The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
^Lol, that's a good one
The parasprite as the fairy is awesome.

Also, less than 15k views to go between MLP and Friday.

EDIT: I love MLP and I love dragons, so I'm not really sure what to do after seeing something this amazing.

Also, the reason I'm not reading the story right now is because I'm just checking the forums between races, so I'll do that when I decide to take a break.
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I like Applejack.

And what's up with the massive amounts of views per hour? I logged on KYM this morning and noticed that the views were up another 40,000 or more from last night. It won't be long until it'll pass 'Forever Alone Guy'.

Oh well.
I have a crazy idea!:

Make a pony/downfall parody. Only thing is that I'm not sure whether to make "Hitler VS Ponies" Or a subtitled series of clips with the downfall audio.
Disregard my above post. I'm a moron

And what's up with the massive amounts of views per hour? I logged on KYM this morning and noticed that the views were up another 40,000 or more from last night. It won't be long until it'll pass 'Forever Alone Guy'.
Current thought is that it is people looking for images, fanfics and the like to satiate their pony hunger.

Or it is a bot designed to artificially inflate the page hits (though this is less likely, because ED is also getting huge numbers per day).
I hate double posting, but I'm gonna make this separate anyways so anyone who wants to respond to my post about the page count won't see this on accident:

What if... NightMare Moon did not killed Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.? What if She imprisoned Twilight with Princess Celestia?
I've been thinking both of them were alive since I read Chapter 4, but I don't think your specific explanation for Twilight is accurate. I'll explain why in a second.

So maybe Rainbow Dash was converted to serve the Shadow Bolts?
Yes. I was 100% sure she was the Captain, even before Spitfire was unmasked as the Lieutenant (and I was pretty sure Spitfire was the Lieutenant). Now that Chapter 8 has happened, there is no way The Captain can be anybody else.

Soarin knows someting!
You caught that bit too? Well, as you read Chapter 8, I'm sure you'll agree that line was a red herring set up to screw with the people who saw it. I suppose you could say we were tricked for trying to be clever.

I think the Captain's name is Spitfire, and Lieutenant is Rainbow Dash! Or maybe it's the other way around.
I'll tell you why I've suspected for so long that the Captain was Rainbow Dash:

She held back from attacking/arresting Fluttershy, or even reporting her location. She's going out of her way to prevent Trixie from getting involved (and I think it is more than mere bureaucratic infighting). When the Lieutenant was hurt, she sacrificed her escape to try to protect her.

She joined the Shadowbolts to protect her friends as best as she could. Her discussion with Spitfire in Chapter 8 practically confirms it.

I was pretty sure the Lieutenant was Spitfire mostly on a gut feeling based on where I thought the story was going. My gut feeling was right, but I simply had to read in shock when I figured out halfway through Chapter 8 that the story itself going in the opposite direction of what I expected.

And another theory about Twilight. Could it be, that she is in charge of the ground forces (second in command maybe)
I think she was the pony talked about in the beginning of Chapter 5. The one who went off with Trixie and supposedly was killed.

And I still don't think she is dead, because the author of this fic doesn't introduce threads unless they are going to come back up.

Also, I don't think Spike is dead. Two reasons:

One, no one was really sure what had happened to him, so obviously no one really checked.

Two, I can feel the angst that Spike being alive would cause. Not only did they murder Spitfire basically for playing a part in an accidental death, and not only was Soaren's reasoning for supporting the execution because he thought Spitfire was killed by the Shadowbolts; but imagine the blowback that will happen if Spike shows up unharmed.

The author of this fic has shown that he revels in dishing out painful irony, and if I was writing this that is exactly how I would play the situation.

As for another prediction that I am somewhat scared to make, I think Captain Dash is going to live. I think Spitfire is almost certainly gone, but because of that I think her sacrifice will snap Soaren out of his funk and give Twilight/Regular Dash the resolve to force the issue with Rarity.

On the other hand, and this is why I'm worried, I also know how much of a punch in the stomach it would be if Captain Dash was killed anyways, and I'm guessing that Captain Dash is going to go berserk when she is met the first time after Spitfire's murder. And that it will be Soaren that she takes it out on.
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I'm happy I wasn't ignored. Feeling kinda lonely tonight...

