The World's Fastest Indian

  • Thread starter Sureboss


Tanned and Lipstick'd
United Kingdom
As was looking at renting this out Friday/Saturday night and I was wondering what GTP thinks of it.
Watched it last year, worth the rental in my opinion. The movie has some fun moments and some touching moments too. Great acting by Hopkins.
I recommend you rent it. But I would say that, because it's Hollywood comes to town for my country and it's based on a true-blue Kiwi. :D
Very good film. Acting was incredible. Very touching look at the life of a determined Kiwi. There are a few spots in the film that will make you shed a tear, unless you are made of stone. Don't rent it. Buy it.

Yes go cuz!! this wonderful wonderul ride Mr Burt Munroe is my cousin for real! He has ridin bikes with my grand father in Inverz!!
Good Stuff
A friend loved it so much (A bike enthusist) he brought it around, it was good, I enjoyed it.

Not going to watch it over and over like my friend does though.
Excellent film - one of my favourites.
Based on a true story, some poetic licence in there as I believe Burt Munro never cracked 200mph. As said before, you'll have a tear in your eye at some point.
Excellent feelgood movie.
I own it, as a motorcycle lover and a fan of speed its a very good movie, ive watched it at least 5 times and id still watch it start - finish now. Definetly worth the rent if not buy (you could probably almost buy it for the same price as rent)
I've got this but not got round to watching it yet. The number of good reviews and some of them by people I knopw have good film taste encouraged me to buy it and now I just need to find ime to sit down and pop it in the machnie.
I love this movie! of my all time favorite's! an AWESOME truly amazing story!:drool:

Great cast and awesome scenery, Love that road trip Burt does across then USA:)

the whole movie has a lovey retro feel to it..lovely American cars from the 50's:sly:

Just goes to show does not matter how old you are never give up on your dream:)

Love the fact that the taxi's are 57 chev's too:sly:
Saw this movie a few years back, just randomly decided to watch it with no knowledge or expectation of what to expect. Thought it was awesome and it's probably one of my favourite movies.

Talk about a thread necro though!