The World Is (Supposedly) Going to End Saturday!

  • Thread starter gogatrs
I just whipped out the calculator and I typed in -4990 + 7000 = ...

2010. I was wondering where they got that extra little 1.

I think its because of year zero.

This thread is the funniest I've seen in a good while.:lol:
I'm gonna do what driftking said and try my look with rapture-sex.
A 7000 year flood!!!

How much more time do we have left?

Is anyone wet yet?

I need to sign-off now: I need to rush home and strap my sailboard to the roof of my car!

In jest,
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Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler...

So, is everything alright down under? I'm going to be super pissed if Webber can't become champion because the world decides it wants to end for absolutely no reason. :grumpy:

I suppose this would be a great time to dine n' dash, pick up a hooker and then ditch her for no other reason than I haven't got enough time to get my money's worth...and I haven't the slightest clue where her mouth has been in the past 72 hours...
Well, if we do have an apocalypse...I do have a cricket bat. Anything like that saves lives. :) And also it would be good to save the world before my birthday on the 22nd.
Leap years?? :D

I just realized that that has been your sig for a while now. :odd:

I hope they have Internet access in hell. :scared:

As for the rapture sex, someone I know (he's a 🤬, nobody likes him) tried that today in school.
He's the single most perverted kid I know, and he's scared he's going to die a virgin.
I really hope we have a zombie apocalypse. I have a machette in my room in the corner wrapped up ,that's getting lonely. Maybe i'll be able to put it to good use. :mischievous:
This rapture business is good fun, but I wish the zombies would wipe their feet before entering the hallway! The missus will kill me, as if I didn't have enough to worry about as it is!
I'm just happy I'm not gonna have to do my school work this weekend!

I plan on going to school on monday, as my friend owes me $10!
As for post-rapture survival, all you need is a flashlight, a machete and a bicycle!

And now for something completely different:

...I have a machete in my room in the corner wrapped up ,that's getting lonely...

We're all doomed!
Forward on to 1:30 to see the apparition or whatever it was.

Embedding isn't working for me so heres the link!

^^^Nice Virgin Sunbeam you got there!
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I think its because of year zero.

Number lines include zero. Fact is, there's 7001 years between 4990 and 2011. Invalidates the entire idea.

I can't even have fun with it because I know there's actually quite a few people who believe this malarky.
I wonder if I can use this as an excuse to skip class tomorrow morning...
Below is an article from my recently launched blog. "The Blog Of T"

I'm just following my Saturday morning routine. Have breaky, wash my face, play Gran Turismo 5 for an hour or two. And after that, I grab a Pepsi and check my Facebook. Now the good thing about stuff like Facebook is that you never know what you might see. This has been going on for a few days now but I'm finally ready to discuss:


"End of the world" talk has been going around since 2012 hit the cinemas back in...was it '09 or '08...Don't know don't care. Anyway. the reason they made 2012 because apparently, the mayan calender ends in 2012 and on December 21st 2012, the world will plunge into worldwide natrual disaster.

This movie striked fear that it will come to reality when 2012 actually comes. I would love to see what my peers come up with on Facebook during that year.

Now I don't know how or nessescarialy why. Maybe it's because of all the disasters over the past few months. But apparently the world is going to end TODAY on May 21st 2011. You wanna know what I think? Real original. Good joke! The worlds not going to end!

The wonderful thing about people my age (as a whole) is that they tend to believe whatever the hell they hear or see no matter how absurd it is. I know a girl in my year who litterly cries at the mere thought of 2012 and for some reason, I don't think I'll enjoy comforting her when she does. (Because some jerk will be doing it for me).

You don't know what I'm talking about? You should read more carefuly. Yeah i'm talking about you hater. What I'm talking about is that people believe whatever they see. In this case, the movie 2012 and the May 21st 2011 crap thats all over Facebook.

Now to finish this crap up. The worlds not going to end. Not for eons to come. The Universe has been around for billions and billions of years. What makes you think next time I blink everything will go pitch black or whatever.

And whoever suggested that May 21st was going to be Judgement day, You sir, are an idiot.

Summary: The world isin't going to end just because of a few disasters, the mayan calender and some Attention seeking Facebook junkie
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