Man , I wish Spitfire would live! But I'm afraid the worst will happen.
This scene was really sad.

Also, you may be right about Captain going berserk.

I thought that Captain was Spitfire, because she was "higher" than Dash at that time. (Dash was just a weather pony in Ponyville) But it seems that Dash's loyalty made her Captain really fast.

It surprised me, that they haven't arranged a search party after Spike.

I think it's a quite realistic representation on what could happen to the people living there.
^ Thumbnail that please.

It surprised me, that they haven't arranged a search party after Spike.
If my prediction about Spike rings true, I would be amazed if that didn't come up. For that matter, it may even come up if Spike really is dead, because it shows just how deep the cracks in New Ponyville run:

Not only was Spitfire murdered for the most part for crimes she didn't commit (and was in fact thought to be a victim of), but she wasn't given any attempt at defense for the crime she was accused of, and the villagers were so thirsty for revenge that they didn't even bother to see if the crime had even been committed.
Nothing is scarier than a blind rage and thirst for revenge. I bet nopony even recognised who are they killing, exept for Soarin afcourse.

The scene, where Captain and Lieutenant were playing with Spike was touching. And their dialogue before that. There I felt, that they have a heart.
Sorry, can't do. (picture not mine) :indiff:
Copy the image URL and upload it to Imageshack. They will give you a thumbnail code.

Nothing is scarier than a blind rage and thirst for revenge. I bet nopony even recognised who are they killing, exept for Soarin afcourse.
I think that is a fair assessment to make. What makes me hopeful for Chapter 9 is mostly because of how huge the fallout is going to be on everyone. It is just a shame that what happened had to happen for it to be the catalyst.

The scene, where Captain and Lieutenant were playing with Spike was touching. And their dialogue before that. There I felt, that they have a heart.
Now I'm assuming you know one of the reasons why Chapter 8 bothered me as much as it did. Specifically:

Even if The Captain and The Lieutenant weren't the characters that they are, great pains were taken to show that the divide between what the townspeople think they are and what they actually are is quite wide.

New Ponyville, and especially Soaren, have been spending months in story building the Shadowbolts up to be the equivalent of the Schutzstaffel, and simply reading Chapter 8 alone (the part where Dash and Spitfire discuss why Spitfire joined the Shadowbolts) proves that isn't the case.
Or just grab that elevator thing on the right and slam it to the ground! That's what I do:tup:

*Imagines Trollestia slamming an elevator to the ground* :lol:

I just said that because I'm using a laptop that has the scroll buttons conveniently placed at the last row of keys. That's useful.

Copy the image URL and upload it to Imageshack. They will give you a thumbnail code.

I'll just 50% resize it. (I use Photobucket) Wait a bit.

EDIT: Done. Go look.

EDIT 2: FFFFUUUUU!!! What happened? I said 50% not 20%! (Pardon the pun)

EDIT 3: Fixed. Now that 20% resize is a thumbnail to the original.
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I think that is a fair assessment to make. What makes me hopeful for Chapter 9 is mostly because of how huge the fallout is going to be on everyone. It is just a shame that what happened had to happen for it to be the catalyst.

Oh, it's going to be a disaster!
I'm afraid Soarin will do something to himself... and more suicides will follow.
New Ponyville may fall really soon.
Now I'm assuming you know one of the reasons why Chapter 8 bothered me as much as it did.

Even if The Captain and The Lieutenant weren't the characters that they are, great pains were taken to show that the divide between what the townspeople think they are and what they actually are is quite wide.

New Ponyville, and especially Soaren, have been spending months in story building the Shadowbolts up to be the equivalent of the Schutzstaffel, and simply reading Chapter 8 alone (the part where Dash and Spitfire discuss why Spitfire joined the Shadowbolts) proves that isn't the case.

I'm afraid that I feel that They (Spitfire/Dash) are the most innocent in this situation.

Have a good day everyone. 2:34 am here.
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I'm about to move onto part 7 now, all I can say about part 6 is:

Seriously Rarity, stop being so ignorant in respect to the impending plight that will befall New Ponyville and listen to Twilight!
Also, I've guessed at who the Lieutenant's identity might be, although I might be wrong.

