The Walking Dead *spoiler alert*TV 

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German Tv are in a Walking Dead marathon for 3 days because Helloween.
The evolution of Carol is really strong, seeing her yesterday as beaten up wife. She came a long way, and it would fit her caracter, caring for everyone. She wanted to safe the others maybe, even though killing a flu with a knife is not really efficient. :lol: .
Also mybe the blonde girl helped her?...
That explains also her reaction at the fight between Rick and Tyresse, which was overdue. But it surely will strenghten their friendship. Also Tyresse = Hammertime was awesome. Great twist from the comics versions. It was apparent immediatly, but still awesome.

The Horde, Obvious. Infection, awesome.

I also start to believe that the infection is some mutation of a flu virus, probably strenghten due to the Zeds? For the sake of storytelling there needs to be a cure. The java tea probably will help. But now there is no refuge anymore from the world.

The other black dude (smaller one) rings alarms bells, Don't know why. He seems shady.

The wood Zombies were awesome. But I didn't get Carls reaction. Yes bullets are worth saving. But he knows what happens if you let Zeds stroll in your backyard. It costs a Dayle !

Is the broadcast already a tie to
the first settlement after the prison?
Shocked at 4x04

Wow, a rather slow episode but impressive. Caracter were great. Rick and Carol. Mind blown. Daryl reaction is something I look forward.
What's you take on it. Right choice or not.

Mine is the council should have decided. That's what it is for. Both acted on their own, a bit governeur-ish... What they actually trying to avoid. I also liked how every body was criticizing someone but they actually suffered from the same fault. Awesomely made as it was not really shoved in the audience faces for better understanding.

What happens to Carol. Will we see her again ?
Or some plot with the gouvernor?
If Gov. she never would collaborate with him. I rather think the governor would use her as hostage for an assault on the prison...

My take on it. Isn't worth much. As we all saw with this episode. The little girl. Oh man were we all wrong. And thank god for it.
Anyone else think the alcoholic guy was going to pin Daryl between the car and the tree trunk when he jump starts the car. He was saying about how he had really bad luck like he was a curse, then Daryl says "Go start this car whilst I stand in-between it and a tree."
I see the blonde guy showing up at the prison in the future, possibly with other people. Who, I'm not sure, but I see it happening.

I also see the little girls becoming the twins from the comic. The way she was talking, I see her doing something crazy in the future, especially with Carol gone.
^I also think she becomes Ben. A nice plot and very good situation case study. That she can't decern between dead and Zed is not a good state of mind in that world. It takes out consequences...

m8h3r: Didn't thought of the run over, but the conversation had it suspense to it. especially the last sentence.

Then there still is a horde roaming somewhere. They could be safe in the concrete prison, but all the fences would get destroyed if the horde hits the prison.

So much potential...

Also Tyrese and Michonne, Tyrese beeing in the same mental state as in the comics.
Finished Ep5. I know it would have just damaged the fence further, yet I would have felt a sense of satisfaction if Rick or anyone else with access to those rifles just would have let rip on that hoard before they broke through. Him and Carl covered it well enough afterwards, at least.

But damn, even with that going on, Hershel completely bossed this episode. Loved his reaction when Mischonne asked if he wanted to go out on a run with her. He definitely deserves to take a little break from the prison for a bit. The last of the extras have been purged from the series and the two main infected character appear to have somehow survived, so he's got some time for it. :P

Oh, and welcome back, Gov.
Tyrese should tell them the trick with the ditch and wind sound thingies.

A nice episode. Ohh next episode is gonna be Gov. 👍
Oh God. After seeing that other Hershel pic, I nearly lost it when I found this.


Also found a few theories going around concerning events after the halfway point in the season, the likelihood of them tying in more with the events in the comics. As well as where The Gov's been hiding (inside the prison itself being one idea).
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That was one theory. That he's been lurking inside a remote section of the prison for months, fed infected rats to the walkers around the perimeter, killed one and used contaminated fluid from it to poison the water. Even going as far as him killing Karen and David, resulting in Carol thinking it was Lizzie who did it - oddly - and she simply covered for her. Not knowing that Lizzie had no part in what happened.

