The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Well, I have to sleep.


Later, guys!
I don't think they sell any of the new MLP stuff in UK shops (yet), but that Gift Set is available to buy on which is interesting. If I see any decent MLP:FiM products anywhere in town that could sell them in the near future, then I would consider making a purchase. If I ever found a place that was selling stuff like Brony t-shirts or other clothing in my area, then I would buy it no questions asked.

EDIT: It's 6am here, so I really need to re-adjust my bodyclock when possible. At least I don't have much to do this week.
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The couple is Applejack and Braeburn. (Her Appleloozan cousin)- Over a barrel.

Lyra & Bon-Bon are like Derpy, they appear pretty much everywhere.

Derpy's boss - Feeling Pinkie Keen

Colgate- Winter Wrap-up.

Octavia- Best Night Ever

Silverspoon- Call of Cutie

Dr. Whoof- First mayor appearance: Call of cutie, First known appearance: Winter Wrap-up; A colt of similar mark and complexion, but with a different mane/color combo appeared in Best Night Ever, some fans refer to him as the regenerated version.

The paparazzi and the Make-up team appeared in Green is not your color.

Pony Joe (?) (Bartender) appeared in Best Night Ever.

Again, that's all that got out of my head, feel free to correct me if wrong. ;)

Thanks a bunch 👍
That's the last episode of the season. I assume you've seen the previous 25 episodes.

Also, Sapphire Shores or whatever the flank her name is.
Confound these sad fics. They drive me to cry.

I read the first story when when he originally posted it, and it was/is junk. But the second one is much better written and much, much sadder.

Why read the sad ones?

I know I can't do it, I just hate the feeling I get from stories like that.

An MLP Drink list? I have to say I didn't see this coming.

Wow, tree'd twice in 12 hours and on one page.

I'll just post this instead.
I can't very well not read it. And if the end result is that I end up crying like a little girl shedding manly tears, than so be it.

Okay maybe that was an exaggeration, I can read them, but as I said I hate that sad feeling afterwards (or during) reading.
I think I'll stick with comedy and normal stories.
That's a food pyramid I can live with. :lol:

And goodnight everypony.
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Even if I don't know anything about drinking...

Wow, an MLP mixed drink list. I noticed that the only drink on that list that actually exists is Applejack. Also, judging by the ingredients used, I'd say Pinkie Pie would be the strongest drink in terms of alcohol content, although I'd imagine Rainbow Dash, Spike and Derpy Hooves would be equally effective at getting you smashed :P
Even if I don't know anything about drinking...


No Appletini? I am disappoint.

Edit: What!? Pinkie Pie is beating Dash in the character poll? This is madness. I knew Fluttershy was going to win because she is everyone's waifu, but Pinkie Pie!?
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What!? Pinkie Pie is beating Dash in the character poll? This is madness. I knew Fluttershy was going to win because she is everyone's waifu, but Pinkie Pie!?


Could you link the poll that you're referring to? I've come across a few other polls which have Rainbow Dash as the favourite character.
^I should have figured, plus I haven't looked on ED in a while so I haven't been aware any polls they've been running lately.
I hope they include some of the background ponies too. I saw only 17 characters in one of the screenshots.

Also, take my money.
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Twilight needs to be nerfed hard if they want to make the game balanced. If they go for a realistic interpritation of what they can do in the show, Twilight would be really OP. Rainbow Dash would also be OP, but they wont have to nerf her as much.

Also, I already think I know what RD's and Fluttershy's specials will be.
Hello! I'm back from work!
Good messages! I saw you were talking about MLP action figures. But that will come a little bit later.

First of all, the summer is finally here!
I also had some more free time at work =)


Okay. I visited a local hypermarket today to buy some groceries. And for the lulz I checked the toy isle. The target was a pink stand. And I found some interesting stuff xD
Okay old generation pony toys *yawn*
But then. Oh! A big pink Celestia! Pinkie Pie and Cherilee toys. And other boxes had Rainbow dash and Rarity with dresses.
Then I saw those "blind bags" people were talking about. So I grabbed a pair.
Okay the first one had a earth pony named Minty (Applejack recolor) - she loves to celebrate.
The other had an unicorn pony named Sweetcream Scoops (Twilight Sparkle recolor) - she loves to sing.



:grumpy: Well I was hoping to get RD and TS, but hey, if first you don't succeed...:sly:
I finally got around to reading Severing and Reconnection. They are fantastic, fantastic stories. Well written, incredibly intense and quite a strong take on the FiM canon, especially Reconnection.

And I say this under no uncertain terms, but no one here should ever, ever read either of them. I recognize the contradictory nature of bringing something up to say not to do it, but I'm being completely serious, because they are both rather infamous among the fanbase to the extent that I don't want any GTP Bronies to stumble across them and read them on accident. Just don't do it.
I've been putting off reading them since April, and I finally got the time and the balls to do so. I don't regret reading them, but I recognize that I will never look at the series the same way again.
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^^ I think that was their business strategy when they put those out.
People will buy and buy until they get what they want, and Hasbro makes a bunch of money. I'm not saying their bad for doing this, but I just figured that was what they were hoping for with the "Blind Bags".

Also, not a huge fan of Sweetcream's color.

I'm still holding off in hopes for some show accurate models meant for display instead of toys built to take a beating. Some nice MLP models would go nice with my Dragon and Car models. And I would be willing to pay pretty high dollar for some really well made model. I've got this wooden hand carved dragon that ran me $200, so some really good stuff might be able to get my wallet open.

EDIT: I'll check those out some time, Toro. I've always enjoyed reading the controversial stuff. It can bug me, but I've always been able to mentally separate fan written stuff from parts of the actual show. Cupcakes, for example, didn't change the way I actually thought about Pinkie Pie, but "Party of One" had a bigger effect on that because that was actually part of the show. I can carry my feelings of characters from the show into a fan-fic, but I've never brought feelings of a fan-fic back into the show.
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