This page is just full of spoiler text, more than I've seen anywhere else for that matter. Judging by the amount of attention towards this fanfic, it looks like the next few pages will also be crammed with spoiler text. Just saying.
This page is just full of spoiler text, more than I've seen anywhere else for that matter. Judging by the amount of attention towards this fanfic, it looks like the next few pages will also be crammed with spoiler text. Just saying.

Drop it already, I'm reading that story too. I don't want to highlight all the page just to be able to read something.
Just 3 inconsistencies: Stars. They should be visible at day if there's no sun. Moon. It doesn't glow without a sun. Heat. There shouldn't be any without sun, meaning Equestria should have been frozen (and everyone dead). Nightmare Moon could have got bored with all of that.
[/Nerd mode]

Maybe I shouldn't question a fanfic based on a cartoon about ponies.

I'm about to move onto part 7 now, all I can say about part 6 is:

Seriously Rarity, stop being so ignorant in respect to the impending plight that will befall New Ponyville and listen to Twilight!
Also, I've guessed at who the Lieutenant's identity might be, although I might be wrong.
Chapter 7 explains that entirely. Rarity is fully aware of the implications of what she is doing, and she already knows everything Twilight was trying to tell her.

Drop it already, I'm reading that story too.
Not everyone is at the same point in the story. And I would personally have to murder someone if they spoiled any of the chapters for me, because this fic has so much foreshadowing that I would like to catch by myself.

Just 3 inconsistencies: Stars. They should be visible at day if there's no sun. Moon. It doesn't glow without a sun. Heat. There shouldn't be any without sun, meaning Equestria should have been frozen (and everyone dead).
I think the mechanics of how everything works is copied directly from the show (other than the lack of stars. Remember, Episode 2 of the show proper technically took place during what was supposed to be daytime), though the author did mention that he knew about the problems but couldn't think of a way to write around them.

That reminds me...
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I think the mechanics of how everything works is copied directly from the show (other than the lack of stars. Remember, Episode 2 of the show proper technically took place during what was supposed to be daytime), though the author did mention that he knew about the problems but couldn't think of a way to write around them.

I know, thus the "nerd mode off" tag and the "Whatever" Celestia picture. I really, really shouldn't attempt to use logic in things like these fanfics.
We now have the second most views on KYM.
The position hasn't updated, but the view count shows that we are now in second.
Having now seen quite a few episodes, I've decided to give my synopsis of the characters.

Pinkie Pie: I think she can be best summed up in one word...and Twilight said it perfectly in "Swarm in the Century" - Random. As the Comedy Relief character, she's kind of flat, but not completely, as we saw in "Party of One," where she...went...mad. Truth be told, she's so many layers of random...she's almost like the Internet in one single pony. Definitely one of the finest Comedy Reliefs out there...not to mention, possibly one of the most powerful ponies ever. Celestia better watch out for the random.

Fluttershy: I'm impressed with how she's handled. She, honestly, could've turned out a disaster. She's kind of the "Mary Sue" of the group - the one everyone likes, the one who can do no wrong...and yet they handle this by almost making her a parody of such a character. As if she overdoes it. They even call it out ("...Fluttershy's inexplicable knowledge of sewing) in context. And she isn't exactly perfect - she kept parasprites, unable to resist their cuteness, despite knowing their danger, Couldn't keep the Cutie Mark Crusaders from causing trouble, and...well...we all saw what happened at The Gala. I especially liked when "she let her mane down" and cheered wildly for Rainbow Dash at the end of "Sonic Rainboom." She's brilliant at those times.

Rarity: I didn't think I'd like her. I'll be honest. Vanity - BIG pet peeve. However, she's developed into...I'd call it an "aggressive businesswoman" type. Sure, she may remain girly, but her business is the cutthroat world of fashion. Having a short temper and a strong sarcastic streak definitely help in her case. Classic example - her handling (and eventual dumping) of Prince Blueblood.

