The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
And you don't capture Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie captures you. And forces you to enjoy her party. And cupcakes. Oh sweet and tasty cupcakes.
Oh, stop it.

Good News, Everypony:

It took Hasbro an entire season to realize the huge potential Friendship is Magic has!

It will finally see a time slot that doesn't lock it into fact, it's getting three!

Starting May 31'st, FiM will pop up weekdays at 8:30 AM, 1:30 PM, and 6:30 PM ET.


Good News, Everypony:

Wow. No apocalypse, I buy a 300SL in GT5 from being nearly broke in only two races, I manage to change my oil before a storm hits, and now ponies three times a day!

oh, wait. It's only cable or satellite...


My only hope is Netflix or that NBC's saturday morning slot picks the show up...
I would have bought ponies long ago if the store I worked ay varied them. And yes, I would be willing to walk through the checkout infront of my coworkers while carrying My Little Pony stuff.

I just haven't had a reason to go to a store that carries them and I don't want to waste gas just for the ponies.

And I know this post is a little late for that conversation, but I only get about an hour of internet time a day until I get my laptop back.

Better late, then never!

I'm not here to convert anyone just to let you know. Not going to bother doing that.

But my profile page having ponies tacked on it cannot be unseen at all!
You talk strange, how do you do it?:)

ED has gone completely off the rails.

In other news, I gotta take the Pony set back today and see if I can find one in the store where Twilight's colors are correct. Normally I would just let it be, but every picture I've seen of the pack online doesn't have the problem that mine does.

Oh, and MLP has passed Sad Keanu on IMDB.

Edit: Also, I think someone else should read The Night That Never Ended so I have someone to discuss the latest chapters with when they go up.
...And Celestia is white in real life, not pink!

The Night That Never Ended? Is it good? I wanted to start reading it, but I was afraid it is a story about main characters killing each other. Was I wrong?

You have to make a bog deal out of it when you go back. Just walk up to the returns person and yell :"What the hell, do you think I'm stupid or something? What you think Frienship is some kind of JOKE!? Well it's not, its MAGIC!. And how am I supposed to experience the magic of friendship when Twilight's colors are off!? Now give me back my money!"

Sorry, I'm bored and on breake and the idea of someone doing that is hilarious to me.

uuuuuuu!! I wanted to say that! You win, I'm glad!👍

Wow. No apocalypse, I buy a 300SL in GT5 from being nearly broke in only two races, I manage to change my oil before a storm hits, and now ponies three times a day!

oh, wait. It's only cable or satellite...


My only hope is Netflix or that NBC's saturday morning slot picks the show up...

How's your fan-fic going? Any new chapters?

P.S. If anypony needs any cars, I can lend or gift or trade!

I've got tickets too. I'm purely a giver on the marketplace. The only thing that sucks though is that my Japanese account that has my 1989 and 1992 tickets is still unavailable. Anyone got clues as to when it's available again? Or was this a bad idea? :/

Also, sexytime.
The Night That Never Ended? Is it good? I wanted to start reading it, but I was afraid it is a story about main characters killing each other. Was I wrong?
Its not about that.
Basically, it takes Dash and Twilight as they appear in the series proper and transports them (literally, due to Twilight practicing magic she didn't quite understand) to an alternate-universe where the Elements of Harmony failed to work in Episode 2 of the show. This includes alternate-universe Dash and alternate-universe Twilight dying in the initial attack by Nightmare Moon, with the story itself taking place something like a year after Nightmare Moon taking over the alternate-universe of the story (the equivalent of a few weeks after the Gala in the normal universe).

And while I'm fairly certain it is going to get a lot more depressing before it gets any better, I've already seen major, subtle cracks where the light for at least a relatively happy ending is shining through (which is really the most I can say without spoiling anything).

It is also supremely well-written, and absolutely loaded with carefully detailed foreshadowing that makes you kick yourself when you realize that you didn't catch what was being alluded to before the reveal. And, as cheesy as this is going to come off, the author carries the character's personalities into the alternate universe really well.
He even utilizes Fluttershy in a really clever way that I think really fits (depressing though it is) in regards to her role in the show proper, though I admit it took me a while to warm up to it.

Also, although its labeled GrimDark, and although it is really dark at times, it doesn't feel like a GrimDark fic. Probably because of the way it is written.

I've got tickets too. I'm purely a giver on the marketplace. The only thing that sucks though is that my Japanese account that has my 1989 and 1992 tickets is still unavailable. Anyone got clues as to when it's available again? Or was this a bad idea? :/
Please search your garage for a Chevy Camaro SS '69 (yellow with black stripes)!

Sounds interesting! Will read now! Thanks!

We don't speak the same dialect, thus having a difficult time understanding each comes ever so naturally.
I understand you. But the dialect, I never seen one!
Will do unit-one! Or if I find one on the UCD, it's yours.

What happens when you take the Pony Universe and Anime Universe, mix them together, multiply it a hundred times, and add everything else awesome in between to it?


Will do unit-one! Or if I find one on the UCD, it's yours.

What happens when you take the Pony Universe and Anime Universe, mix them together, multiply it a hundred times, and add everything else awesome in between to it?


