Cats. Dogs just seem so dumb in comparison! A cat can make over a thousand different sounds for example compared with approximatley 10 for the average dog!
the myth that they only put up with people around them just to be fed is totaly unfounded. Mine for example is as faithful as any dog
All my neighbours kids love playing with him and the other cats around our CoulDeSac where as the one dog owner in our street can't offer that with her 3 big dogs - letting them off the lead in the close is not a great idea so it can be argued that actualy a cat is a far more sociable creature!
Cats. They don't smell as much
and dispose of their waste themselves.
And their crap is unbelieveably smelly.
Cats. They don't smell as much and dispose of their waste themselves.
Dogs. Dogs love you forever unconditionally. Cats put up with your presence.
FaminePick up a bit of cat crap and break it in half.
That is one well trained cat if it can clean out it's own litter box. 👍
I prefer dogs.
*has 2 AKC registered German Shepherds*
Mine don't use litter boxes, they go outside (most of the time).
In whose garden?
My dog doesn't stink,
Usually ours, or the field behind the house.
But it still smells like dog.
A cat smells like cat, and a Honey Badger smells like a honey badger.
Because all dogs smell like dogs. No matter how often you wash them. If someone has a dog, you'll smell it on them, in their car, in their house. Always.