The Words of the Winds are Now all Clear

  • Thread starter amar212
This was all discussed in August.

AND? People clearly don't remember, we are simply reminding them. I am seriously wondering why you even bother to comment, because all you are doing is being everything BUT constructive.
AND? People clearly don't remember, we are simply reminding them. I am seriously wondering why you even bother to comment, because all you are doing is being everything BUT constructive.

What you dont seem to understand is you arent being constructive. How can you be constructive talking about something you cant control? Or talking about something that was already discussed?

From websters- constructive= 3 : promoting improvement or development
You arent doing either of these. Dont use words that are beyond your scope of knowledge.
By that post you made, this whole sub-forum should be locked as everything has been discussed to the death of it.

Also, arguing over whether or not something isn't constructive, isn't constructive.
By that post you made, this whole sub-forum should be locked as everything has been discussed to the death of it.

Also, arguing over whether or not something isn't constructive, isn't constructive.

You are right, except I never told anyone to be constructive.
What you dont seem to understand is you arent being constructive. How can you be constructive talking about something you cant control? Or talking about something that was already discussed?

From websters- constructive= 3 : promoting improvement or development
You arent doing either of these. Dont use words that are beyond your scope of knowledge.

Wow... I wonder if anyone who reads my posts would agree with that assessment you have made of me.

From websters- constructive= 3 : promoting improvement or development
You arent doing either of these.

On the contrary, I am doing BOTH. I am contributing to the improvement of knowledge of those who either: 1) were not around in August when it was first discussed, therefore they never READ the previous posts that are now buried. 2) forgot what was said before, and need to be reminded to attempt to assist in the prevention of these senseless attacks against Amar, SONY, Kaz, and PD. I also contributed to the development of said peoples understanding by summing up pages of discussion that happened months ago in one spot, therefore saving them TIME.

Care to try again?
from what I know, everyone was preparing themselves for a December release, they either interpreted it wrong or it was interpreted correctly stating a December release, the thing is you guys shouldn't have jumped on the conclusion that GT5 was CONFIRMED for December.
Well, from what Jordan said in a news blurb, even SONY America had been set up with the game plan that had GT5 shipping before December, and probably SONY Europe as well. So, sure, when SONY Japan is leading on even its own overseas divisions that GT5 is definitely getting released this fall, it's a no brainer to jump on it. Like, who would suspect SONY of lying to its own people to muck up the waters like that? Even though they did the same thing with the pre-launch of the PS3, saying it was on a track to be released in early-mid 2006...
GT5 may have been internally delayed, in fact like most big games I'd assume it has, but it's not had it's release date pushed back. Before you settle on a a release date you deal with prospective dates, a lot of propsective dates get moved about during production. Don't get a prospective date confused with a proper release date.
I can see where the confusion is coming from now. I never meant to imply that the Q4 2009 was a definitive date, I always assumed it was prospective. :) As a matter of fact, I always view a date as prospective until the game is actually released, because even now, it still may change.

I believe Dave made a very good point.
Point taken. :)

This was all discussed in August.
Yes, but one can't expect people to wad through every 100+ page thread. I for one, visit the GT5 forum very rarely, because quite frankly, I think the quality of posting has severely degraded in the past couple of months. I was quite surprised to find a decent level of discussion over here. ;)
Yes, but one can't expect people to wad through every 100+ page thread. I for one, visit the GT5 forum very rarely, because quite frankly, I think the quality of posting has severely degraded in the past couple of months. I was quite surprised to find a decent level of discussion over here. ;)

Maybe because we are discusing a game has not released at the time?

Sorry my english.
Well, from what Jordan said in a news blurb, even SONY America had been set up with the game plan that had GT5 shipping before December, and probably SONY Europe as well. So, sure, when SONY Japan is leading on even its own overseas divisions that GT5 is definitely getting released this fall, it's a no brainer to jump on it. Like, who would suspect SONY of lying to its own people to muck up the waters like that? Even though they did the same thing with the pre-launch of the PS3, saying it was on a track to be released in early-mid 2006...

