The Track Editor Sucks - How to make it BETTER!

  • Thread starter jackcrack
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Wow, I was cruising around town the other day and I was like "how cool would it be if I could make my daily commute into a tack". So I get home and open the track editor and boy am I dissapointed.

Its so lame its beggers beliefe. Why on earth did they not just have something similar to the old rollacoaster creator on Theme Park? That would be amazing and totally custom.

Instead I am presented with a totally lame, limited capacity design platform.

Come on PD, give your head a wobble and sort it out.
you made an account to cry about something which was already public knowledge before the game was even finished...
I track creator,not track editor,is meant to drive and is not meant to reproduce real world tracks,after all is an after-market version of the rally segment and is way better than have a lot of spa francochaps wannabe be tracks,this feature is to primarily drive cars,not to imitate an existing track.

is it possible to make a drag-track? I've never explored the trackcourse-maker yet. (please dont ask me why lol)
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