The Words of the Winds are Now all Clear

  • Thread starter amar212
^ They may have exclusive rights to produce games, but they're not going to produce any more in 2009, so PD could step in there. Or maybe NASCAR switched the contract, which they could always do at any time.
It really depends on the details of the contract in question. I don't think that was an issue though since a few people who have claimed that GT5 was on course for a 2009 release and has only recently been scheduled for a 2010 release instead.
Sorry if this has been posted before but,
I was under the impression that EA holds some sort of deal with NASCAR where they hold the exclusive rights to produce video games with NASCAR until the end of 2009.
Because NASCAR is in GT5 doesn’t this mean that there never could have been a 2009 release for GT5?
I think a part of that deal included EA releasing a cross-platform game once a year which they didn't do. This caused the EA deal to become void, which allowed PD/Sony to step in.
It has also allowed other Publishers access to the license as it is now no longer exclusive.
Fifth wind says that reunion will happen in two forms, one greater than other and birdtamers will have freedom to decide which reunion they will attend. Greater reunion will ask for great sacrifice to be made in order to get all present and future treasures without new sacrifices needed, while smaller reunion will come in form already known, asking for more sacrifices if future treasures catches the eyes of the birdtamers.

From the front page
The most curious thing, of course, is the fact that the packaging clearly contains three separate Blu-Ray cases -- one black, one red, and one blue.

That must be the confirmation of the fifth wind.

It's great to have amar212 here.
I hope so, but GT5 having a special edition that comes on three discs does not guarantee those who buy it will receive all future DLC without havng to pay more unless all future DLC is on those two extra discs.
That must be the confirmation of the fifth wind.

It's great to have amar212 here.

Isn't it stating the PSP and the PS3 tale?
With the PSP you can have the cars (treasures) and then have less to do with GT5 to purchase cars.
I Think Amar has just made all that rubbish up off the top of his head in my opinion. So much for oo ahh December release and its not coming out til March. pffft..
I Think Amar has just made all that rubbish up off the top of his head in my opinion. So much for oo ahh December release and its not coming out til March. pffft..

And everyone's entitled to their opinion, no matter how ill-informed it is, nor how much it flies in the face of evidence.

Find where Amar said "December release".
Oh no. Remember Jordan's pre-Christmas post, based on internal documents SCE America people showed him, that gave the release roadmap definitely for fallish this year? SONY Japan evidently yanked even their own people around in order to cause a little turbulence for the Forza 3 release party.
Oh no. Remember Jordan's pre-Christmas post, based on internal documents SCE America people showed him, that gave the release roadmap definitely for fallish this year? SONY Japan evidently yanked even their own people around in order to cause a little turbulence for the Forza 3 release party.

Amar = Jordan?

Jordan announced December date, not Amar, or am i wrong again?
anyone care to picture this Forum in april 2010 ? it might collapse the whole internet :D

or just be completly empty, people playing the game
It doesn't matter if @amar or Jordan hinted at a December release( sufficient evidence existed) because we all, including amar and Jordan, was aware that PD could change the release date...and i believe they did.
It doesn't matter if @amar or Jordan hinted at a December release( sufficient evidence existed) because we all, including amar and Jordan, was aware that PD could change the release date...and i believe they did.

But since Amar didn't state it as fact, we cannot blame him as some people on here choose to. Whats to say that Amar didnt originally know of a march release, then Jordan found out it was to be released earlier than expected, ie christmas, only for it then to be delayed back to the original date of march?
I Think Amar has just made all that rubbish up off the top of his head in my opinion. So much for oo ahh December release and its not coming out til March. pffft..

I Think Amar has just made all that rubbish up off the top of his head in my opinion. So much for oo ahh December release and its not coming out til March. pffft..

Quote exactly where he mentioned a December release and I mean where he himself said so, not what someone interpreted it. Last I checked, only a brochure clearly hinted a 2009 release. Otherwise, you're another naive person who is placing blame on the wrong person based on the fact it didn't turn out the way you wanted all the while disregarding the possibility of change at the last minute.

Amar = Jordan?

Jordan announced December date, not Amar, or am i wrong again?

Amar and Jordan are two seperate people.
The Santa Clause video was released a couple years ago, I think it was actually before GT5P came out.
Quote exactly where he mentioned a December release and I mean where he himself said so, not what someone interpreted it. Last I checked, only a brochure clearly hinted a 2009 release. Otherwise, you're another naive person who is placing blame on the wrong person based on the fact it didn't turn out the way you wanted all the while disregarding the possibility of change at the last minute.

Amar and Jordan are two seperate people.

calm down buddy, 'gran turismo will be released shortly after GTPSP'...oh wait
I think there was a big poster board at one of the conventions that said Q4 09 release
You would be reffering to the brochure, which was this:


calm down buddy, 'gran turismo will be released shortly after GTPSP'...oh wait

Has it ever occured to people that even at the most unplasent times, things change? Does anyone even stop and think that maybe it was gonna happen but due to circumstances beyond our control, it was changed? I don't know about you, but I'm just about tired of seeing someone getting the blame put on him for something that he couldn't control and for that matter, no one outside of Sony or PD. You might want to tell that to the ungrateful kids.
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Right now i'm pretty sure it was Sony not PD that delayed GT5! It was because of the PSP go and GT Mobile. Sony knew that if GT5 was released in Nov or Dec of this year, the PSP go and Mobile would suffer big time! Just my two cents on what might have happened!