The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
Interstate west of Fargo: closed

Interstate north of Fargo: closed (Grand Forks got 10+ inches of snow)

Fargo: maybe 1/2" of snow, definitely less than 1" but the wind is gusting to 40mph so visibility outside of the city is crap.

EDIT: They're closing campus in an hour. Short day! :D
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It's cold with some very strong winds making things worse. Worst of all is that Friday is supposed to be the worst day and it's also the day I have a rough in so I'll be working on a house with no windows or roof. At least the house next door is also one we are working on and has heat.
Forecasted lows for my area tomorrow (Friday):

Highs in the mid 20s today and tomorrow. 4-8 inches of snow expected for the weekend.

Looking forward to it.
Well the temperature hasn't changed much the past week:


And we got an inch or two of light snow last night (still snowing as of this post).

@Cowboy Wahpeton haha. Should get a lot of snow there or whaped with it.

Inch or two? I got 4x than that right now. 8" :grumpy:
With the "threat" of another possibility of 8" Friday-Sunday. :banghead:

Guess Winter is here to stay until Spring. 🤬
It snowed all day here, but was mainly light stuff. Ended up getting a few inches.
Snowed most of the day here, and still coming down pretty good. Winter storm watch goes until midnight.

Already cleared ~3" or so earlier, and there ir another 2"+ on the ground now with it still snowing. Kind of glad I don't have work tomorrow.
No complaints here.

With your Deatstar avatar and the forecast, my brain was expecting this:


- - - - -

Fargo is in the single digits for the high, and obviously worse than that for the low, until Friday when we hit a stifling 13F!
28F here and no wind which is nice since it allowed me to comfortably shovel snow with a hoodie on.
We ended up with 6"+ total.

Snow has stopped. Now the temps are plummeting, ~13°F out there now. Supposed to be single digit high's by mid-week.
-9F, feels like -26F and dropping. It is absolutely miserable outside.

Nothing but cold around here... Welcome to Canada.

Wind's been picking up a bit though. My face is frozen most days when I go outside.
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Mother of nature, I asked for a nice weather, not Silent Hill...


2016-12-15 15.27.29.png

It wasn't like that couple hours ago. Overall the weather is nice during this month, with 15-23 °C ish.
Brrrr. :P


Cold front moving through after some storms last night with high winds. According to the weather station at my work about 15 miles away, peak wind gusts were about 32mph.
Your low is our high. :lol: It's also sleeting here a little. I found that out when I went to get the mail.
It warmed up just enough for us to get a good helping of snow last night. Tonight the bottom is supposed to drop out and we'll get rather far into the negatives.

Down with Snow Miser!!!!!1!!!!
2-4" of snow on the way tonight, then back in the freezer. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 2°F, with an overnight low of -12°F.
It's currently -13F/-25C with a windchill of -36F/-38C. I have to assume it's getting colder, too.

Edit: We're supposed to drop down to -22F, windchill of -40F. :crazy:
That's some nice winter weather, @TB.

All we have had so far is a couple of nights of minus 5c, one day of around freezing and the rest is, what seems to me, an unusual amount of foggy days and nights.