The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Pinkie Pie, looking at the absurdity of our discussion, shot her Pinkie cannon. As this weapon has unlimited ammo, the repeated firing of it caused a time paradox. That time paradox threw me to a universe filled with love and tolerance, Equestria. Unfortunately, Dr Whoof fixed the issue and brought me back to the real world. Fortunately, he forgot to erase my memory...

Here's another news story about the show.
BNet Story
If you actually follow ED you probably know, but this is incase you missed it or don't check the site.
Yep,the fuzz is quite strong,I just hope that the "accidental audience" don't change the focus of the show.

If they want to capitalize the concept,Hasbro should mass produce DJ Pon-3, it will be the best selling toy in the history of mankind.
The HUB updated their YouTube channel and added Equestria Girls to it, but they also Favorited the version that Sethisto put up last week. Which is a pretty cool thing to do, especially considering they uploaded the same video.
So, we have the cutest and greatest show, the most awesome and flexible place that spawns it and the most diverse and tolerant fans. And there has been only one season yet...

Show me a better fandom.
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Yep,the fuzz is quite strong,I just hope that the "accidental audience" don't change the focus of the show.
It won't. Hasbro won't do a thing that would damage target demographic sales, and the creative team is too talented to fall into that crappy anime trap of breaking the show to appeal to Otaku.
So, he we have the cutest and greatest show, the most awesome and flexible place that spawns it and the most diverse and tolerant fans.

We may be the most tolerant fans, but I can't tolerate spelling mistakes! j/k.

It won't. Hasbro won't do a thing that would damage target demographic sales, and the creative team is too talented to fall into that crappy anime trap of breaking the show to appeal to Otaku.

We all hope this is the case. Hasbro should know better than to change the focus of the show due to the unexpected audience that it's garnered.
It won't. Hasbro won't do a thing that would damage target demographic sales, and the creative team is too talented to fall into that crappy anime trap of breaking the show to appeal to Otaku.

Perhaps you right on that,the show reminds me a lot of The Powerful Girls,I used to watch it back in the 90's(as silly as it sounds :sly: )and I have to say that MLP follows about the same structure and humour,which was well received by adult audiences (or at least that is what I wanted to believe),this brings to TPG,which continue its style and humour despite its audiences,so it might be a bright future for the series if Lauren Faust is still on the show as producer and storyboard artist.

As for MPL going into otaku mode,that is quite unlikely since thankfully there is no fan service(yet) and similar nonsense that bothers me sometimes in anime.

And any recommendations for fanfics,I been navigating in Equestria daily,its hard to follow some of the stories and is hard to identify something that could be good.

BTW no one hasn't come up with My Powerful Ponies,that would be a pretty good fan art(if done correctly).
As for MPL going into otaku mode,that is quite unlikely since thankfully there is no fan service(yet) and similar nonsense that bothers me sometimes in anime.
Actually, starting with Feeling Pinkie Keen, nearly all of the instances of Derpy in the show have been purely for fanservice purposes. I can't imagine Season 2 will contain anything that is more intrusive than that, though.

BTW no one hasn't come up with My Powerful Ponies,that would be a pretty good fan art(if done correctly).
Er. There have been a few more as well, but Picasa has been doing stupid crap all day.

And any recommendations for fanfics,I been navigating in Equestria daily,its hard to follow some of the stories and is hard to identify something that could be good.

Perfect timing. Join the GTP Bronies club. Though I'm probably going to host the bits that I contributed somewhere else as well, I haven't gotten around to it yet.
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Perfect timing. Join the GTP Bronies club. Though I'm probably going to host the bits that I contributed somewhere else as well, I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Thanks,it saves me all the trouble of navigating through the pages and docs.

And I will try to make My Powerful Ponies,if I get some time thought,I mean:

-Bubbles with bubbles cutie mark(obviously)
-Buttercup with a yellow flower(or a punch,I'm yet to decide)
-Blossom with a heart(or something allusive like pink dash or something)

I just got that image on my head,and I cant take it out!!!
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Thanks,it saves me all the trouble of navigating through the pages and docs.
Currently myself and several other frequent posters in this thread are reading the first title in that list, The Night That Never Ended, and every time a new chapter goes up there is generally a good page or so purely dedicated to discussion about it soon afterwards (all generally made up entirely of spoiler tags to boot).
So if you want to get involved with those discussions, I suggest that story. Though take heed at the warnings I wrote regarding the content of the story.

That being said, I am currently reading or have read all of the stories on that list, so if you have any more specific questions or want to discuss any of them I'll be here. Just post in this thread so the fan fic recommendation thread doesn't get cluttered.
No problem.

Lyra & Bon-Bon.

And the couple beside them?

I believe it's he one at top-right.