Though I would have imagined that someone would clock on to his movements if he ever had to go on personal supply runs. The fact that he was standing outside the gates at the end would suggest he's not completely confined to the prison, provided this theory has any truth to it.
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I would think that Rick would be poison by now, he has been washing his face in that water. I am assuming that he is waiting for days to pass before going back.
What about Hershel? He ditched the face mask in the last episode and spent much of his time open to the risk of infection. Unless his beard started functioning as some sort of contagion filter.

Hell, Maggie even kissed a bloody-faced Glen towards the end. If non of them fall ill in the next episode, I'll assume the main cast got immunised at some point. :lol:
I guess this new family is "Brian's" to protect, for now at least.

But damn, after the change he went though in 2 months, he came across as a completely different man compared to the old Gov. Apart from the odd biter-killing outburst.
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Awesome episode.

I'm not sure about Brian. I think he has a revenge plan in the works. Has to. They burnt down his life (well he was looking for it), they killed his daughter, made him one-eyed, destroyed his community, ...
Some say he's looking for redemption. I taught about it too, but after what he's done, in the world they living in ?? I don't know.

That would give the show a chance to get more of the comic gov. in it too.

The preview of the next episode looks even more mental though.

I bet the Gov. has also a surprise for his 2 minons.

I laughed myself of with the retirement home. It didn't change much since Z-day. Old people, the smell. all moving very slowly, groaning :lol:

Loving the show.

Also Spagetti thuesday made me laugh really hard 👍
Awesome gif. :lol:

No opinions on the latest episode? :P I must say it was interesting to see the cold killer side of The Gov/Phillip/Brian... After the last episode ALMOST making you feel sorry for him, but then thinking of the comic's story... There had to be something coming soon. Don't know why, but I kind of like Tara...might just be the fact that they finally showed a character with a different sexual orientation than everyone else. I do wonder which characters will "fall," but I do feel like I got a slight idea from the comics...
The coup went down as expected, but smashing Martinez over the head like that was a particularly jarring moment anyway. Good old Gov grabbing power over a surviving group almost as soon as he joins it. Just wondering how much Lilly, Tara and Meghan can sway his actions.

The mid-season climax looks set to be what many of us thought the S3 finale to be. Same old invasion plan but with the addition of a freaking tank. I have an idea as to who will perish this Sunday, but I'm open to the idea of a shock character death depending on how cold-blooded the writers are.
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I personally am annoyed that they seem to be copy-pasting S3's series ending. Well, it had a good run, and I'll keep an eye on it for improvements. These Governor episodes seem to be trying to paint him as a very different character, as a Shane. Except the relationship it's based on had half an episode to coalesce and just doesn't fit. It doesn't feel as real as say, Maggie and Glenn's. So many spontaneous relationships in this season serve only to feed the undead before the end of the episode they're revealed in.

They're fat on side characters very much like the Walkers themselves. Other than Hershel, and a bit for Rick, our main characters have seen very little limelight as red shirts leap into the limelight before being dragged off screen ten minutes after 'dat character development scene.' I miss season one and two, when you didn't have to have someone die every, single episode just to justify the show. Everyone who died was a real character, too. Hell, even Ed.

I swear if the rest of this season is more farting around building up to a dud of a climax then pff, I'm just done. Still, those who've read the comics know what happens with that Tank...and that Fence. You can't call that a spoiler btw, the fence getting more screen time than most of the characters this season's pretty much all the heads-up you need to know that it too, will fall.

Pity AMC spent more time building up the death of a fence than their characters, though. I might care more, otherwise.
They had two buildups last season. The mid-season cliffhanger that fell flat moments into the first episode after the two month interval, and the cop-out of a season finale that subverted what was a far more exciting and lengthy buildup.

This time, I can see it turning into what S3's ending was set up to be, but built up over a much shorter period. Literally going from The Gov wandering around for months, changing his name and becoming a family man while remaining far removed from the man we saw before. Only to fall back into his old routine and kill his former right-hand man/new group leader, so he could lead his new family to safer ground. Which happens to be the prison he failed horribly to clear out last season.

