The World Is (Supposedly) Going to End Saturday!

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Religion is NOT a product of greed.
Then again, that's a matter of opinion.
I look at it as a form of hope.
In fact I look at it as a way to PREVENT evil.

If you're Christian, you will be afraid to kill people as you'll go to hell.
If you're good, you go to heaven.

And the greed of religion, think about what people give up.
No unmarried sex. Jews lose part of there man vegetables. We wake up early every Sunday to go to church.
We give up meat for 10 Fridays every year.
etc. etc.

Perhaps a new thread should be made to discuss this?
Religion is NOT a product of greed.
Then again, that's a matter of opinion.
I look at it as a form of hope.
In fact I look at it as a way to PREVENT evil.

If you're Christian, you will be afraid to kill people as you'll go to hell.
If you're good, you go to heaven.

If the only thing keeping someone from killing someone else is the fear that has been instilled in him or her by religion, this person needs to re-evaluate their own feelings about human life.

And the greed of religion, think about what people give up.
No unmarried sex. Jews lose part of there man vegetables. We wake up early every Sunday to go to church.
We give up meat for 10 Fridays every year.
etc. etc.

He was talking about the power greed of religious leaders, and how religion has become a control mechanism essentially. Also, self denial and virtue are not the same thing.

To be at least remotely on topic, it seems that these May 21st people are fragmenting. On Twitter I read some saying that the judgement period is now known to be 153 days and the final day is in November, while others are calling it a test of faith. Some are leaving it behind, while on Family Radio's Livestream late during the night of the 21-22nd, they had someone saying that earthquakes were actually going to happen on like 5 AM on the 22nd.... Whatever...

I've seen Collapse but not the other.Michael Ruppert knew what was going to happen before the first crisis happened.He pretty much said i told you so.

Whenever i hear somebody say that we are changing things and everything is looking better,i start to laugh to myself.Quietly of course.

If anyone hasn't seen collapse i would highly suggest watching it.It is a huge eye opener on what really is happening.

Yeah you can stream the documentary based on Diamond's Collapse at NetFlix.

It is more a historical study of the common factors observed in societies that have collapsed and then sets them against our present civilization in hypothetical futuristic landscape. The concepts are good, but they definitely spent too much effort on the unnecessary SFX.

The Crash Course video presentation is also available to view online.

It is much more like a PowerPoint you'd see at a conference, but the information is very solid, the delivery very easy to follow and is probably a must watch for just about anyone. Chris Martenson also takes time to help the individual decide on how and what they should prioritize as a response. Too bad it is such depressing stuff and like you said it is a huge eye opener. But "the truth is truth," so no sense in ignoring it.
Mark 13:32 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but only the Father."

I'm not a believer at all, but I was raised Christian and I went to Christian schools.. And if the Bible is truly the word of God, as these people profess to know it to be, then they should know that they can't predict when the end will come, because only God knows when that will be.

If anything, the test of faith should be in not listening to false prophets such as the radio guy who predicted this (forget his name).

People seem to be so obsessed with when the end will come and all that, as if it's something they have control over. Let's say God himself comes out of the sky tomorrow and yells "The world will end at 6am Friday, Saturday will not come after, it's JUDGEEEEMMMEEEENNNNTTT DAY!!" What are you really going to do? Go hide in a cave and hope God can't find you? If you've sinned in the eyes of God, he already knows, it's too late to change that.

As for us heathens, we're going to get what's coming to us either way, so why does it matter when it happens? Seriously, we just have to live for the moment, because a plane could crash into our house and kill us, or God could rain down fire on us at any moment. And what will happen will happen, and it really doesn't matter.
...And the world didn't end, just like every other time people keep making up a random day and say the world will end that day just to be in the center of attention. These are the people who have nothing else to do, who are full of themselves, and act like liberals about it. To the people who make up these random days and for who believe them, "Grow a brain you dunce!"
Religion is NOT a product of greed.
Then again, that's a matter of opinion.
I look at it as a form of hope.
In fact I look at it as a way to PREVENT evil.

If you're Christian, you will be afraid to kill people as you'll go to hell.
If you're good, you go to heaven.

And the greed of religion, think about what people give up.
No unmarried sex. Jews lose part of there man vegetables. We wake up early every Sunday to go to church.
We give up meat for 10 Fridays every year.
etc. etc.

Perhaps a new thread should be made to discuss this?

CHristians are not afraid to kill people because they will go to hell you need to read your bible again most people think the comandmants say thow shall not kill well it actually says thow shall not Murder big difference. Allso If you ask for forgivness of your sin and ask Jesus into your heart ( genuinly) you will not go to hell that doesnt mean you wont face your consiquences here onearth ( example electric chair ) but you can still get to heven.
I am a beliver no I dont know everything but Im learning and one thing I do know is no person will know the place or time. We as christians are called to live each day as he is comming tomorrow something I am working on learning how to do
Mark 13:32 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but only the Father."

See I've noticed that everyone keeps quoting this.
But not the part before it, I'm on my iPod or I'd do it myself, but can someone get the rest of the passage as in the part right before it?

For all we know, this is them talking about when God plans to invade Satin (First thing that came to my mind, not what I actually think).

Again guys, let's try to keep the religion battle out of this.
Go to the thread linked a couple posts above mine for that.
I don't know if this has been posted - I haven't been keeping tabs on this thread ever since the apocalpyse didn't happen - but Harold Camping now claims that the end of the world will happen on October 21, which he originally prophecised as being the date God pulls the plug on the universe. Apparently everything is just going to happen at once now: the faithful ascend, and the wretched are cast into nothingness.

