Another report through my journey using T500RS
Last time I was reporting my wheel was off centered after calibration, and given advice to manually adjust centering. I didn't do it (yet) at that time due to late night and sleepy zzz
Well, interestingly, the next day I fired up my cockpit (expecting the wheel to be off centered), but it was calibrated perfectly ... wow.. just woww.. (glitch?)
At the same day, it was weekend. My friend came along and we play it hard (using R.Soft, drifting, etc).. real hard.. after 4hrs and quit the game, guess what?? it was off centered again !!
The normal thing I did was turn off-on the whole system but it stays the same. So, we headed for diner and came back, haha it was normal again. I got some hints maybe because of the heat.
The following days, I can conclude more that
it was related to the heat. After long run (3-4hrs) sometimes it off centered, sometimes don't. I played in daily basis, by the way.. and during weekend the whole system always run straight 60hrs from friday evening until monday morning, well the actual me driving is still 3-4 hrs straight in average (the other was b-spec /remote /standby)
Now I'm considering to mod my wheel with additional fan to the PCB and/or the motor.
Another glitch, similar as I saw here, was the paddle. It often double click when i paddle. For instance, downshift once from 4th gear, and the game showed me downshifting direct to the 2nd gear. It was like 50-50 chance to get downshifting right. This happened for the last 3-4 weeks only with the downshifting.
But lately (this week) up shifting started to behave the same, but less likely to occur (around 10% chance).
I'm eager to dismantle the wheel but every weekend I was so busy racing with my friend, LOL..
Maybe I'll do it once the shifter arrives
Thanks for reading my post