So in the space of 3 episodes, he found his identity again and all the rumours of him becoming a new, more solemn individual are complete guff. Unless the Chamblers can make him question his rehashed motives for taking the prison, or even stop him for good. But we're going to see casualties regardless, and hopefully Daryl or one of the more popular characters don't fall victim to the script like all those extras. :P
The only episode I really felt invested in was the Hershel Special, where Santa Claus came to deliver the gifts of shotgun headshots, post-death euthanasia and not dying to the quarantine block.

But let's be honest, none of us were on the edge of our seat gasping, "Oh no! I don't think Glenn's gunna make it!" Nor were we popping heart pills because we feared for Rick and Carl's life during the last stand, that had all the suspense of popping explosive zits. The Walkers have been defanged because everyone we care about isn't going to die, and everyone else dies too quick for us to start caring.

The Governor's New Groove was a nice idea, but by killing off all the other characters who witnessed his murder, changing his name and sorta-kinda changing his character, they've just made a new "not Shane" character in his stead. I felt disconnected from the first Governor special because he wasn't the shining beacon of complex characters last season, and it peaked out on the psycho scale after he killed 50 armed soldiers, none of whom dared fire in case their rounds broke through his plot armour and took their jobs.

The show worked best when any character was on the chopping block. But now, as much as I'm in Camp Daryl for life, he will never be in danger, never get more than a scratch, and never, ever, die. That makes any action scene with him simply dull. What goods a Colosseum if you're not at least throwing some lions in with the entertainment, right?
A lessened sense of danger in any perilous situation is one problem with the main group. But as much as I want them to survive, I feel that an unexpected casualty in either the next episode or at a later point in the season would make us sit up and take notice. Even though won't change the fact that they clearly killed off all the minor cast members while the others conveniently made it through the first 5 episodes in one piece.

The only episode I really felt invested in was the Hershel Special, where Santa Claus came to deliver the gifts of shotgun headshots, post-death euthanasia and not dying to the quarantine block.

It was the Christmas magic that protected him and Maggie when they were in direct and unprotected contact with infected folk.

How long can it last against The Gov though?!
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I don't think Daryl is untouchable, actually, because so many fans seem to feel like he's a guaranteed lifer on the show he's probably in even more danger. The only real problem is that he's so damn good at what he does it would be difficult to get him seriously hurt or killed without destroying the common sense of both the character and the viewers. He's too good as a survivor to let himself end up in a worst case scenario and he's too good as a zombie killer to fall victim to a bad situation.

I'm sure that once the writers have a good way to kill his character he will be on the chopping block.

Rick on the other hand, he's pretty much untouchable imho.
I don't think Daryl is untouchable, actually, because so many fans seem to feel like he's a guaranteed lifer on the show he's probably in even more danger. The only real problem is that he's so damn good at what he does it would be difficult to get him seriously hurt or killed without destroying the common sense of both the character and the viewers. He's too good as a survivor to let himself end up in a worst case scenario and he's too good as a zombie killer to fall victim to a bad situation.

I'm sure that once the writers have a good way to kill his character he will be on the chopping block.

Rick on the other hand, he's pretty much untouchable imho.
If Rick was to fall who would be his successor. Carl is too young, I don't know if the show will last long enough to see him lead the group. Glenn maybe or Daryl but I don't see that happening any time soon.
If Rick was to fall who would be his successor. Carl is too young, I don't know if the show will last long enough to see him lead the group. Glenn maybe or Daryl but I don't see that happening any time soon.

Agreed. Carl is too young to lead and most wouldn't follow anyone under 20+ years old without the right conditions.

That said, I didn't say Rick would fall. In fact, I said Rick was just about untouchable.

Now, if the first "sentence" of your response was actually a "question"...
If Rick was to fall who would be his successor.
I'd say Daryl is the obvious answer for now. No telling as we can't be sure if he will live or die in the battles to come. However, for the same reasons I've already mentioned, Daryl is a strong character for the long term cast (imo, without comic spoilers involved).