^Also, I really hope there is more official content to come from them. Would be great to see them support their fanbase between seasons. This is a self sufficient fanbase at this point, but it's still nice to see they care.
Twilight Sparkle: Well...I think I like her least. She's probably the flattest character. Granted...that's not really a problem with this series, but...She's a nerd. "An egghead," according to 'Dash. She's at her best when confused or presented with a challenge, but otherwise fills the "knowledgeable/motherly" role. Her conflict with the absolutely random Pinkie Pie is possibly her best moments, as their styles clash - Internet Random vs. Textbook Orderly. Her plight at The Gala was the least interesting by far, and, well...she falls flat-ish when the episode doesn't focus on her. She might as well fade into the background. I especially didn't like it when she entered the "Sir Topham Hatt" role in "Fall Weather Friends." - she kind of showed up when Applejack/Rainbow Dash screwed up and told them what they were doing wrong. I hate saying that, because she's otherwise likeable, a good character to pull for.
I actually agree with the way you described everpony. But what I don't agree with is who you like/don't like.
Especially Twilight. I actually find the book-smart, but still able to have a good time kind of personality attractive(Don't take this sexually, I know how some of you think). She does seem a little into it sometimes, but she knows when to let loose and just enjoy something. I like the dedication to exploring new things, learning, expanding on what she, as well as all of Ponykind, currently know.
Rainbow Dash: Despite being the exact opposite of Twilight, she manages to be my second favorite.
AppleJack: I agree with you on that, which would be why she's my 3rd favorite.
Fluttershy: I feel the same way you do about her. So she's my 4th.
PinkiePie: She would probably be in my top 3 if it weren't for the "Party of One". The sudden burst of "sad" crazy, went well with her ussual "Happy" crazy, but even though it was well done, it just made her personality seem less attractive.
Rarity: I also agree with this, but she's just my least favorite of the main 6.
This isn't to say that I don't like some of them, I like them all almost evenly, but if I had to call it, this is how I would do it. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, just stating my own.
EDIT: Found another movie trailer: