The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I have to laugh about Rarity/Spike as Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein. Not sure how Spike talked her into that one...or did she come up with her idea first...
How did I miss this one:

But caught the two Rainbow Dashes?

I must have the least-peripheral vision ever.

Yeah, I was the one who put that image (albeit a different variation of it) in the General folder. I find it funny that such a blatant animation mistake like that went unnoticed by most of the people who watched that episode. If you want to see this yourself, play the video for 'Best Night Ever' from 16.10 and you'll see the Tiara appear out of nowhere at about 16.14.
That costume pic is beautiful.

Seeing Twilight in white is also cool. Best pony EVER :D

But I have to say RD has the best costume. Simply amazing
Alright, I've never actually fallen out of my chair laughing until I watched this.
Monty Python + My Little Pony = Too much win.

EDIT: The Lego version has nothing on this.

Oh, and a movie about crazy people? How did it take so long for someone to think of using this?
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Yeah, I was the one who put that image (albeit a different variation of it) in the General folder.
My apologies. When I went to move your photo from the General folder to the Goof Ups folder, I accidentally deleted it instead (or, rather, I moved it successfully and then accidentally deleted it when I went to set it as the Album Cover). I had to recreate it as close I could using VLC to replace it.

In ED news, it looks like Luna hired Derpy to get everyone off the moon. And Derpy broke the page header in the process.
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Guys! Look, Steven Magnet. Canon?

^ :lol:

My apologies. When I went to move your photo from the General folder to the Goof Ups folder, I accidentally deleted it instead (or, rather, I moved it successfully and then accidentally deleted it when I went to set it as the Album Cover).

I was wondering why it wasn't there when I checked earlier. No matter, at least a version of it is now in the Goof Ups folder.
^Holy 🤬.
Once were at the top no one will be able to question the greatness.
Getting to the top may take a while though. Everything else was nothing compared to Forever Alone, but I'm confident we can take the #1 space.

Seriously though, did anyone in the entire world see this coming even a few weeks ago?
Seriously though, did anyone in the entire world see this coming even a few weeks ago?
I can't recall any other fanbase that waited until after the final episode of the season aired to basically explode in productivity. Its like it is making up for the lack of legitimate activity by producing so much fan content that no one even notices that there isn't official content. ED got over a million hits in 5 days, and the MLP article on IMDB has shot up a couple hundred thousand in the same time frame.

Even the Sonic fanbase generally just uses time in between official stuff to scream at each other.
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Thanks for the information about how to make *spoilers* invisible!

Toronado, you wanted to discuss something? (Reading part 4)

Edit: finished part 4. God, Fluttershy... *tears*

Now I know where they are getting their energy... Poor Fluttershy, she is not insane, she is doing this for the ponies! To save them! To save the families and friends!

Part 5 next...
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:lol: Oh wow, that made my day. Now I await one of Marvel vs. Capcom, says AOS while AOS cheers up instantly.
^^I've seen tons of pictures of that. It needs to happen!

I read somewhere that the artist of those images is looking for a few people who know a thing or two about making that into a reality. He's looking for coders and people with general know-how. Someone mentioned that the M.U.G.E.N engine could be used it.

I'd buy it.
I don't know a thing about programming mugens, but it is very much possible with a mugen engine because it's all just sprites...
Am I the only one who automatically thinks "Honda" whenever someone says "Mugen?" I mean, I know it's a fighting game but...