Snaeper in the ORB thread1. Please, I know that having real life racing-associated brands can look cool and gives your series an air of reality... but it ultimately serves no purpose other than to give that company completely free advertising. The stemming of the frustration comes from a point that I made earlier in that there are plenty of brands associated with gtplanet that are active in the Tuning and Photo forums as well as other places online, yet none of the owners of these brands are approached about involvement in racing series here on gtplanet, instead getting ignored for things like "YOKOHAMA" and "MOBIL 1". If they're paying to advertise on these series then we need to figure out how to make friends with the guys running those series.
All teams, and the championship itself should incorporate this. Get a tuner or other service such as photos or GTlife magazine (that would be a good one) instead of Dunlop or, as I was considering at the start of Season 3, Lyon's Tea.
New drivers are always a good thing, according to the last 2 rounds of this season, TOCA is slowly dying...
I'd also like to know, WHO is Furi's secret tester
At least the Atenza then becomes competitive, while you might catch my draft on a lucky lap with a Honda after getting a 100pp advantage