The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
So I now have all of the episodes in 480x320 as MP4s. I'll be trying to upload them to FileDropper soon. So if anyone's interested I'll post a link when I'm finished.
I figure most current Smartphones and media players support that resolution and file type, so all you should have to do is copy/paste the files onto your phone after you get them on your computer.

It'll be a while, probably won't finish before I got to work, so since I won't be able to link now anyway, does anyone know if posting links to FileDropper is allowed on this site?
I would think so, but I just want to be sure.

Also, it will be a .zip file, so you'll need a program to "unzip" it.

Well, the upload might end up not working, but I might try something else if it doesn't.
Here's what the playlist looks like. It's a 4GB total.

EDIT:Anyone know of a site where I can upload a 3.9GB .zip file for free?
Filedropper would work, but for some reason Norton flips out whenever I try to upload something.

EDIT: The more I struggle to make this work, the more I think it never will. Even though I copied all the files, when I try them on my phone again they don't work, it has to be synced through DoubleTwist for some reason or the phone won't play it.
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@Racedude: I tried using GIMP for a Pony icon but it didn't end too well. I ended up messing up the pic i was trying to make.

If you tell me what you want to do, I may be able to help you.

P.S.: If you want, there are some avatars here (Terronium-12) and here (those are mine) They are mostly in premium size, so a quick resize to 100x100px or a call to any of us should do.
@Racedude: I tried to make something like this with inverted colors but the image kept going to fast & i didn't know how to slow them down :irked: so I gave up 💡
@Racedude: I tried to make something like this with inverted colors but the image kept going to fast & i didn't know how to slow them down :irked: so I gave up 💡

Are you talking about a gif image? If you are, to slow down the animation just add extra images between the main colour changes. i.e. instead of the animation being 2 frames make it 4 or 6 frames and it'll slow down.
(I hope this is helpful :))
Are you talking about a gif image? If you are, to slow down the animation just add extra images between the main colour changes. i.e. instead of the animation being 2 frames make it 4 or 6 frames and it'll slow down.
(I hope this is helpful :))

I had 5 frames in it & it still went nuts & I just made it worse from there

Oh, & the image I was referring to ->
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Humanized: A non-human character depicted as human.

Inhuman: Against the beliefs of humanity; Immoral, brutal.

Context is always important, Coxis.

I think that was a joke.

Also, theres a chance the tags is this post are broken because Im typing them manually on my phone.

EDIT: Fixed
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^Dear Celestia NO! Must....restore...order:


Celestia approves of this :D

Anyway, I've been feeling kinda sick lately and it's probably due to something I ate the other day. I guess the only cure is to watch more ponies.
Yes, that is very creepy. It looks quite grave-ish, if you know what I mean

also, I look at my avatar & in my twisted mind, the squirrel never made it.:scared: poor thing
Well, those jokes suck when you make me remember something I regret being unable to unsee...

Right, I forgot how bad people said that was. I still havent seen that so I thought the joke was pretty funny.
I laughed nonstop for nearly 5 minutes:

Also, Equestria Girls looped for an hour:

And the Eeeyup button.

And now back to more pressing matters.

Captain and Spitfire never killed no one.
Spitfire was obviously an innocent, but I wouldn't extend the same theory to Captain Dash. I think she has to have blood on her hands, just not of those that she knew. She could keep up the charade of protecting her friends while pretending to do otherwise, but she wouldn't be the captain of the Shadowbolts if she hadn't "earned" her title.

Also, the revelation that Twilight is indeed dead threw me, but I'm still somewhat curious about that. Something set off alarm bells when that scene played out, making me wonder if Nightmare wasn't just lying to Trixie. I can certainly think of a few reasons why she would.

Rainbow is traumatised by what she have seen and felt. She lived in the bright and free and happy world, but now it's darkness, dirt, restrictions and pain and tough desisions.
Twilight seems mutch stronger mentally. I think she doesn't feel the same feelings to her "alternate universe friends" as she feels to her real ones. Look how she cares about Dash. Her main headache is to get her and Dash back home. I'm afraid Dash will suffer post traumatic stress ones she gets home.
I think it is the opposite. Dash is the one who is stronger, and Dash is the one who is better able to resist the effects of the depressing state that the world is in.

Remember, it was Dash that most strongly opposed the idea of the executions in the first place (especially notable because she went against what Soaren wanted), and it was Dash who took action to prevent the second execution from taking place with no care of the consequences that would befall her.
In Chapter 10, Twilight even said that Dash was the one who was making the hard decisions and trying to protect Twilight's innocence, and Twilight might not have been able to act in the same way that Dash did if she was in the same situation.

