The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
That's Arizona for you, but it tends to get windy often here in the spring.

Then late summer monsoons come around and you get these:


Yes, that wall of dust, that is exactly what I got caught in, in Texas. Damn scary thing, felt like I was in some apocalypse or something. I seen it coming, but was just unaware of exactly what it was until it was too late and I was caught in the damn thing.
Snow with sleet at times, brief periods of sun and very windy. Kinda really weird weather day today here in southeastern Michigan after reaching near 50 degrees yesterday.

Edit: Just in the little time it took me to post this, it went from being partly sunny to the sky getting real, and I mean real, dark followed by a very intense snow squall. Looking out my window now, I can barely see 20 yards into my backyard.
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Well, it seems that the weatherman kept his promise. It is a very beautiful warm day, so far.
Looking forward to this. But we'll probably get nothing to add to the nothing we got in February and March. (rain total at Sky Harbor Airport for those two months totals 0.00") Been one hell of an El Nino, eh?


The ground was completely covered this morning, than it stopped snowing just long enough for it to melt before starting again.

Spring is more than welcome to show up anytime now...:irked:
We've already hit 70 twice this year and then I wake up this morning to a high of 33 and it's snowing. So yes. Hurry up already, spring.
Sounds like Michigan decided to take her weather indecisiveness west and share it with you. :lol:

Speaking of Michigan, it's supposed to rain today and snow here for most of the weekend. I guess Michigan decided to keep its indecisiveness here as well, too.
Waiting for @Casey to say "about to have lots more rain"

The rain I'm seeing on the radar looks like it's going to either barely miss me or a light shower, tomorrow though it looks like I'm going to have a lot of rain.

First time I've ever really been mentioned. :dopey:
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Going to get warm the next couple of days, and then cool off and rain by the weekend.
I can now say I have had some rain for the past few days, hasn't been heavy but it has been light and long lasting.
Is it ever going to stop raining here in the UK!, by this time of year is shouldn't still be wet on the ground pretty much all of the time :indiff:
It has rained every other day here, and tonight is the last straw I had about not buying new headlights due to the extreme darkness and oncoming cars... Nearly died on a 8 minute drive from house to house... TWICE.
Going up to ~77°F today with hardly any clouds. Very nice to have the windows open and air out the house.

Tomorrow should be about the same.