Dave_GeorgeOK so lets assume PD make the AI great in GT5....i can see the posts here already, "how the hell do i win the Gt World Championship" etc etc, there are some very difficult races already in GT4 - 206 cup and Speedster challenge spring to mind...(Altho i admit most are easy..)
Forget the AI, your all missing the point that in a couple of years online racing will get rid of the need for them altogether....then the real racing starts and GT will take a step up to a whole new level.....so in my opinion driving physics and realsim are top priority, AI has never bothered me as i end up racing my own best times round circuits when races are over anyway.
Online racing is here now on the Xbox, but their is and always will be for a long time to come a place for the single player game. Look at how many Xbox users their are compred to Live subscribers.
Having clever A.I. doesnt mean the races will be harder! Having good A.I. in games like PGR, Toca Race Driver and Forza have not had a detremental effect to gamplay, it improves it by a long way. I really cant understand why you wouldn't want smarter A.I. which at the very least doesnt try and take the racing line when you are on it next to them. In GT4 the A.I. doesnt even seem to be aware of the player car at all. The A.I. could still "lap" at the same speed as they do know but at least react to where other cars are on the track and try and race you by defending and trying to out-smart you into corners. Its a must for GT5 because games like Racer Driver and Forza are only going to get better in that respect.