And I have that mix on my mp3 player, it's fun =)

Just finished reading The Night that Never Ended: part 1.
Well written, I can easily imagine the characters voices saying lines.
Creepy ending =)
The thing about My Little Pony is the very well written,apart from that it shares roots with the powerful girls which was something of this style,and apparently same creator,but the main aspect of MLP is its introduction in US media which is plagued by dreadful series,in which the Simpson lost their charm and there is nothing worthy of view,this aspect explains the success of the series with the male public.

I been watching it and I love it,I also watch a lot of anime but MLP is in different statements,it cannot be compare,and they are both good,apart from that MLP reminds me of K-on!,about the same impact and somehow the same delivery of humour.

I watched this a while ago and I thought it was just completely crazy, but I have to say that that's one of the best subscriber milestone videos ever!

Also, I might start reading The Night That Never Ended. I was thinking about doing so earlier in the week but I didn't have time.
Also, I might start reading The Night That Never Ended. I was thinking about doing so earlier in the week but I didn't have time.
Do it. The more people I can discuss it with the better. Discussing things with myself doesn't lead to particularly varied viewpoints, and people generally start to stare.
^ I've read the first 2 parts so far and might read part 3 in a bit, but I don't think I'd be up for much of a discussion about it until I reach part 7, assuming you've already read part 7.

All I will say now is that I find the idea for this story quite compelling, plus I don't mind the dark premise of this story at all, so I can assure you that I will read on.
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Absolutely correct. Chapter 3 was the one that introduced the character that I really want to talk about. 4 and 6 were both really major Wham Episodes. 5 was kind of a pause and reflect chapter, but I think I caught something that is going to show up again in a big way. 7 was the one where the pieces are starting to fall in place, and which set up a plot line that I'm fairly certain will be subverted, but I won't get into details until everyone is ready to.

So, I suppose I will catch back up with you after 6 or 7. I should warn you that 4 is probably the darkest chapter by far (though, again, if you pay close attention it is mostly set up in Chapter 3), and it is the one that involves Fluttershy.
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Do it. The more people I can discuss it with the better. Discussing things with myself doesn't lead to particularly varied viewpoints, and people generally start to stare.

I'll get on that soon probably. I just got my a new computer because Best Buy decided to trash my old one and I just payed the difference for the upgrade. So I'll have much more internet time from now on.

Also, I have no work tomorrow, so I'll probably read it then.

So, I suppose I will catch back up with you after 6 or 7. I should warn you that 4 is probably the darkest chapter by far (though, again, if you pay close attention it is mostly set up in Chapter 3), and it is the one that involves Fluttershy.

I've just finished reading part 3 so that'll be it for the time being. I've also made some assumptions about certain characters (I won't name them now), but I won't know if they're correct unless I continue following this story.

So 4 is the darkest chapter you say? I'll try reading 4 and 5 tomorrow when I have the time.
There is a line in Chapter 3 during the dinner scene that is almost a throwaway line. If you catch the significance of what it is referring to (as well as how Fluttershy was acting during that scene), it directly alludes to the happenings of Chapter 4. This directly influences how dark Chapter 4 will come off as to you, because it gives you more time to mull over the implications in regards to the setting of the story. I admit that it did stick out to me, but I had to go back and look at it again before it dawned on me what exactly was going on.

For that reason I suggest avoiding the comments, because they basically spell it out and ruin a lot of the little bits planted early on.
Finished reading part 2 and 3! I don't know what to say.

Pinkie is being creepy, and Fluttershy changed in an appropriate way. Wow, a whole different world. I can't imagine living without light. I mean, I CAN imagine a world without day, but where are they getting their energy? Mushrooms? Zecora's recipes?
And oh noes! They have been spotted!:scared:

*spoilers* gas bombs, ShadowBolts, Royal Unicorn army *spoilers*

*Spoilers* maybe ShadowBolts visited Pinkie Pie, but she and Mr.Slide managed to defeat them? And not once?*Spoilers*

Can't wait to get back from work! Good Bye!
To use spoilers. wrap the text in

Like this:
gas bombs, ShadowBolts, Royal Unicorn army

maybe ShadowBolts visited Pinkie Pie, but she and Mr.Slide managed to defeat them? And not once?

Wow, a whole different world. I can't imagine living without light. I mean, I CAN imagine a world without day, but where are they getting their energy? Mushrooms? Zecora's recipes?
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Or you can try to be less obvious and do this:

Place color tags and type "#F2F3F4" in place of a color name. Cool, huh?

Yes, highlight to read.
How did I miss this one:

But caught the two Rainbow Dashes?

I must have the least-peripheral vision ever.

Edit: Also, since I posted the news earlier about MLP passing Sad Keanu, it has gone up by nearly 40,000. Which means it will probably be third by Tuesday.
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Anyone else notice the matching costumes of Rarity and Spike? Great idea.
And the costumes actually fit with what I would expect from each character, seems like the person who made this actually put some thought into it.
My favorite would actually have to be the Gummy/Pinkie Pie swap though. Rainbow Dash looks pretty awesome like that though.

Alright, I was going to say I'm going to bed and then post a .gif of Applejack snoring from "Look Before You Sleep", but I'm surprised that hasn't been made yet.
Someone should make that. Then again, I'm tired, so I might have just missed it.

EDIT: Google is my friend.
Anyway, I'm off to bed;
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