You'd think that SCEA, SCEE & Sony Japan would have better communication with each other...
I think it was cold calculation on SONY Japan's part to take people's attention off of a certain definitive racer.
First wind whispers that final reunion will happen thirty nights before twelve months pass and that all winds from the whole world will reunite in the same moment for the first time.

April 2009 + 12 months - 30 nights = March 2010

When and where did he said December 09?

Yeah, December 09 is wrong. Agree with that 👍.
Amar212 didn't tell us from when the "thirty nights before twelve months" is gonna start, so maybe it was referred from the date when these winds start to whisper at all of us. And when we calculate, it'll be just like what Torero said.

Amar212 did tell us the real release date from the start. He told the truth.
The Winds have Ceased to Blow and their Words could not be less Clear.

A PD smoke and mirrors trick to keep interest ticking over, or is that too cynical?

Oh shut up. :dopey: We're still on track for the release prediction that was made in this thread oh-so-long ago now. We'll get some info soon enough.

Go find something shiny to play with in the meantime! 👍

Some healthy conjecture has just occurred to me. On the GT Academy page, at the bottom, of the European GT4 Cup: "The opening race is currently scheduled for May, 2010."
Does this mean we'll have GT5 by then? Stay calm, don't get your hopes up, manage those expectations!! But, really - ??
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What winds? I feel we are on the Moon! PD is in a media blackout mode.

And the game should have been released in JP in a few weeks. COME ON. WE WERE A FEW WEEKS FROM A GRAN TURISMO 5 RELEASE. UNBELIVEBLE, JUST TO IMAGINE. :grumpy:

At this time we would have known everything there is to know about this game,... if all was on schedule. Unbelievable, unbelievable... :ouch:
You can give something to the fans without spoiling the game's surprises.

I wish PD realises this. One new car a day, that's not so hard to do 👍

And Amar, i really think he's mad at us because some guys doubted him and blamed him for stuff he had nothing to do with (like the delay).

I wish he would came here to give us a light.
Haven't the main features already been highlighted many times already?

At TGS we learned of what GT Mode/Arcade should contain. But it's very small information when you think of it. There is plenty left to uncover, and I think it will require a big stage (E3).
I don't even know if this thing's still being updated... its the first time i see it lol

here's my take on it.

1 - November release date.

5- Two versions of the game (probably a Disc version and a Downloadable version). The Disc version will allow access to extra content and possibly DLC stuff right off the bat..
I don't even know if this thing's still being updated... its the first time i see it lol

here's my take on it.

1 - November release date.

5- Two versions of the game (probably a Disc version and a Downloadable version). The Disc version will allow access to extra content and possibly DLC stuff right off the bat..

Don't forget that Disk version will have TONS of HD videos, full quality music and maybe some narrated stuff.
I don't even know if this thing's still being updated... its the first time i see it lol

here's my take on it.

1 - November release date.

5- Two versions of the game (probably a Disc version and a Downloadable version). The Disc version will allow access to extra content and possibly DLC stuff right off the bat..
LOL? Again? Do you realize it's impossible? There's too much content, it's not like prologue:dunce:.
30-40-50GB of data to donwload? Are you aware of the internet speeds in NA? Hell I live in Europe with a 20MB connection but even here it would take weeks to get a FULL ps3 exclusive such as GT5.
Sony won't even bother.
LOL? Again? Do you realize it's impossible? There's too much content, it's not like prologue:dunce:.
30-40-50GB of data to donwload? Are you aware of the internet speeds in NA? Hell I live in Italy with a 20MB connection but even here it would take weeks to get a FULL ps3 exclusive such as GT5 that way.

err you can buy 10-20gigs games online through steam and such ll the time... i don't see the problem... (?!). maybe the digital version will lack stuff such as music, videos, a bunch of cars... maybe some tracks?!
^ why are you comparing PCs to the PS3. Pc = 500+gb of storage at least. PS3 = 60-120gb for most. PS3=/=PC. If the DLed game will lack anything then what is the point of it?

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