That isn't to say that I think Dash isn't going to take more of a mental beating in the end than Twilight will, but its Dash's actions and morals that are going to cause her own problems rather than the actions of the environment. So far, Twilight has expressed outrage and threatened about the consequences of New Ponyville's actions, but she hasn't taken the initiative and is basically along for the ride. Dash is the rock that Twilight has been relying on,;and while I think this will mean Dash will end up the worst for it, I think both ponies would be in worse shape if the roles were reversed.

New idea:
There was also a very interesting comment on ED that posed a question that I hadn't considered which was based on Captain Dash's dressing down of Rarity in Chapter 9: In this world, the Elements of Harmony failed to vanquish Nightmare Moon not because of anything done wrong by alternate-Twilight, but because of Captain Dash's failure to live up to her element of loyalty. And as I think about it, that is an entirely valid conclusion to make.
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Humanized: A non-human character depicted as human.

Inhuman: Against the beliefs of humanity; Immoral, brutal.

Context is always important, Coxis.

Turns out I haven't visited this thread in a few weeks, and that was like 8 pages ago! :x
New idea:
There was also a very interesting comment on ED that posed a question that I hadn't considered which was based on Captain Dash's dressing down of Rarity in Chapter 9: In this world, the Elements of Harmony failed to vanquish Nightmare Moon not because of anything done wrong by alternate-Twilight, but because of Captain Dash's failure to live up to her element of loyalty. And as I think about it, that is an entirely valid conclusion to make.

That's the reason I thought of as well:

Somehow I feel that when the Shadowbolts confronted Rainbow (Captain) Dash before the ponies came up against Nightmare Moon, her loyalty towards her friends diminished to an extent and the temptation to join the Shadowbolts was far greater than it was for RD in the other world. This is the only reason I can think of that could cause Captain Dash's element of loyalty to fail, never the less I'm interested to know the true reason why the 6 elements didn't combine properly.
That's the reason I thought of as well:

Somehow I feel that when the Shadowbolts confronted Rainbow (Captain) Dash before the ponies came up against Nightmare Moon, her loyalty towards her friends diminished to an extent and the temptation to join the Shadowbolts was far greater than it was for RD in the other world. This is the only reason I can think of that could cause Captain Dash's element of loyalty to fail, never the less I'm interested to know the true reason why the 6 elements didn't combine properly.
Indeed. And the more I think about it, the more that it explains certain things that have actually been nagging at me for quite a while now.

Specifically, it would directly explain why Nightmare Moon didn't kill Captain Dash on the spot when Captain Dash went after her as a diversion to buy time for her friends, which is what really should have happened all things considering (and is at the very least what the remaining 4 ponies rationally thought happened).

It would also explain why Nightmare Moon has complete trust in the pony who was originally one of the Mane Six who attempted to defy her, to the point of explicitly warning Trixie not to pull the crap she is planning on pulling.

And it would explain how Captain Dash fast-tracked through to the top of Nightmare Moon's personal army even though Captain Dash was playing both sides (to an extent), while Trixie had to get to her station basically by being a skilled chessmaster and eliminating her competition for advancement.

With that in mind:

It would also show the tears in Trixie's plan to eliminate Captain Dash, because even assuming that the evidence that Trixie is going to try to frame Captain Dash with works, Captain Dash seems almost like Nightmare Moon's personal apprentice (like Twilight is to Celestia in the normal world).

Of course, this is an assumption based on an assumption based on an assumption, so I wouldn't hedge any bets, but it remains distinctly possible. And I'm certain that the reason that the Elements failed, whatever it is, will ultimately be be revealed.
Alright, I'm just getting around to starting Part 10 of TNTNE.

Also, I'm really curious about that humanized cupcakes thing people were talking about.
Those types of things almost never bother me and I'm just wondering what level of disgusting were talking about.
If anyone knows where to find it I would like to know.
And please, if you tell me, do it in a PM, I don't want to bring that type of stuff up in this thread too much.

EDIT: Wow. I hated her before, but this is just.....I haven't quite reached the hight of my hatred for her, but I have a feeling the next part will make me want to load up a picture of Trixie and punch her as hard as I can. I really, really hope she gets executed banished for that, only to the sun instead of the moon.

Hmmm. I really need to read these sooner. Almost everything I can think of to say has been said by one of you already.
I actually have more respect for AJ now considering the conversation that took place between her a RD after the incident with the captain. Also, that bit about Rarity's dream was actually a really good idea.
I didn't like this chapter as much as the others, it just didn't seem to have any of those "Holy 🤬" moments, but it definitely feels like it's an entire chapter dedicated to building up to one of those moments, so I am really looking forward to the next chapter.

Spitfire was obviously an innocent, but I wouldn't extend the same theory to Captain Dash. I think she has to have blood on her hands, just not of those that she knew. She could keep up the charade of protecting her friends while pretending to do otherwise, but she wouldn't be the captain of the Shadowbolts if she hadn't "earned" her title.

Didn't they already say something along those lines during the conversation between the lieutenant and captain? It may not have been directly stated, but I'm fairly sure there was a conversation that strongly implied it.
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And now back to more pressing matters.

Spitfire was obviously an innocent, but I wouldn't extend the same theory to Captain Dash. I think she has to have blood on her hands, just not of those that she knew. She could keep up the charade of protecting her friends while pretending to do otherwise, but she wouldn't be the captain of the Shadowbolts if she hadn't "earned" her title.

You may be right.

I think it is the opposite. Dash is the one who is stronger, and Dash is the one who is better able to resist the effects of the depressing state that the world is in.

Remember, it was Dash that most strongly opposed the idea of the executions in the first place (especially notable because she went against what Soaren wanted), and it was Dash who took action to prevent the second execution from taking place with no care of the consequences that would befall her.
In Chapter 10, Twilight even said that Dash was the one who was making the hard decisions and trying to protect Twilight's innocence, and Twilight might not have been able to act in the same way that Dash did if she was in the same situation.

That isn't to say that I think Dash isn't going to take more of a mental beating in the end than Twilight will, but its Dash's actions and morals that are going to cause her own problems rather than the actions of the environment. So far, Twilight has expressed outrage and threatened about the consequences of New Ponyville's actions, but she hasn't taken the initiative and is basically along for the ride. Dash is the rock that Twilight has been relying on,;and while I think this will mean Dash will end up the worst for it, I think both ponies would be in worse shape if the roles were reversed.

Yeah, i kinda had this in mind. ^
But you said "Dash is the one who is better able to resist the effects of the depressing state that the world is in." But she's depressed and ... oh, You mean, while Dash is fighting this, Twilight just absorbs everything that is happening? (maybe I don't understand something, or have a hard time explaining)
New idea:
There was also a very interesting comment on ED that posed a question that I hadn't considered which was based on Captain Dash's dressing down of Rarity in Chapter 9: In this world, the Elements of Harmony failed to vanquish Nightmare Moon not because of anything done wrong by alternate-Twilight, but because of Captain Dash's failure to live up to her element of loyalty. And as I think about it, that is an entirely valid conclusion to make.

Great theory!

Also, I'm really curious about that humanized cupcakes thing people were talking about.
Those types of things almost never bother me and I'm just wondering what level of disgusting were talking about.
If anyone knows where to find it I would like to know.
And please, if you tell me, do it in a PM, I don't want to bring that type of stuff up in this thread too much.

Believe me, it's not worth it...
Also, I'm really curious about that humanized cupcakes thing people were talking about.

I believe i've come across those 'humanized cupcakes' images recently. All I can say is it's not worth being curious about, plus if you've read Cupcakes then it doesn't really take much imagination to know what these images depict.

Also, I liked this:

EDIT: Wow. I hated her before, but this is just.....I haven't quite reached the hight of my hatred for her, but I have a feeling the next part will make me want to load up a picture of Trixie and punch her as hard as I can. I really, really hope she gets executed for that.
I bet I can guess the exact part of the chapter that brought those feelings. I went from feeling... I don't want to say respect, but I was legitimately impressed with Trixie's plan for moving forward from that point.

As horrible as it was, it was a logical and carefully thought out one, and it was one that very well could have worked (though I have a strong feeling that her backstabbing tendencies have already put all of the necessary pieces in place to bring about her downfall). And all it took to swing me from that sort of pseudo-admiration to face-punching rage were the last two sentences that she spoke to the Captain.

But you said "Dash is the one who is better able to resist the effects of the depressing state that the world is in." But she's depressed and ... oh, You mean, while Dash is fighting this, Twilight just absorbs everything that is happening? (maybe I don't understand something, or have a hard time explaining)
Dash sees the hopeless state that the alternate world is in, and she refuses to acknowledge the hopelessness. Most of her actions so far have been her refusing to allow her personal morals to be bypassed because of how different the world is to her own. The only exception to this is refusing to kill Fluttershy, but even that is pretty arguable for which side she came down on.

In comparison, Twilight has been talking the talk an awful lot, such as when she bawled out Rarity about the supply situation; but she hasn't been walking the walk and following through with her convictions. And, even more troubling, Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 have begun implying that she is becoming accepting of the ways of the new world and putting on a brave face to hide how ashamed she is for thinking as such.
Nevermind what was here, I was tired and misread your post.

Also, I find myself agreeing with 90% of everything you say Toro. It's almost like every time I have an idea, I read your latest post and it say's what I was thinking. Only I would have done a terrible job of explaining it.