The Trump Impeachment Thread

  • Thread starter Dotini

Will the current Articles of Impeachment ever be sent from the House to the Senate?

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Sounds like the US dairy industry needs to quit making cheese, sell it cheaper, or find a new use for it. The US Department of Agriculture should spend exactly $0 buying products from farmers.

Especially something with a short shelf-life. So now we'll have folks gushing about how great Government Cheese is this time around?

On the other hand, some farmers actually start these kinds of coalitions to save a portion of their crops, in case of a season of low yield. But that works best for a substance that doesn't go bad as quickly, like maple syrup. Of course, this also has the effect of stabilizing prices in the face of tariffs.
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You're very off base with a lot of your assumptions.

1. The reason the U.S. has too much cheese is mainly due to American cheese exports to China falling almost 60% as a result of counter tariffs, a by product of Trump's trade war. It's not just the soybean farmers who are being hurt. It's more than that though. Americans are simply buying less 'processed' cheese, the normal staple of the american cheese and dairy industry and instead are buying more imported, natural cheeses.

2. If the American dairy industry senses a specific threat from foreign competition, there is a clearly defined process that's existed since before any of us were born, where they can apply for tariff protection to level the playing field. The department of commerce regularly investigates such claims and pending the result, congress can levy taxes in the form of import tariffs against an entire industry, a specific country, or even target a particular foreign manufacturer, if it feels foreign products are cutting into US market share and negatively impacting US manufacturers, and here's the key, doing so at prices which make US producers uncompetitive. Swiss cheeses, imported from Switzerland are unlikely to ever be hit because their prices are so high (often double their US produced equivalents) that they are not deemed to be a threat. It's similar, for example how expensive crystalware has a much lower duty rate than cheap dime store "fake" crystal which is mass produced but has a much higher duty rate--because US industry can't compete against glassware so cheap it's being imported at prices below their production cost in the US.

3. To further clarify, and much to the disdain of the French wine industry, Champagne, [If it's called Champagne on the label] can legitimately ONLY be produced in the Champagne area of France. (Same as "real" parmigiano cheese only produced in Parma). However, US Customs classifies Champagne not as a specific product but by it's common description, as a sparkling wine (sacré bleu), under HTSUS 2204.10.00.30 ~ 2204.10.00.75 at a duty rate of $0.198 per liter regardless of whether it's actual Dom Pérignon or some sweet German ****. Neither is killing Napa Valley in any event.

4. So no, putting an additional tariff on French cheese, champagne, and lets not forget handbags, has ZERO to do with national security. And it has nothing to do with protecting the US Dairy and cheese industry. Which is what import tariffs are legitimately designed to do. This was a section 301 "investigation" as punishment for France for their new digital service tax--a tax imposed on any foreign 'tech' companies that have an online presence and do business in France but effectively pay no taxes. In this case, it's not surprising that companies like Google or Facebook, suddenly jump on the Trump Train and stay silent because it's in their self interest to use this form of bogus political pressure. It's a practice which goes on, has gone on during previous administrations (see the banana war of the 90s) but those were acts of congress and no president ever had the audacity to suggest it [or ****ing bananas] was an issue of national security. It was, and should remain a trade dispute and should legally fall under the domain of Congress, as it was intended by our own laws. That the President is getting personally involved is once again showing a degree of overreach. I don't have a law degree so I won't comment if it's actually illegal. But it's certainly an abuse of power. One in a long line of them.

Way too much information & too many facts.

Can easily be countered by a simple Trump slogan. Eg. "Cheese Cheating China". :dopey:
This is for some of you republicans.

I was one of you. I used to vote Republican, and call myself a Republican. Then I voted Republican and called myself Libertarian. And then I voted Libertarian. I know you might be scared to look away from your party. You have these principles that you were raised on, or that you firmly believe in. Principles of self-reliance, of independence, of personal responsibility and the freedom to choose. They're principles that run back to the reason the US exists, and it is what makes America great.

Trump is not that.

Trump is creating protectionist laws to use government to prop up industry. Trump is promising that he can make the stock market rise, promising that he can lower interest rates below zero, while drastically expanding government debt. Trump is not defending America's laws, he attempts to use law when it suits him, as a weapon against others, and then flagrantly violates it when it suits him. Trump is corporate welfare. Trump is a liar and a cheat. Trump is the opposite of those principles.

You look around and you see the Democrats talking about stomach churning stuff. Wanting to create a universal healthcare disaster, hand out your money to people who do not work, tax the job makers, raise wage floors such that no one can find work, and no one can create a reasonably priced product. They want to take your money and hand it people you've never harmed just because their skin color is different than yours. The Democrats are the opposite of those principles.

You don't have to pick one. Stand up for your principles. Personal responsibility means being responsible for your criminal acts. Don't side with and defend someone who is abusing your country. None of it means you have to vote for the other side. Trump is not your values.

There is no one that I've seen in this thread, or in the news, that can raise any reasonable factual case for why Trump is not completely guilty. He admitted it, he did it. Most people don't even try to deny it. Stand up for your principles. This man does not deserve your loyalty. He is a crook.
"American cheese" sucks. It melts poorly if it melts at all...
I buy so much Sargento cheeses Kroger gives me coupons for free Sargento cheese!
I also love Mexican style cheeses, I love going to the local Supermarcado it has a more family feel to it. The butcher, fish guy and deli lady enjoy talking and can give you some wonderful cooking ideas! At Wal-Mart or Kroger the employees seem to just want to get you out of their line ASAP.
Can anybody think of any royal titles that will suit Donald Trump lmaooooo

You look at Ottoman, British, Russian, Mongol, German, French kings also Roman Emperors and the titles they all held like Emperor of India, Khan of Turkistan, King of Jerusalem, Protector and Maintainer of the Holy Lands, Kayser ar Rum(Turkish for Roman Emperor a title used by Ottoman Sultans).

Imagine Trump hahahaha
Way too much information & too many facts.

Can easily be countered by a simple Trump slogan. Eg. "Cheese Cheating China". :dopey:

Well, traditionally, China was NOT a big consumer of cheese. But it's changing. And it's both a good example of how we truly are living in a global economy, and simply can't afford to think nationally, or strictly nationally, and how indiscriminate trade wars come back to haunt us. There are MANY industries in the US that are hurting due to falling export sales, that over the years, made up a larger and larger percentage of overall sales. Soybeans get mentioned in the news a lot, both because it's one of the hardest hit products, and (my guess) because rural farmers were largely Trump supporters. So there's a certain smug irony in constantly interviewing them and asking for the umpteenth time if they have any regrets. But a lot of smaller, specialized industries, are also feeling the heat due to lost China sales, and they rarely get mentioned.

Contrary to the master negotiator's infamous comments, trade wars are NOT easy to win, especially when your own economy is based largely on consumer spending and the majority of consumer products are produced in the country you're at 'war' with. Don't even get me started on the USMCA, which is basically a slightly tweaked NAFTA, and renamed just so Trump can put his name on it. Is the new agreement more beneficial to the US. For the most part, yes. At least from what I've seen and read. But here's a hint. It's about 98% of the original NAFTA agreement with some tweaks. It's still freaking NAFTA with some red ink.
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Can anybody think of any royal titles that will suit Donald Trump lmaooooo

You look at Ottoman, British, Russian, Mongol, German, French kings also Roman Emperors and the titles they all held like Emperor of India, Khan of Turkistan, King of Jerusalem, Protector and Maintainer of the Holy Lands, Kayser ar Rum(Turkish for Roman Emperor a title used by Ottoman Sultans).

Imagine Trump hahahaha

Are we allowed to use the word "orange" in the title or does that result in a forfeit?

I visited 4 major Chinese cities not too long ago... cheese was hard to come by. I believe you that it's changing, but it's slow if it's happening.

They also have 4 times the population of the US. You won't find cheese on any 'traditional' Chinese menu. It just wasn't really part of their dietary culture. But there is a LOT more western influence in China compared to just 10-15 years ago. And a lot of Chinese are traveling abroad and acquiring a taste for international cuisine. And there are a lot of foreign expats now living in China. Like I said, it's slow, but it's rising. Who knows. Maybe one day you'll have "American" take out in China like we have Chinese take out. And number one on the menu could be General Washington's Chicken--fried chicken smothered in Velveta. :yuck::lol:
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Evangelical libertarians have a lot in common with anarchists.
Sorry can’t get behind them.
Their presidential candidate was asked on national tv to name one world leader.
The guy couldn’t come up with one.
I’m sure they support removing the president...
Along with the board of education, police, fire, military, and infrastructure and leaving American citizens lives to chance all while eliminating all borders completely.
Yep sounds like anarchy to me.
No one takes them seriously.
Evangelical libertarians have a lot in common with anarchists.

Ooooh... Let's play. Republicans have a lot in common with facists!

Their presidential candidate was asked on national tv to name one world leader.
The guy couldn’t come up with one.

The republican presidential candidate didn't know what a constitutional amendment was. And is a liar, cheat, and a crook.

Whatabout doesn't work too well huh?

Along with the board of education, police, fire, military, and infrastructure and leaving American citizens lives to chance all while eliminating all borders completely.
Yep sounds like anarchy to me.
No one takes them seriously.

You don't have to choose. You're looking for excuses to support corruption. It's not necessary. You don't have to pick Libertarians, or Democrats, or anyone. All you have to do is have principles.
Maybe one day you'll have "American" take out in China like we have Chinese take out. And number one on the menu could be General Washington's Chicken--fried chicken smothered in Velveta.
As tales of dystopian futures go, that's terrifying.
I know you might be scared to look away from your party

I’d be scared to look away if this is the alternative...

Doesn't take an alternative, just principles

Well it’s clear that whoever owns the House muppets and puppets are applying the principles of whomever owns them with the last 3 years of investigations leading to the snooze fest impeachment.

I like what Robin Williams said.

“Politicians should wear suits like the NASCAR drivers, that way we would know who owns them”
Well it’s clear that whoever owns the House muppets and puppets are applying the principles of whomever owns them with the last 3 years of investigations leading to the snooze fest impeachment.

I like what Robin Williams said.

“Politicians should wear suits like the NASCAR drivers, that way we would know who owns them”

That's not a defense. You appear to know he's guilty. Just side with justice. You don't have to support anything that anyone else supports, but you can still side with justice.
To me, the charges seem rather dilute and wishy-washy.

Wait. Are they so "dilute and wishy-washy" as to be meaningless, or are they so clearly laid out that you can confidently declare only one post previously that they do not "appear in the Constitution as impeachable crimes?"

Which is it?
This is the big fallacy that I believe prevents our republican friends here from separating themselves from Trump. You don't have to support universal healthcare to think Trump should be impeached.

The choice is not "support trump or support something else". It's just "support trump or not". You can be a republican and think trump should be removed. No one has a defense for him. @Dotini said we are a nation of laws and not men (borrowed from John Adams). Well... are we? Stand up for your principles.
This is for some of you republicans.

I was one of you. I used to vote Republican, and call myself a Republican. Then I voted Republican and called myself Libertarian. And then I voted Libertarian. I know you might be scared to look away from your party. You have these principles that you were raised on, or that you firmly believe in. Principles of self-reliance, of independence, of personal responsibility and the freedom to choose. They're principles that run back to the reason the US exists, and it is what makes America great.

Trump is not that.

Trump is creating protectionist laws to use government to prop up industry. Trump is promising that he can make the stock market rise, promising that he can lower interest rates below zero, while drastically expanding government debt. Trump is not defending America's laws, he attempts to use law when it suits him, as a weapon against others, and then flagrantly violates it when it suits him. Trump is corporate welfare. Trump is a liar and a cheat. Trump is the opposite of those principles.

You look around and you see the Democrats talking about stomach churning stuff. Wanting to create a universal healthcare disaster, hand out your money to people who do not work, tax the job makers, raise wage floors such that no one can find work, and no one can create a reasonably priced product. They want to take your money and hand it people you've never harmed just because their skin color is different than yours. The Democrats are the opposite of those principles.

You don't have to pick one. Stand up for your principles. Personal responsibility means being responsible for your criminal acts. Don't side with and defend someone who is abusing your country. None of it means you have to vote for the other side. Trump is not your values.

There is no one that I've seen in this thread, or in the news, that can raise any reasonable factual case for why Trump is not completely guilty. He admitted it, he did it. Most people don't even try to deny it. Stand up for your principles. This man does not deserve your loyalty. He is a crook.


You appear to know he's guilty. Just side with justice.

I will watch as the Senate ends this sham.
The only question is do they do it quickly and quietly or whether they want to fly some of the muppets up the flagpole for all to see.
I’m torn on whether that’s even worth it.
It all depends whose calling the shots.
This is not some Libertarian anarchists procedure thank goodness.
Puff puff pass
I will watch as the Senate ends this sham.
The only question is do they do it quickly and quietly or whether they want to fly some of the muppets up the flagpole for all to see.
I’m torn on whether that’s even worth it.
It all depends whose calling the shots.
This is not some Libertarian anarchists procedure thank goodness.
Puff puff pass

That's not a defense. You know he's guilty.
Wait. Are they so "dilute and wishy-washy" as to be meaningless, or are they so clearly laid out that you can confidently declare only one post previously that they do not "appear in the Constitution as impeachable crimes?"

Which is it?
Surely you know better by now? In the absolute best of cases, soliciting Dotini to explain his remarks results in more vague notions peppered with thesaurus words and quotes from banal fiction turned banal cable television drama. That is, unless said solicitation is addressed as though it's a direct attack. But then it's also likely to simply go unanswered, like an earlier request to explain the use of "flabby" to describe the case against Trump. It's becoming more and more apparent that the real problem he has with the case against Trump is that it's a case against Trump.
Are we allowed to use the word "orange" in the title or does that result in a forfeit?

They also have 4 times the population of the US. You won't find cheese on any 'traditional' Chinese menu. It just wasn't really part of their dietary culture. But there is a LOT more western influence in China compared to just 10-15 years ago. And a lot of Chinese are traveling abroad and acquiring a taste for international cuisine. And there are a lot of foreign expats now living in China. Like I said, it's slow, but it's rising. Who knows. Maybe one day you'll have "American" take out in China like we have Chinese take out. And number one on the menu could be General Washington's Chicken--fried chicken smothered in Velveta. :yuck::lol:

The Chinese drink so little milk, that lactose intolerance is extremely common. Cheese might not take so easily.