The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Am I the only one who automatically thinks "Honda" whenever someone says "Mugen?" I mean, I know it's a fighting game but...

That's the reason I spell the game M.U.G.E.N. (It's actually the right form.)

Fact- Mugen is a Japanese word meaning "Dream" "Fantasy" or "Infinite".
Top Gear ponified. Nao. We've already seen The Stig pony.

Also, off-topic, but does anyone have a 1990 ticket they'd like to trade with me? My birthday came when PSN was still down, so I didn't get my ticket. :(
Yes. I dupe all the time for my tickets.

*grabs jacket and runs*

Screen shot 2011-05-21 at 8.31.59 PM.png
YES. Part 8 is up. Now I have something to look forward to when I get back from Wal-Mart.

Confound these ponies. They drive me to fanfic anxiety.
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I knew I was right about the Captain and the Lieutenant's identities. I 🤬 knew it.

And that only made things worse...

Forget what I said about Chapter 4. Chapter 8 is the saddest of them all so far. By a wide, wide margin. I gotta go... do something.
I've just finished part 4:

That bit involving Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash towards the end was pretty tense. I was also half right in assuming that Fluttershy had to kill animals for food as Mushrooms don't have enough nutrients required for the ponies to survive. I wrongly assumed that cannibalism was involved (I misinterpreted how dark part 4 would be). Thankfully I was wrong, but this was still a pretty dark chapter.

So chapter 8 is the saddest yet? Gotta watch out for that. Guess I'll read part 5 now then.
Crap, I forgot to read the story.
Oh well, I'll read the first part now and I guess I'll finish some other parts when I take a break from my planned all-day Dirt3 marathon.

EDIT: Finished part one, so far I'm loving this.
I'm looking forward to figuring out what the hell happened.

I'm just glad there are these well written fan-fics so I don't have to go the 6 months between seasons without ponies.

Also, we're only 70,000 views behind "Friday" on KYM, the gap is closing quickly.
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Seemingly the rapture thing did occur in Equestria. It failed miserably thanks to her:


Still, she's mad for not getting a cutie mark for that.
^ Added that .gif to the Picasa album.

Crap, I forgot to read the story.
Oh well, I'll read the first part now and I guess I'll finish some other parts when I take a break from my planned all-day Dirt3 marathon.

Same here. I should be getting DiRT 3 tomorrow so I'll have to make time to read the rest of this fanfic when possible. If I finish part 5 in the next half hour and read the next 2 parts tomorrow, Hopefully I can reach part 8 by Wednesday.

By the way, if you're racing on DiRT 3 online, try adding me. I'll be playing online myself when I'm not doing the career mode. My PSN is below my avatar.
Well, I will say that The Night That Never Ended was the thing that finally got me bothered enough to fix my Google Account (so I could comment on the blog page). So I suppose I can favorite YouTube Account to the GTP Bronies YouTube Account as well.
EDIT: ^I don't know whether to feel happy or frightened.
Then again, all either of them wants is a friend, so I think I would just go with trying to be their friend. Of course, I would live in constant fear that one wrong word could result in serious injury. But there's no use running.
I should stop fantasizing, I think the high chlorine levels in my(parents) hot tub are getting to my brain. I should probably get some rest.

Same here. I should be getting DiRT 3 tomorrow so I'll have to make time to read the rest of this fanfic when possible. If I finish part 5 in the next half hour and read the next 2 parts tomorrow, Hopefully I can reach part 8 by Wednesday.

By the way, if you're racing on DiRT 3 online, try adding me. I'll be playing online myself when I'm not doing the career mode. My PSN is below my avatar.

If only we could make the Co-Driver read the story instead of the pace notes :lol:
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I've been mulling it over, and I just thought of something that makes me think that Chapter 9 is going to be fairly uplifting.

But considering just how off the mark I was on Chapter 8, I'm not sure if I can trust myself anymore.
Reading part 7 before going to work. I think I know who is the Captain is!
:Supermarine - British WWII single-seat fighter aircraft!

Oh-oh! Patrol stall, I wonder what happens next!
@Toronado, After seeing what you said about the Captain, I have to mention that there's a subtle clue towards her true identity in part 5 (which I just finished reading). This clue has strengthened my initial assumption about who she really is.

I still need to read on for confirmation though, but that'll have to wait for the time being.
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@Toronado, After seeing what you said about the Captain, I have to mention that there's a subtle clue towards her true identity in part 5 (which I just finished reading). This clue has strengthed my initial assumption about who she really is.
In the beginning of Chapter 8, the Captain and the Lieutenant have a conversation. That conversation proved to me without a shadow of a doubt who the Captain was (not that I had much doubt anyways at that point) and who the Lieutenant was.

That, specifically, is why I was as bothered as I was (and still am, if I'm being honest with myself). I saw it coming, knew it was coming, and still kept hoping that it wouldn't happen. It was like being punched in the gut.

I'm actually scared about what Chapter 9 will contain. As I said, I have an idea, but I really don't want to set myself up again.
Well, I just finished part 2. Fantastic story, it's depressing but in an entertaining way.

I only wish I could have read stories like this in High School, now that would have been something to keep my interest. I have to say I love the whole "What if Luna had won?" concept. It's something I thought about but never in great detail, but this is about how I'd imagine it(in a realistic way, not if it were part of the show).

Just wanted to say, that even after I got into the show, I never imagined I would be reading fan-fics, let alone discussing them with other people.
Just wanted to say, that even after I got into the show, I never imagined I would be reading fan-fics, let alone discussing them with other people.

I'm in the same boat as you and depending on what I do tomorrow, I may start reading these fan fics too. Hopefully I can read them in a timely manner and discuss them with people here before they become unpopular.
Just wanted to say, that even after I got into the show, I never imagined I would be reading fan-fics, let alone discussing them with other people.
Basically the same here. I haven't read a fan fic since 2004, so to look at the pulldown menu of my Bookmarks toolbar and see a baker's dozen of stories (which I'm probably going to prune to an even 10 so I can keep track of them. And sadly, that damn shipping fic probably isn't going to be one of the ones I can bring my self to get rid of) that I am currently following at once is quite a shock to me.
Hello EveryBrony!

The Night That Never Ended discussion.
I finished reading part 7!

I have some theories I want to share. They may be wrong, or completely wrong. I was reading the story in the early morning before going to work, so I might have missed something, or misunderstood the other.
So, now I'm back from work...and here goes...

What if... NightMare Moon did not killed Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.? What if She imprisoned Twilight with Princess Celestia? There were no reports of the bodies. So maybe Rainbow Dash was converted to serve the Shadow Bolts? Soarin knows someting! I think the Captain's name is Spitfire, and Lieutenant is Rainbow Dash! Or maybe it's the other way around. And another theory about Twilight. Could it be, that she is in charge of the ground forces (second in command maybe)

Finished Part 8! Noooo!! Stop it!!!!! Don't die!! AAAARRGHT!!! x(

I can see it now... I feel his pain...

(Man, this story is the best! I hope for a happy ending...I do, really)
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