The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
And for that one guy who just spent 4 hours configuring his rainmeter skin.

There's more coming too.

Oh, you're evil. Why do you even listen to me sometimes? :lol:

Those other ones look as nice the Zecora wallpaper you made yesterday. Also, I still love your current wallpaper Logan, along with the Rainmeter skin choice and layout. You should keep that one for a good while, seeing as you spent so much time messing around last night trying to get it the way you wanted. It paid of though.

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Top 5 at current -

1, 2: Tie between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. I think it's mostly because I've been writing for both of them. Both also stepped up hugely in the show recently.
3: Spitfire. I didn't want to actually give her first as I simply don't know her all that well from the show, but fanon Spits is quite...interesting. That and the whole female fighter pilot thing.
4,5: Derpy and The Doctor. again, we don't know much about them in canon - okay, we know more about Derpy - but the fandom's done amazing things with these characters, and The Doctor even has had some interesting scenes in the latest episode. They're lots of fun to play where's waldo with.

Gotta love Spits... :) .
Oh, you're evil. Why do you even listen to me sometimes? :lol:

Those other ones look as nice the Zecora wallpaper you made yesterday. Also, I still love your current wallpaper Logan, along with the Rainmeter skin choice and layout. You should keep that one for a good while, seeing as you spent so much time messing around last night trying to get it the way you wanted. It paid of though.

Yeah, I'll stop posting artwork here. No worries.

I don't have a problem with either of you asking but... couldn't you have said something beforehand? To pre-empt the inevitable flood of artwork that would be coming in? I'd never have even thought about posting any if that was the case...
I can't really tell, but is that Nightmare Moon in the top left? Also is that a Shadowbolt coming off the mountaintop just to the right of the logo?
I can't really tell, but is that Nightmare Moon in the top left? Also is that a Shadowbolt coming off the mountaintop just to the right of the logo?

That's Mare Do Well in the top left, and I think that's a Shadowbolt in the top right (next to Tom Dan?), but I still can't tell for sure.
I don't know if you guys have seen this yet or if you are even interested, but I found this little gem of a series of videos which have kept me up all night watching them:
Phoenix Wright MLP:FiM - Turnabout Storm
Part 1 (Half an hour long)
Part 2 (an hour long)
Part 3 (1 hour 44 minuets long)
Part 4 coming soon...

Yes they are long, but it is all 100% voice acted and has a great plot to it, give it a shot if you have a good 3 hours spare time :D

I don't know if you guys have seen this yet or if you are even interested, but I found this little gem of a series of videos which have kept me up all night watching them:
Phoenix Wright MLP:FiM - Turnabout Storm
Part 1 (Half an hour long)
Part 2 (an hour long)
Part 3 (1 hour 44 minuets long)
Part 4 coming soon...

Yes they are long, but it is all 100% voice acted and has a great plot to it, give it a shot if you have a good 3 hours spare time :D


Perhaps you've heard of My Little Investigations - the Ace Attorney style pony fan game starring Twilight Sparkle and her search for truth and justice. If you haven't, here, have a website. But if you're too lazy to click a link, just know that this is really really pretty and really really awesome. You know what's better than something that requires four reallys to describe it? A four really something with a playable demo!

And the folks at Equestrian Dreamers are now confident enough to set a release date for just such a demo: May 5. Yes, Cinco de Mayo, the perfect time to buy a lot of Corona (the preferred beer of sun princesses everywhere!), get smashed, and solve pony mysteries. If you're not excited by this, you either need to check out the video below the break, or you're the culprit. Hmmmm... I'd better keep my eye on this one...



You know what's better than something that requires four reallys to describe it? A four really something with a playable demo!
A four really something with a playable demo!
playable demo!

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