Rainbow Dash: Ah, the Tomboy. Granted...she can be an absolute jerk at times...but whenever she is, she always gets what's coming to her. Beyond that, she's the one I find myself rooting for - she's trying to make her mark, and make it in a big way. She's competitive, athletic, capable of speeds beyond Mach (and a rainbow-colored shock cone,) she's almost old-school, SatAM Sonic, Less the Chili-dog fetish. I like her quite a bit.

Applejack: Wow. I just....they nailed Farm Girl. She's protective of her crops (going as far as using an insecticide,) as well as her family - sometimes to a fault, as seen in Bridle Gossip. She's honest, yet keeps an eye towards profit as well. She knows what her crops need to grow. She's simple, and damn proud of it...She's probably the one I could see most easily swearing, RD in (a very, very close) second. I think Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman" suits her perfectly.

Twilight Sparkle: Well...I think I like her least. She's probably the flattest character. Granted...that's not really a problem with this series, but...She's a nerd. "An egghead," according to 'Dash. She's at her best when confused or presented with a challenge, but otherwise fills the "knowledgeable/motherly" role. Her conflict with the absolutely random Pinkie Pie is possibly her best moments, as their styles clash - Internet Random vs. Textbook Orderly. Her plight at The Gala was the least interesting by far, and, well...she falls flat-ish when the episode doesn't focus on her. She might as well fade into the background. I especially didn't like it when she entered the "Sir Topham Hatt" role in "Fall Weather Friends." - she kind of showed up when Applejack/Rainbow Dash screwed up and told them what they were doing wrong. I hate saying that, because she's otherwise likeable, a good character to pull for.

That's what I think...Purely opinion, you feel free to disagree, that's okay.
New Official content! Holy crap!


This is so obviously a song for the Bronies that it hurts (a 30 second official advertisement for the show that parodies a Katy Perry song? An incredibly-inappropriate-for-the-target-audience Katy Perry song? That takes serious balls, and I love whoever thought to do it). We've been recognized!

She's competitive, athletic, capable of speeds beyond Mach (and a rainbow-colored shock cone,) she's almost old-school, SatAM Sonic, Less the Chili-dog fetish. I like her quite a bit.
I get a lot of Sally-ish vibes from Dash, which I find particularly interesting because of how much I absolutely loathed Sally (and continue to do so to this day), and I love Dash.
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^Also, I really hope there is more official content to come from them. Would be great to see them support their fanbase between seasons. This is a self sufficient fanbase at this point, but it's still nice to see they care.
Twilight Sparkle: Well...I think I like her least. She's probably the flattest character. Granted...that's not really a problem with this series, but...She's a nerd. "An egghead," according to 'Dash. She's at her best when confused or presented with a challenge, but otherwise fills the "knowledgeable/motherly" role. Her conflict with the absolutely random Pinkie Pie is possibly her best moments, as their styles clash - Internet Random vs. Textbook Orderly. Her plight at The Gala was the least interesting by far, and, well...she falls flat-ish when the episode doesn't focus on her. She might as well fade into the background. I especially didn't like it when she entered the "Sir Topham Hatt" role in "Fall Weather Friends." - she kind of showed up when Applejack/Rainbow Dash screwed up and told them what they were doing wrong. I hate saying that, because she's otherwise likeable, a good character to pull for.

I actually agree with the way you described everpony. But what I don't agree with is who you like/don't like.

Especially Twilight. I actually find the book-smart, but still able to have a good time kind of personality attractive(Don't take this sexually, I know how some of you think). She does seem a little into it sometimes, but she knows when to let loose and just enjoy something. I like the dedication to exploring new things, learning, expanding on what she, as well as all of Ponykind, currently know.

Rainbow Dash: Despite being the exact opposite of Twilight, she manages to be my second favorite.

AppleJack: I agree with you on that, which would be why she's my 3rd favorite.

Fluttershy: I feel the same way you do about her. So she's my 4th.

PinkiePie: She would probably be in my top 3 if it weren't for the "Party of One". The sudden burst of "sad" crazy, went well with her ussual "Happy" crazy, but even though it was well done, it just made her personality seem less attractive.

Rarity: I also agree with this, but she's just my least favorite of the main 6.

This isn't to say that I don't like some of them, I like them all almost evenly, but if I had to call it, this is how I would do it. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, just stating my own.

EDIT: Found another movie trailer:
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