Good news! (Hopefully

Anyways, on with vent...
School has now been in session for two weeks. In the radio program, it is the same ole routine of the same ole classrooms everyday. Disregarding the gen. ed classes. But I like it. I am comfortable. I know my way around a the school for being there two previous semesters. (This my second and final year in the radio program, naturally different gen. ed classes.)
Along with being in my second year of the program, jobs start opening up within our very own station. They actually opened up at the very end of the second semester, but I couldn't really apply because it would stop me from working my summer job which is needed to pay my tuition.
Essentially, a previous 2nd year student is still doing one of the jobs, meaning it hasn't yet been filled from a current student. Guess what? It just so happens to be the job that I want, and kind of applied for for the school year.
In other new with the old student still doing the job, he needs to be replaced ASAP for personal reasons. Good for me? Maybe. As long as I have no competition from fellow students. Fortunately, most of my mates have been supportive of my decision to go for this job.
The job requires skills to promote concerts, ticket giveaways and many more station promotion things. These "things" are produced in a studio setting and then put into the computer system in which will be aired in between songs like commercials on the station.
We have a big ticket giveaway weekend coming up, and I have no idea if anything has been made to promote it yet. Like I said, we have a guy that does this already. What I haven't said yet, is that I have taken matters into my own hands and created one myself. Completely on my own time. I was not told to do this, nor was it any sort of homework.
Of course, I am not as experienced yet as our current guy is, but I haven't even been taught by an instructor yet on how to make these promos. But anyways, my plan of attack is to get this out to a few classmates and ask for feedback to try and tweak a bit before I show it to my professor Tuesday.
Best thing about it? I have not told my professor that I am creating this. Hopefully with a few helping hands and critiques from classmates, I can get this bad boy in tip top shape before Tuesday and surprise the living 🤬 out of my professor.
He has already told me that it takes a lot to impress him with production, and that he critiques it harshly compared to anything else.
I doubt I will get the job within a week. But hopefully within 2 or 3 weeks. My goal is 2 weeks.
Sorry for the vent. I have told my mom and dad, and classmates how excited I am. But it still doesn't feel like it is off my chest yet.
Maybe this is what true loves feels like?