There is no such thing as failure...

  • Thread starter Famine
There is a point in those acting classes. Not learning how to act, but getting you that piece of paper so you can eventually get a good job. Just because you're not interested in certain classes is no excuse not to make sure you get a good education.
i understand what you are saying, but my school offers no classes for people who are in simillar situations, i don't care for the so called arts. i am a hands on kind of person and i have not exactly thrived at my school. i was luckily accepted into a program that allows me to take a class off campus and will let me try something i am actually intrested in the costmetic repair of cars <8- )

I totally agree with you guys on the whole Dr. Phil mentality, i think people are really becoming foolish saying i have 12 mental disabilities!! blahhh!!!
Is this topic going to turn into bickering about how you guys dislike the fact that governments, taxes and welfare exist? Blah blah blah, stealing, blah blah blah.
If you have a deferred failure at reading a traffic signal and get killed can you still sue ?
Will 7 eleven still hire all the deferred failures as slurpy jocks ?

Can outsourcing be considered the direct result of deferred failure mentality ?
We were discussing this last night... we came to the conclusion that this is just another example of political correctness gone mad! Deferred success! :lol:...

Little Johnny: "Did I fail?"
Teacher: "No Johnny, you passed 18% of the test, well done you!"

I suppose that means I can call myself a 'deferred millionaire'? 💡

In Ireland, 'deferred success' is what you celebrate after you've already won something twice...
Touring Mars
Little Johnny: "Did I fail?"
Teacher: "No Johnny, you passed 18% of the test, well done you!"


Yeah this type of mentality does make me want to:

If I set out to get a job done in say 2 hours at work, and it takes me 3 I've failed in my attempt to do it in 2 hours. I don't see how you can look at that any other way really.
Touring Mars
Little Johnny: "Did I fail?"
Teacher: "No Johnny, you passed 18% of the test, well done you!"

That's just sick, but EXACTLY how they want to portray poor acheivement. Rather sickening actually.

I mean, if you playing golf, you don't get jack unless the ball goes in the hole. No matter who you are. But in school, just try and it's good...please. 👎
All this over one fool teacher who manages to get the attention of somebody at BBC News? This is hardly a "trend", people.

My son is 15. He's going to school in Southern California, where failure is failure, and is branded as such. An "F" carries the same stigma it always has, and requires taking the class again. Does anyone think it is somehow different anywhere? Since when, and where, do failing grades get referred to as something else?

This entire thread appears to be much ado about nothing...
That's just sick, but EXACTLY how they want to portray poor acheivement. Rather sickening actually.

I mean, if you playing golf, you don't get jack unless the ball goes in the hole. No matter who you are. But in school, just try and it's good...please. 👎

I'm not sure if I understand you right or not... are you saying that you agree with the concept of 'deferred success' or not? I don't.....

I totally agree that effort at school should be rewarded, period. (as they say in Americar! :sly: ) But to praise underacheiving kids who don't give a monkeys hoot about whether they pass or fail (or should I say, 'pass to a lesser extent') is wrong...

If I got 20% in every Chemistry exam I ever sat, I would think about doing something else than Chemistry... that's why I'm not a Geographer...

I don't see any merit in congratulating people for failing an exam... an exam is designed to test whether someone has learnt a subject well or not... if they haven't, then they need to study more.... slapping someone on the back and saying that they have done really well when they haven't merely encourages lethargy and complacency, and does nothing to encourage people to really learn...
Touring Mars
I'm not sure if I understand you right or not... are you saying that you agree with the concept of 'deferred success' or not? I don't.....

I totally disagree with it. That's why I called it sickening.
I totally disagree with it. That's why I called it sickening.

I see... that's what I thought... :)

Still, I'm not totally against it... my 5-a-side football team seem to be pretty big on 'deferred success' :sly:
When I have defferred success at eight ball why do I still have to buy drinks ? Cant I deffer payment 'till tuesday for a hamburger today ?
All this over one fool teacher who manages to get the attention of somebody at BBC News? This is hardly a "trend", people.

My son is 15. He's going to school in Southern California, where failure is failure, and is branded as such. An "F" carries the same stigma it always has, and requires taking the class again. Does anyone think it is somehow different anywhere? Since when, and where, do failing grades get referred to as something else?

This entire thread appears to be much ado about nothing...

That'll be one fool teacher's union. The second largest teacher's union after NAS/UWT.

What they want to do is not make them take the whole class again, but to take the exam again - leaving out the bits they got right as they've already got them right.

Passing by piecemeal.
When I have defferred success at eight ball why do I still have to buy drinks ? Cant I deffer payment 'till tuesday for a hamburger today ?

I hate when I defer the success of a GT4 race against my friends. Or worse was all that deferred success license tests.
Ahhh but in school ( with this nitwits idea ) you pass with a defferred failure but in GT4 you wont get a license . So what good is this school ? Bwahahahaahahahahahahaha I have a defferred failure of sanity !
I have a defferred failure of sanity !
Wouldn't that be success?

On a lighter note, a teacher in my area tried to get Jefferson Davis Middle School renamed to something else a while back because good old JD was President of the Confederacy and that was distracting to the black students in the area. It made it all the way to the school board and was shot down because it would "cost too much".

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