I'm well aware of that, but I was asking which episode ;)

That's as much as I could get. 👍

Thanks a bunch, though if you wouldn't mind can you also tell me which episodes they appear in? (I mean all of them :\)
Most of them are background characters that the fanbase has grabbed a hold of for whatever reason (for example, Lyra is popular because PONIES DON'T WORK THAT WAY), so they appear in nearly every episode.
@Toronado, thanks for linking those fanfics. I'll try reading more than just TNTNE when possible 👍

It might be a bright future for the series if Lauren Faust is still on the show as producer and storyboard artist.

She is still working on the show, it's just that she's not the Executive Producer anymore. As I said in a post that I made earlier this month "She will just be less involved in the post-production of season 2 when she takes over her new role as Consulting Producer".
Thanks a bunch, though if you wouldn't mind can you also tell me which episodes they appear in? (I mean all of them :\)

The couple is Applejack and Braeburn. (Her Appleloozan cousin)- Over a barrel.

Lyra & Bon-Bon are like Derpy, they appear pretty much everywhere.

Derpy's boss - Feeling Pinkie Keen

Colgate- Winter Wrap-up.

Octavia- Best Night Ever

Silverspoon- Call of Cutie

Dr. Whoof- First mayor appearance: Call of cutie, First known appearance: Winter Wrap-up; A colt of similar mark and complexion, but with a different mane/color combo appeared in Best Night Ever, some fans refer to him as the regenerated version.

The paparazzi and the Make-up team appeared in Green is not your color.

Pony Joe (?) (Bartender) appeared in Best Night Ever.

Again, that's all that got out of my head, feel free to correct me if wrong. ;)
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Applejack's cousin is named Braeburn.

And Dr. Whooves was in Winter Wrap Up (he was one of the ponies singing the song), which was the episode before Call of the Cutie. He might have been in earlier episodes as well, but I distinctly remember that one.
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The couple is Applejack and Braeburn. (Her Appleloozan cousin)- (Over a barrel)

Lyra & Bon-Bon are like Derpy, they appear pretty much everywhere.

Derpy's boss - Feeling Pinkie Keen

Colgate- Winter Wrap-up.

Octavia- Best Night Ever

Silverspoon- Call of Cutie

Dr. Whoof- First mayor appearance: Call of cutie, First known appearance: Winter Wrap-up; A colt of similar mark and complexion, but with a different mane/color combo appeared in Best Night Ever, some fans refer to him as the regenerated version.

The paparazzi and the Make-up team appeared in Green is not your color.

The bartender appeared in Best Night Ever.

Again, that's all that got out of my head, feel free to correct me if wrong. ;)

The bartender's name is Pony Joe.
I was just down at the local Big W seriously thinking of buying ponies. I saw Rainbow Dash, sweet my favorite character.

Her cutie mark is printed the wrong way on her flank.

So they lost themselves a sale.
What makes it worst however is the fact that Dash is on the side of the box with the cutie mark the correct way.

They also have plush Sweetie Belle, I didn't buy it, however if I see a Scootaloo or Applebloom I might buy it. (Then try to explain it to my parents that still don't know about the show.:scared:)
I could buy a DJ P0N-3 toy or a Derpy plushie (If they existed). Just because they are cool. Explaining my friends and family? Ha! It's magic, I don't have to explain $#!%!
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I don't understand why the Celestia toy is a completely different colour, but I can't really complain about it myself:

I was just down at the local Big W seriously thinking of buying ponies. I saw Rainbow Dash, sweet my favorite character.

Her cutie mark is printed the wrong way on her flank.

So they lost themselves a sale.
What makes it worst however is the fact that Dash is on the side of the box with the cutie mark the correct way.

They also have plush Sweetie Belle, I didn't buy it, however if I see a Scootaloo or Applebloom I might buy it. (Then try to explain it to my parents that still don't know about the show.:scared:)

Hey you like Rainbow Dash the best too? O-o and im not the only one whos parents don't know they watch the show :lol:

I guess that everyone should remember the "those are toys" bit,unlike figurines,toys are designed to be played (scratched,dirtied, thrown,damaged,etc...) which turn them to be more "disposable" and therefore cheaper to mass produce,I guess that more detailed toys will be produced(with main characters and TV based characters)but they will be produced more like figurines (SP editions for example) instead of current production models.

BTW I end up watching the 20th episode again,which is 20% cooler after each view.
I think there should just be one big set that includes all of the popular background characters, as well as all of the main characters. All of them should be portrayed accurately, and be scaled correctly.
If I see something like that, I would gladly drop some money on it.

Hopefully someone at Hasbro is working on designing new stuff just for the Bronies. I think the stuff they already have out was designed specifically to meet the relatively lower expectations of the target audience. The current stuff was probably in production long before the show became popular. Probably a lot of paperwork to go through to get anything approved for mass production and distribution, so I think it'll be a while before they make something designed to meet the expectations of the Bronies.

EDIT: I have never been tree'd before this moment. Well, at least I think that counts as tree'd.
I don't understand why the Celestia toy is a completely different colour, but I can't really complain about it myself:


If Trollestia enforced all of the policies of those pictures, The Moon would be a bit... Crowded. :D