Would you have preferred GT7 launch to be delayed further?

  • Thread starter RacingFan1

What would you prefer?

  • Total voters
You think your little petition would have changed laws worldwide? Crikey, that's some ego you've got there.
That's some ego you've got there... ;) ...and ignorance. (Funny how pride comes with that.)

No. In the UK, not the world. Doesn't matter what the country of origin (Sony), if you want to sell in the UK on UK territory, you have to abide by the Consumer Rights Act and Consumer Contracts Regulations. These are changed and updated regularly.

In this country demonstrations and votes change laws. They start with a movement... or a petition. Tbh I don't really care what happens in your provably devolved part of the world. ;)
It actually doesn't matter. Shows how inept PD is both ways. Delaying it would show more that PD is snail, releasing it now would be like this. Delaying it + this kind of release is even more of a 💩 and even more deserved crusade.

There'd be no problems, bugs, or serious issues fixed because the problems, bugs, and serious issues are PD. More exposed now.
First time I’ve ever returned a GT game, so yeah I wish it had been delayed.

I returned it fully in the knowledge that I’ll almost certainly buy it again in future - because I still have every GT since the very first one. I just wanted my refund to “count”.

But they should have delayed it. It blows my mind that PD thought the release state was even remotely acceptable.
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That's some ego you've got there... ;) ...and ignorance. (Funny how pride comes with that.)

No. In the UK, not the world. Doesn't matter what the country of origin (Sony), if you want to sell in the UK on UK territory, you have to abide by the Consumer Rights Act and Consumer Contracts Regulations. These are changed and updated regularly.

In this country demonstrations and votes change laws. They start with a movement... or a petition. Tbh I don't really care what happens in your provably devolved part of the world. ;)
Right, but you're aware that this is an international forum? So you're telling a bunch of people who couldn't have signed your petition that they should have signed your petition. It means that your expectations for what you were trying to accomplish are much more reasonable, but that you're preaching to very much the wrong crowd.

Maybe limit your ire to UK citizens next time, if they're the ones you're mad at for not helping you. The rest of us had nothing to do with your little crusade.

As far as my country, real classy. Keep it up.
I open this thread since some people complain that the game doesn't have enough GT mode events and races right now to get money and cars.
we have two choices, the one we actually got, or wait more and get more stuff right from launch.
So, question is simple, what would you prefer? Vote
They like already took 5 years to do this GT7.
You plan to let them work on it for 10-15 years ? 😅
They suck, this much content for 5 years of development...
Right, but you're aware that this is an international forum? So you're telling a bunch of people who couldn't have signed your petition that they should have signed your petition. It means that your expectations for what you were trying to accomplish are much more reasonable, but that you're preaching to very much the wrong crowd.

Maybe limit your ire to UK citizens next time, if they're the ones you're mad at for not helping you. The rest of us had nothing to do with your little crusade.

As far as my country, real classy. Keep it up.

well we do know the heritage of most Aussies... :D (joking of course)
Fortunately I don't do stupid things like Pre-ordering. I wait to see how the reactions to games are B4 purchase. Plus, there is no such thing as ANY game worth $60-$70. I play the games I already own until there finished & by that time the next game I want is $20 or under for the Complete Edition. It's called " Not being an impatient moron!
A lot of the big issues with GT7, such as the economy and overall career structure, aren't just things that could be adjusted with a short (for Gran Turismo) delay. As I understand it, things like that are typically core design elements that are usually put together early in development, because they're the core mechanics that will have the greatest influence on the gameplay experience. It would be like Nissan trying to put an LS3 into a Leaf from the factory, but also try to keep it the same otherwise, even though the entirety of the car is built around and with its EV powertrain in mind.

As for events, considering what was done with GT Sport after launch, the amount of time that PD had to develop GT7, and the fact that we've seen footage of other race events already, I don't think that they ran out of time to create more events. This is pretty clearly a conscious decision on PD's part.
Reducing game's content on purpose? That makes no sense to me
Welcome to Games As A Service, which Gran Turismo has now fallen in to, and is doing it in pretty much the worst ways possible.
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I'd rather half the game now and half the game later than waiting another 6-12 months for the full game.

I'm having fun with the game as is. Yep, it has its shortcomings, but I am still having fun with it.
No, I'm glad they didn't delay the game because their tactics wouldn't have changed and it's a good thing we're airing out their dirty laundry as soon as possible. If they had delayed the game to add more content, it would've taken us all that much longer to wade through that content and discover what was actually happening underneath it all. Hell, even if they added a 2.4 Hours of Le Mans endurance race that paid 1,000,000 credits we'd have eventually realized that that was still less time efficient than getting a freaking job and buying MTX.

I love the game and am going to enjoy watching it evolve. I'm happy we've found out their scheme right away so they can fix it asap, rather than bury it under more fluff.
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To be honest how broken the multiplayer is I’d rather avoid it 3 to 6 months for them to fix it before release. Besides the controversy of the money. To be honest again GT sport did so much right on the multiplayer it’s what kept fans playing the game even though It was missing all the content, As it stands right now GT7 multiplayer is so bad, it like multiplayer on PlayStation 3 days of GT5&6 . How could polyphony digital forget the one thing they did right we’re not imported into this game.

I’m not bashing I’m just frustrated there’s a lot of positive in GT7 The physics are in the next step into Sim Racing which is a big improvement for the franchise and the tire model also has been improved it’s still not one of the best but it’s been improved, The weather affects, The drying out track is so well done which could make for amazing Racing for leagues life events and more so yes if these things would’ve all been fixed I would’ve understood to wait six months for a lunch then going through a depressing moment I’ve seen the games collapse and polyphony digital Dose not Deserve that.
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