than likely not be revealed because Trixie will intervene in a "rescue"/raid.
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Just read the 'sequel' to Cupcakes called Rocket to Insanity.
Basically the story of Cupcakes is a recurring nightmare for 'Dash'. Then she goes to Pinkie's house :scared:
So...did the events in Cupcakes actually happen?

No. Well I have read both stories with a happy ending. If you read them with original ending, then yes, Cupcakes happened. But in "Rocket to insanity" it's Dash's dream. She has nightmares about Pinkie torturing her. And when Pinkie invited Dash to make cupcakes, Dash looses her mind and stabs Pinkie with a knife.
Just read the 'sequel' to Cupcakes called Rocket to Insanity.
Basically the story of Cupcakes is a recurring nightmare for 'Dash'. Then she goes to Pinkie's house :scared:
Wasn't really impressed with Rocket to Insanity. Dash's reactions were well written and the story progressed in a real enough way, except the other ponies seemed to generally just be out of character.

The alternative ending had basically the opposite problem. Everyone was pretty well in character, but the events didn't progress in a realistic way. I have to imagine it would be easier to repair the alternate ending than the original one, though.

The Spike element I forsee as the plot mechanic that is used to spare Captain Dash's life. However her identity will more than likely not be revealed because Trixie will intervene in a "rescue"/raid.
That is a conclusion that I had not thought of. I'm not sure, though, because

I can't see Trixie's raid as being anything but an attempt to get Captain Dash out of the picture.
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Trixie has other plans. IMO she doesn't care about the Captain, all she wants is to remove competition and take Luna's place!
Just finished part 3.
This is only a guess, but I have this weird feeling the captain is
RD herself.

Again, just a guess, but I used spoiler tags because if I'm right I want to be able to say so without giving anything away.

EDIT: I just finished part 4, still think I'm right about the Captain, but this is by far one of the greatest stories I've ever read.
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"I'm sorry what was the question?"
I loled so hard.

Also, done part 5. I don't want to go to work, I want to keep reading:(

Learn why you can't get away. The herd. It grows. FOREVER.

What the hay? Violence? My mind is nowhere near the violence, when I see, or hear those creatures! Love & Tolerate all the way!

EDIT: I just finished part 4, still think I'm right about the Captain, but this is by far one of the greatest stories I've ever read.

Great story, I 100% agree! Saved it even!

Good OC pony editor/generator!

I tried to make my, and it's almost spot on!

Edit: Added details!
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Oh yeah, just rub it in. I'm on break now but thank Celestia for part time! Its only a 4 hour day for some reason, I ussually go 6+ hours.

And I have actually started using "thank Celestia" when talking to my Brony friends IRL.
^I once said "In the name of Canterlot, what's all of this 🤬?" IRL.

Anyways, does anypony have the "Saluting Rainbow Dash" picture in a good resolution and with a transparency in the background? The only ones I've found have something in the background and/or are in a really crappy resolution. Help, please?
Part 9.

Wow, just wow. I won't post any spoilers at all. Lets just say I was thinking this would happen when I was reading the story, but then I backed my thoughts, and it still happened!

The future is looking grim.

Anyways, does anypony have the "Saluting Rainbow Dash" picture in a good resolution and with a transparency in the background? The only ones I've found have something in the background and/or are in a really crappy resolution. Help, please?

I have, wait a sec.

Edit: Here!

I uploaded it in our Gallery.
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I can't remember what has been posted here before, so I'm sorry if I reposted anything :dopey:

Also, I just read Cupcakes a while ago. I'm... stunned, to say to the least :nervous:
Part 9.

Wow, just wow. I won't post any spoilers at all. Lets just say I was thinking this would happen when I was reading the story, but then I backed my thoughts, and it still happened!
I read it, and after I realized what was going on my jaw dropped.

This was about 4 paragraphs before Applejack figured it out.

After I composed myself, I read the rest of the Chapter.

Then I reread the earlier conversation Twilight had with the new information on my mind, and my jaw dropped again.

I will admit, though, that Soarin's death had almost no effect on me. I don't know if it was because of the ideas we shared, or if it was because I realized that his usefulness as a character basically ended when Spitfire was murdered, but his suicide seemed like the logical turn of events to the extent that it barely registered.
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I read it, and after I realized what was going on my jaw dropped.

This was about 4 paragraphs before Applejack figured it out.

After I composed myself, I read the rest of the Chapter.

Then I reread the earlier conversation Twilight had with the new information on my mind, and my jaw dropped again.

I will admit, though, that Soarin's death had almost no effect on me. I don't know if it was because of the ideas we shared, or if it was because I realized that his usefulness as a character basically ended when Spitfire was murdered, but his suicide seemed like the logical turn of events to the extent that it barely registered.

Yups! I had the exact same reaction! I forgot how to breathe for a moment there, heh.
Do you think Soarin is dead? I'll re-read it again. The text stopped, when he was still falling.
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Just so you guys are aware, I removed the last few posts and image in relation to the backlash comment taken from an external site but written by what looks to be a GTP member. The reason for the removal is not that it breaks any rules but that there is always the possibility that either party will retaliate. From what I could see, you guys did actually have quite a sensible response and did not take the bait however I thought it more prudent to remove all discussion entirely as others might not be so mature about it.