As for why the apocalypse didn't happen on Saturday, he claims that he made a mathematical error and was out by five months. It's a good thing he's never used that excuse before; otherwise, his claims might not have any credibility ...
See I've noticed that everyone keeps quoting this.
But not the part before it, I'm on my iPod or I'd do it myself, but can someone get the rest of the passage as in the part right before it?
It's not like that quote about the Tree of Liberty needing to be refreshed with the blood of patriots that every movie villain misquotes (the full line is "the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants"). What comes before - Mark 13:31 - doesn't really have much bearing on 13:32. What comes after only reiterates the point. This is the Book of Mark, chapter 13; Mark 13:32 is taken from the end of the chapter. It goes like this:
(26) “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. (27) And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.

(28) “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. (29) Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. (30) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (31) Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

(32) “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (33) Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. (34) It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.

(35) “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. (36) If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. (37) What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”
Again, there's some contextual stuff going on. Mark 13 mentions false prophets, but I don't think it's really referring to Camping; it seems to be aimed more at the Devil's instruments, who will try and deceive humanity into believing their saviour is close at hand. A lot of the chapter is about the end times, and specifically refers to the of the Temple, one of the major signs that the apocalypse is near. In fact, the Bible foretells that when the apocalypse does indeed happen, there will be a battle at Tel Megiddo (from which we derive the word "Armageddon") in which Christ will defeat Satan. This will be one of the final events of the end times, and I very much imagine that it will be one of the conditions for the Rapture to occur.

In the end, Mark 13:32 isn't really a quote that has a lot of context. It's the pivotal line of scripture from the entire chapter. It's like if I'm reading Romeo and Juliet and pick out Romeo's final words before swallowing the poison - what immediately came before or after doesn't alter the point of the scene. Those extra lines of dialogue only serve to give Romeo's suicide more depth, but they don't change the meaning of anything he does.
Thank you interludes.
That helps a lot.
I'm trying to think of something useful to say/ask, but I think you covered it all. lol
Please bear in mind that I am not Christian or Catholic (or of any denomination, really; nor am I an atheist) and that I'm also an English teacher. So what I post is very much an outsider's interpretation of scripture.
God is coming for me!
Huge T&L Storm just started.

I do however find it odd that not even Jesus is going to know when.
Jeff Hopkins had figured the gas money he spent driving back and forth from Long Island to New York City would be worth it, as long as people could see the ominous sign atop his car warning that the End of the World was nigh.

"I've been mocked and scoffed and cursed at and I've been through a lot with this lighted sign on top of my car," said Hopkins, 52, a former television producer who lives in Great River, NY. "I was doing what I've been instructed to do through the Bible, but now I've been stymied. It's like getting slapped in the face."
:lol: Wow.
Guys, yes he may be completely stupid, but you have to treat him just like you'd treat any other mentally disabled person.
(Not meant to be insulting in any way shape or form)

Take it easy on the guy.
He honestly believed that we were all going to "die."
If you had fooled yourself into believing this, would you have stayed idle?

For all we know, these are teachings he's learned from other people and he simply put two and two together. To get five.

That's basically his entire life ruined.

During some major sports event, someone just like him ran out into the middle of the street during the start of a marathon so he could get on TV to warn people about the apocalypse.
That's insanity, but more importantly, that means he devoted himself to saving the human race. Or so he thinks.
Guys, yes he may be completely stupid, but you have to treat him just like you'd treat any other mentally disabled person.
(Not meant to be insulting in any way shape or form)

Since both my parents are/were social workers, and having been privy to many of their discussions throughout my entire childhood, I feel I can comment on this comment. I can assure you that the guidlines for treatment of the mentally disabled, or whatevere pc term one wants to use, doesn't include calling them stupid! :lol:
Saw this one coming. Now he is predicting October 21st 2011.

I cant wait until 2012 is over so we dont have to listen to any of these idiots anymore. So far there is not a single "guess" prediction after 2012. So hopefully all these people will shut up after 2012.

The worst part is the $104 million people spent advertising this crap. :ouch:
SHould we treat religious people as mentally challenged humans? Why should we not? After all, religion IS a disease... :\
Since both my parents are/were social workers, and having been privy to many of their discussions throughout my entire childhood, I feel I can comment on this comment. I can assure you that the guidlines for treatment of the mentally disabled, or whatevere pc term one wants to use, doesn't include calling them stupid! :lol: their face. their face.

:lol: No... I doubt many professionals, if any, that dedicate their lives to helping individuals with varying degrees of disabilities have a better life even think in that manner, the manner in which you apparently think? :ouch:
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The 'X' next to Scientist is upside down.[/fontnerd]

Otherwise, that's awesome. :lol:
:lol: No... I doubt many professionals, if any, that dedicate their lives to helping individuals with varying degrees of disabilities have a better life even think in that manner, the manner in which you apparently think? :ouch:

The point was that we're not the professionals (and yes I do think this guy is stupid). If we, as civilians, are to be helpful with this particular brand of mentally ill, it is not in our interest to tell them everything that might run through our non-professional brains. That being said, I'm not sure this guy is well enough to be out in the general population.
I don't know if this has been posted - I haven't been keeping tabs on this thread ever since the apocalpyse didn't happen - but Harold Camping now claims that the end of the world will happen on October 21, which he originally prophecised as being the date God pulls the plug on the universe. Apparently everything is just going to happen at once now: the faithful ascend, and the wretched are cast into nothingness.

As for why the apocalypse didn't happen on Saturday, he claims that he made a mathematical error and was out by five months. It's a good thing he's never used that excuse before; otherwise, his claims might not have any credibility ...

If it were up to me, this guy would have been admitted a long time ago. 👎
Yawn, what else is new. These end of the world predictions have been going on for about 2000 years and their batting average remains the same: .000:rolleyes: