The 'problems' in humans growing to maturity have always been there.
What's causing the 'problem' now is that parents are not given the support they need to make sure that their children grow up as 'socialised' adults.
I know for certain that if the laws prevelent now on how children could be treated existed when I was growing up then I would either be in prison or coping with some other highly unsalubrious fate.
Because I was a wilful, obnoxious, aggressive and violent little so-and-so who always thought he was right and it took my father roughly fifteen years to discipline that anti-social behaviour out of me.
I don't think a day went by without me having to get a good hiding for something and, with the honesty of years, I pretty much reckon I deserved most of them (apart from the ones where my sisters dropped me 'in it' for something they did

So, given that children who're like I was back in the sixties are still being born today and parents are not legally permitted to punish them effectively, what's the general consensus on how society's going to be in ... oh, hang on, we've reaped the crop of twenty to thirty years of liberalism already with young 'adults' who think that laws don't apply to them and they can do as they wish ...
So altho' the witterings of what I term "Bleeding hearts and artists" might give rise to some imbecilic concepts that will exacerbate the perennial problem of 'teens who think they know better than their elders, that's not really the issue.
Apologies for the heavy handed veering of thread topic there - bet you can't guess it's something I feel strongly about

As a post script and something that may be worth a thread in it's own right, I do believe that there will be a back-lash at some point and that fairly draconian and right-wing legislation will come into curb the real, de-stabalising, social anarchy that's burgeoning under our feet. The problem is that, given past records on such matters, it will be too late and far too severe and we could end up with a traumatised generation which is worse in some ways than what we've got now.