The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
What song were you planning on using?

Seemed Perfect for A PMV....

Also a new Logo for my Tuners! There's MLP:FiM references galore! (well 2 but you know)
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It was always Princess Incestia. A couple of the previous ones were also pretty explicit regarding the idea, though even the ones that came down on the implicit side of the equation (64154, 64204) were pretty straightforward about it.

Well those are implied desires, but the last one from the tumblr is direct execution(borderline execution).
I asume they age that way as well, although for some reason I've always thought that their average lifespan was slightly longer than that of a human (somewhere between 90 and 100 years). Either way, I really don't think they age in the same that real ponies do.

100 years, interesting. Although it may vary if they are earth, unicorn and pegasi. I think they live around 60 years, the best reference point is Apple family, which aims granny as a 50-70 years old pony.

I just know that AppleBloom seems visually like a 10-13 year old, AJ looks like 23-26, Macintosh looks like 29-35 and granny looks like a 50-70 years old. Besides they follow the nature trend of birth, grow, ship, and die.

(*Goes back to S2-Ep2, realizes that Ep 3 will not be available until next week*)
Well those are implied desires, but the last one from the tumblr is direct execution(borderline execution).

100 years, interesting. Although it may vary if they are earth, unicorn and pegasi. I think they live around 60 years, the best reference point is Apple family, which aims granny as a 50-70 years old pony.

I just know that AppleBloom seems visually like a 10-13 year old, AJ looks like 23-26, Macintosh looks like 29-35 and granny looks like a 50-70 years old. Besides they follow the nature trend of birth, grow, ship, and die.

I'm going with the human lifespan idea.

I'd say Applebloom(And the other CMCs) is somewhere around 10 or under.
The Mane 6 are all assumed to be around the same age, and I'd put them at about 20-25.
Big Mac is probably only a year or 2 older than AJ. He's large, but I doubt he's any more than 27.
Granny is easily in her late 60's, possibly higher though. If she's any younger than that she's in really rough shape for her age.
And then radom pony, the Mayor, just putting this out there, probably late 50s.

I'll probably think about this some more tomorrow.

And as far as variations between each race, there's a lot to consider, so much so that there is absolutely no way to come up with a viable theory for whether it's even true, let alone what those differences might be.

Anyway, I've got to get up early. Well, earlier than usual on a Saturday, so night:

Can't believe I haven't found a better sleep image in 5 weeks.

I love this image.
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Like a turkey.

Anyways, I'd say early 20s (like, 20-22) for the Mane Six. Rarity perhaps a little older. I doubt Big Mac is older than AJ by more than 5 years. All three of the Crusaders I would put at 10 years younger than the Mane Six; so, preteens.

Also, someone coloured it:

Alicorn chapter 2 was a hell of a lot better than I expected it to be, and I thought that it would be good before I even started reading. The second half of the chapter was, well, great, brilliant even. There were some very emotional moments throughout, plus there were some pretty funny moments as well, so all in all, this story gets a big thumbs up from me.

That's all I can say right now as I'm far too tired to go on about how much I enjoyed reading that. I'm not sure if I'll have time to read chapter 3 tomorrow, but I will certainly give it a look before the end of this weekend.

Anyways, I'd say early 20s (like, 20-22) for the Mane Six. Rarity perhaps a little older. I doubt Big Mac is older than AJ by more than 5 years. All three of the Crusaders I would put at 10 years younger than the Mane Six; so, preteens.

I would say that the Mane 6 were roughly the same age as myself, but no younger than 19. Pinkie would probably be the youngest (19), with both Rarity and AJ being the oldest (about 2 to 3 years older than Pinkie). Big Mac would be roughly 3 years older than AJ, and the CMC have only just reached double figures. Mayor Mare is in her early to mid 50s, and Granny Smith would be around 80 years old.

EDIT: This may not be as good as the other censored videos, but it's still funny:

"Applejack, what the 🤬 is going on?" :lol:

Anyways, I'm gonna listen to some Syntax before calling it a night:

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Dammit, Ace Combat ultra-fan-pack shipping from Japan is actually a hell of a lot more expensive than 6 months ago, too damn expensive but I want that thing more than anything else in this world.[/unrelated_pony_rant]

I forgot about the mayor, there is my 50 year old reference so that could put granny on the 70-80 years old range, but I still believe that Big Mac is actually +30.

:lol: Besides it reminds me of Rainbow Dash bucking Apples.


(*Goes back to Prokofiev's Symphony #1*)
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You're right, but his attitude suits someone who is about 30 years old.

Maybe 27.

Well, since according to Faust this:


Is supposedly canon (or at least was originally intended to be), I think it makes perfect sense for his maturity to belie his age.

In other Pony news, they already got Epic Cupcake Time shirts done. Which is ridiculous.

All right. That's enough Duke for today.


Good night.
A pretty dramatic story could came out from the "parentsless" ponies concept. I think there is one, but the fact I can remember it means that it either wasn't that good or that significant(wait there was one, and I forgot completely about it, or maybe I conceptualized, I cant remember anymore).


Goodnight everyone.


Like a turkey.

:sly:Language Warning

That is amazing.

I need a Twilight and Big Macintosh version.



And Tom.


Is supposedly canon (or at least was originally intended to be), I think it makes perfect sense for his maturity to belie his age.

I've treated it that way for a while mainly because of Macintosh
Dammit, Ace Combat ultra-fan-pack shipping from Japan is actually a hell of a lot more expensive than 6 months ago, too damn expensive but I want that thing more than anything else in this world.[/unrelated_pony_rant]

I know that feeling.

Best Buy decided to tell me they canceled my pre-order of the Forza 4 LCE with only 5 days notice. My only option is to hope someone canceled their pre-order from the local Gamestop, or they ordered more copies than they needed.

EDIT: Long post is long:

Ginormous post is ginormous.
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Good morning everyone.

Not sure if within the AUP, but:

I know that feeling.

Best Buy decided to tell me they canceled my pre-order of the Forza 4 LCE with only 5 days notice. My only option is to hope someone canceled their pre-order from the local Gamestop, or they ordered more copies than they needed.

On Amazon, I think they do launch day delivery, but it is a bit more expensive, and I'm pretty sure they should have the LCE version.

(*Finishes sniping douchebagery on BF3 Beta, goes back to Chemical brothers's Don't think*)
Got my prologue reviewed!

Holy crap it's terrible!

I'm now working on my fourth rewrite. This time, I'm just dumping the whole idea of taking the land from Dragons, and I'm going with the idea that the Dragon Fluttershy messed with in Dragonshy was some sort of Dragon royalty or something.

I like when authors actually investigate the symptoms of a mental decease to write their stories.

Such a shame that these stories aren't that good(except Nick Nack, which is kind of missing).

Also, Lyra wall:

Humanized Dischord:

(Look like a lawyer, which makes it even more scary)

Fluttershy and potential cupcake sequel:

And of course, the traditional Saturday Ask Pinkamina update(which is worth a look).

(*Goes back to planning stuff*)
Holy crap it's terrible!

I'm now working on my fourth rewrite. This time, I'm just dumping the whole idea of taking the land from Dragons, and I'm going with the idea that the Dragon Fluttershy messed with in Dragonshy was some sort of Dragon royalty or something.

Honestly Rykon, scrap it and start again.

Sorry if it sounds harsh, but I spent a week trying to get the original A Little Piece of Heaven through the pre-readers. Best thing is to completely wipe it and try a new idea. It ended up the pre-reader wanted every aspect of the fic changed, it simply won't be worth your time constantly giving CPR to the fic you're writing now.

Also, starting out your first fic with a sweeping epic like you're doing is simply too much. You'll notice that most fanfics deal in very small groups, the relationships between no more than a handful of ponies.

Even Past Sins deals with only a couple of ponies at a time, and engages them towards each other. Take a fic where you can chronicle an intimate relationship between two ponies. Not necessarily shipping, even something as simple as a backstory with an OC seems to work.

Play on the daww factor like there's no tomorrow. And have fun. That's number one, have fun writing, people'll have fun reading.

Also, I challenge the BTP bronies to watch this on loop for at least five minutes:


Damn, I feel preachy reading that...but trust me, it saves you effort and heartbreak in the long run.
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Hmm, then maybe I'll save it for later.

Can't think of anything else to do right now though, and writing's pretty much the only thing I do now.

That said, he did like the actual chapter. I'm fairly certain I can get this to work, but man, I've got problems with scale. I'll go for something light hearted.

Ergh, but I can't! They go all M. Night Shymalan on me without me noticing! Argh!
You know, all this shipping discussions are attracting ads about marriage in Ukraine, Wedding photography and child custody lawyers! :lol:
