The Trump Impeachment Thread

  • Thread starter Dotini

Will the current Articles of Impeachment ever be sent from the House to the Senate?

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  • Poll closed .
Simply because I'm an inveterate infracaninophile, and (uniquely) like to play the devil's advocate on my favorite forum. You might think I have masochistic tendencies, but you'd be wrong. I intend to get the last laugh. *laughs maniacally* :lol:
'The saddest words of tongue and pen are these, "It might have been"'. - John Greenleaf Whittier
'The happiest words are, "I told you so"'. - Gore Vidal​

Trey Gowdy played golf with the Prez a couple days ago, and discusses impeachment defense strategy with a Fox reporter yesterday:

Long winded way of admitting you’re just trolling...
What is puzzling to us is why a self-styled "conservative" would support Trump at all. What's even MORE puzzling is why a self-styled "libertarian" (ie Dotini) would carry the torch for Trump.

I still can't figure this out either. I feel like a legit conservative would absolutely hate Trump. Conservatives should be about the free market and small government, Trump is very non-free market and continues to bloat the government along with national debit. As for Libertarians, I'm not sure how anyone who labels themselves a Libertarian can agree with Trump at all since he pretty much goes against all the Libertarian principals.

The only people I can think of that really like Trump are nationalists, populists, and dopes that think Fox News is the pinnacle of truth. Or anyone over the age of 50 on my Facebook freed.
Long winded way of admitting you’re just trolling...

I don't mind you making "Dotini" the subject. Although really it's off topic and you should not "play the man".

If you've been following my 12k+ post for all these years, you know I don't worry about dealing with what might be characterized as unpopular, fringe or taboo subjects. I've been dealing by choice with challenging states of reality my whole life. I've climbed hundreds of mountains in the Western Hemisphere, one over 22,000' in Peru. I have 7 karting championships under my belt. I won 2/3 the chess games I played with Yasser Seirawan, a multiple time candidate for the world chess championship. At over the age of 70 I fence at the tournament level, scoring well at CombatCon at Las Vegas. Do you really think my ego is so fragile that I would want or need to troll on my favorite forum? Despite the difficulties, I enjoy my role as occasional devil's advocate in participation at this delightful forum.
We should definitely watch out for Ronaldo and Messi.

Close them down in the box. It's what Trump would do.

I don't worry about dealing with what might be characterized as unpopular, fringe or taboo subjects. I've been dealing by choice with challenging states of reality my whole life.

The first always makes for interesting discussion. The second falls a little too easily into "alternative facts", aka "********". I prefer it when you're dealing with the first.
I feel like a legit conservative would absolutely hate Trump. Conservatives should be about the free market and small government, Trump is very non-free market and continues to bloat the government along with national debt.
It's sort of humorous* that a term has been coined for these folks by supporters of Trump and the GOP as it currently exists--"cuckservative". They're apparently seen as more likely than not to have more progressive views regarding social issues while still remaining firmly fiscally conservative, the latter being a classic GOP ideal to which it hasn't conformed in who-knows-how-long. The GOP of today represents a bizarre confluence of social conservative and fiscal liberal.

*Of course it's not humorous that they're referred to as such. What's humorous is from whom the insult spawned.

The second falls a little too easily into "alternative facts", aka "********".
That's odd, "postmodernism" isn't censored when I post it.
I've climbed hundreds of mountains in the Western Hemisphere, one over 22,000' in Peru. I have 7 karting championships under my belt. I won 2/3 the chess games I played with Yasser Seirawan, a multiple time candidate for the world chess championship. At over the age of 70 I fence at the tournament level, scoring well at CombatCon at Las Vegas.

I wasn’t offering you a job
The president of the United States is an underdog? In what world?

He's only the President of arguably the most powerful nation on earth. There are maybe a handful of people in the world that can match him for pure power able to be wielded, and so clearly he's an underdog.

If you've been following my 12k+ post for all these years, you know I don't worry about dealing with what might be characterized as unpopular, fringe or taboo subjects. I've been dealing by choice with challenging states of reality my whole life. I've climbed hundreds of mountains in the Western Hemisphere, one over 22,000' in Peru. I have 7 karting championships under my belt. I won 2/3 the chess games I played with Yasser Seirawan, a multiple time candidate for the world chess championship. At over the age of 70 I fence at the tournament level, scoring well at CombatCon at Las Vegas.

That's a magnificently large genital you're swinging around there, but I'm not sure that any of that is relevant.

Do you really think my ego is so fragile that I would want or need to troll on my favorite forum?


You notice that you're taking the same tack as Trump in defending yourself? You've admitted to trolling in every way except saying that exact word, we can all see you saying it in your posts, and yet you're still somehow trying to spin this as other people's insecurities.

As a 70 year old man, you'd think you'd have learned to admit when you're wrong by now. You were trolling. Not a massive deal, we all like a giggle on the internet now and then. Own up to it and stop.
You were trolling. Not a massive deal, we all like a giggle on the internet now and then. Own up to it and stop.
I have a pretty large vocabulary. But I grew up long ago never hearing the word "trolling". Is there an authoritative definition of the term that particularly applies at Gran Turismo Planet? I don't recall being charged with it until now, and not wanting to be at odds with forum rules, would appreciate the definition. Thank you.
I have a pretty large vocabulary. But I grew up long ago never hearing the word "trolling". Is there an authoritative definition of the term that particularly applies at Gran Turismo Planet? I don't recall being charged with it until now, and not wanting to be at odds with forum rules, would appreciate the definition. Thank you.

Thanks for that, although it does not seem specific this forum.

In considering this definition, I fail to understand how it applies to my posts in this thread. Perhaps a moderator could explain it to me?
@Touring Mars

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

I believe I have been unfailingly polite in the face of almost overwhelming personal abuse, taunts and jeers which I consider to be more in the line of trolling than anything I've done.
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I have a pretty large vocabulary. But I grew up long ago never hearing the word "trolling". Is there an authoritative definition of the term that particularly applies at Gran Turismo Planet? I don't recall being charged with it until now, and not wanting to be at odds with forum rules, would appreciate the definition. Thank you.

I'm not saying you're violating forum rules, I'm stating that you're intentionally behaving in a manner to inflame conflict. You are of course free to post as you wish, and I believe I'm also free to post when I think that your posts are disingenuous and designed to cause conflict.

Do you disagree, given that you've posted this?

This forum is so one-sided against Trump, and since I started the thread I guess its up to someone to say something in order to keep up the semblance of fairness and balance. You must admit it would be pretty boring if there was no controversy, nobody to fear and loathe.

You've chosen to post the way you did in order to maintain controversy and create fear and loathing where there need be none.

I believe I have been unfailingly polite in the face of almost overwhelming personal abuse, taunts and jeers which I consider to be more in the line of trolling than anything I've done.

Oh look, it's the victim defense again. We're all just being mean to Dotini. :rolleyes:
Normally I'd say something jokingly like "Dotini, go home. You're too drunk". But let's be a bit more on topic with this one.

Dotini, you don't have to go home. You're too out of touch with what's happening here. Admit defeat and move on. It's okay. If you genuinely don't see what you're doing as "trolling", please trust and respect your peers enough to believe them when they tell you that you are. If it wasn't intentional then so be it, but now you know and can stop.
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Normally I'd say something jokingly like "Dotini, go home. You're too drunk". But let's be a bit more on topic with this one.

Dotini, you don't have to go home. You're too out of touch with what's happening here. Admit defeat and move on. It's okay. If you genuinely don't see what you're doing as "trolling", please trust and respect your peers enough to believe them when they tell you that you are. If it wasn't intentional then so be it, but now you know and can stop.
Alright then, since you've asked so politely. How about a quid pro quo? For the next ten days, I'll make an extra special effort to say or post nothing that could conceivably arouse any strong adverse emotions responses whatsoever in any of my peers here, and my peers in return will refrain from any and all personal comment, and will "play the ball and not the man". Signal acceptance with your likes.
Back on topic, mainstream left-center CNN reporters discuss potential cracks in the Republican Senate majority of 53.

Back on topic, mainstream left-center CNN reporters discuss potential cracks in the Republican Senate majority of 53.

The most important thing I have learned from this impeachment is how broken the system is. It does not matter how biased or political an impeachment, indictment or charge is. A trial with Jury should always remain impartial.

The constitutional oath for impeachment:
“I, [name], solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of [name], I will do impartial justice, according to law.”

The Republicans said last week that this didn't bring anything new. The Democrats disagreed. All done by the established script.

the most interesting part is the timestamp. The same day of trumps call.

edit: merged double post
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The most important thing I have learned from this impeachment is how broken the system is. It does not matter how biased or political an impeachment, indictment or charge is. A trial with Jury should always remain impartial.

The constitutional oath for impeachment:
“I, [name], solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of [name], I will do impartial justice, according to law.”

This is why I harp on the Constitution so much. I firmly believe if politicians followed it, the system wouldn't be broken or at least less broken. But because virtually all politicians ignore it, we get into a mess.
This is why I harp on the Constitution so much. I firmly believe if politicians followed it, the system wouldn't be broken or at least less broken. But because virtually all politicians ignore it, we get into a mess.

The constitution isnt perfect. Its a document of its time. Hence the need for amendments.
The constitution isnt perfect. Its a document of its time. Hence the need for amendments.

I agree it's not perfect. But in terms of how the government should operate, a vast majority of it still holds true. Things like checks-and-balances are a cornerstone of the Constitution and something that should hold true today. Unfortunately, we've let that go to the wayside and let one branch of government dictate way too much without any consequences. When the Constitution was written, there weren't political parties like there are today. I don't think the framers ever considered a country where partisan politics rule along with lobbyist dollars.
When the Constitution was written, there weren't political parties like there are today. I don't think the framers ever considered a country where partisan politics rule along with lobbyist dollars.

I think it was even worse back then. With the division between north and south. In that sense and defense the constitution deals with partisan politics pretty well. In any other timeframe Trump would be already impeached. Trump has taken the republican party and has taken it in a stranglehold, demanding loyalty like a Maffiaboss.
I think it was even worse back then. With the division between north and south. In that sense and defense the constitution deals with partisan politics pretty well. In any other timeframe Trump would be already impeached. Trump has taken the republican party and has taken it in a stranglehold, demanding loyalty like a Maffiaboss.
This is no different than when Clinton got impeached. House passed it, it died in the Senate and Bill finished his term.
It was pretty biased during that impeachment too. 45-55 out of 100(you need 67) in the Senate.

Blame Pelosi for not passing it on to the Senate... Not that it's going to make any difference when she does...

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