They could be watching....

OK so lets assume PD make the AI great in GT5....i can see the posts here already, "how the hell do i win the Gt World Championship" etc etc, there are some very difficult races already in GT4 - 206 cup and Speedster challenge spring to mind...(Altho i admit most are easy..)

Forget the AI, your all missing the point that in a couple of years online racing will get rid of the need for them altogether....then the real racing starts and GT will take a step up to a whole new in my opinion driving physics and realsim are top priority, AI has never bothered me as i end up racing my own best times round circuits when races are over anyway.

Online racing is here now on the Xbox, but their is and always will be for a long time to come a place for the single player game. Look at how many Xbox users their are compred to Live subscribers.

Having clever A.I. doesnt mean the races will be harder! Having good A.I. in games like PGR, Toca Race Driver and Forza have not had a detremental effect to gamplay, it improves it by a long way. I really cant understand why you wouldn't want smarter A.I. which at the very least doesnt try and take the racing line when you are on it next to them. In GT4 the A.I. doesnt even seem to be aware of the player car at all. The A.I. could still "lap" at the same speed as they do know but at least react to where other cars are on the track and try and race you by defending and trying to out-smart you into corners. Its a must for GT5 because games like Racer Driver and Forza are only going to get better in that respect.
And he's definitely not a member of PD. I highly doubt anyone viewing the site forPD would create accounts to do so, they would meerly watch rather than have an influence on what the results of what people want are.

I know i was just fooling............ :dunce:
There is the possibility that they are watching this site but I personally think they have more important matters to attend to. They can't invent a game if they're looking at forums all day can they?
There is the possibility that they are watching this site but I personally think they have more important matters to attend to. They can't invent a game if they're looking at forums all day can they?
well, they do need feedback on GT4... hmm interesting topic here
There is the possibility that they are watching this site but I personally think they have more important matters to attend to. They can't invent a game if they're looking at forums all day can they?

It wouldt exactly take long for somebody to read over the GT4 and 5 forums every morning really...
What if they're new and they have to read through every message for every topic in the GT5 board and then the same for the many sub-boards in the GT4 board including the main GT4 board?
They wouldn't do that, they'd just monitor the currently active threads in the GT4 and 5 forums and tak notes of interesting ideas and details they notcie.
They wouldn't do that, they'd just monitor the currently active threads in the GT4 and 5 forums and tak notes of interesting ideas and details they notcie.

Exactly :)

Anyway, how long has GTP been around. if they watch certain forums they have probably been watching these boards since the release of GT4.
duh! you know theyre not REALLY watching, cuz if they were, they would have answered all of our prayers...which would have made it so the only time we ever drove the delorean, we went back to 1955.

more than a feelin, thats the power of love.
duh! you know theyre not REALLY watching, cuz if they were, they would have answered all of our prayers...which would have made it so the only time we ever drove the delorean, we went back to 1955.

more than a feelin, thats the power of love.

Ok its not easy to answer all our prayers, some of the things we want and ask for cannot be easily done, they can give u beter AI, OR better graphics, OR realistic wheather....these things can be done. BUT To give US all these thing at once, is a very challenging matter. GT4 (as i believe) has pushed the ps2 to the max. Atleast we were able to engoy these wonderful graphics. Now with the upcoming ps3, we now kno that we will get alot pateince my frend....patience. It will all come...eventually.

I really hope they watch this site! now imagine if one from PD's staff could register for thi forum...
Didn't you know?

The fed have dropped in on us a month or two ago, asking where we lived, what our parents names were, what pets we had and they mentioned PD when they left.

They still pop in to see if any new puppies need to be killed when someone mentions Area 51.

Oh crap...
I think it's very likely that PD read this and other GT forums. Basically having all these GT fans in one place must make their market research so much easier. They don't have to spend £1000's on talking to fans at shows, they just surf a few wensites.

As to whether they have forum is accounts can be debated until the cows come home, and tbh does it really matter.

Some in this thread have said they don't read this forum, because they didn't change everything we wanted changed. True, but then this community is very demanding and you can't expect them to do everything for us. Yes I know we wanted better AI from day one, but they said they had improved it, so as far as they were concerned, they had answered that pray.
I would rather they sacrificed the graphics for A.I. Games for me are about gameplay first, looks second.

And I would really like to know quite what they did to improve the A.I. because I cant see it.

For example you get a poor exit from a corner onto a long straight. The A.I. catches you half way down the straight and drives right into the back of you. Their really is no excuse for having A.I. that stupid IMO...

While the graphics are nice and smooth, the cities dont look that great IMO, poor textures and lack of buildings in some sections. They just look half finished. I agree GT4 pushes PS2 to its limits, but they pushed the limits in the wrong areas..
Well , i understand where u are coming from, maybe if PD was to really focus more on the essentials we could have had a slightly more intelligent AI. Wouldn't we be ok with having better AI and sounds with GT3 graphics? Im sure there would have been dissapointment but it would have been a small price to pay, But we cant change any of that now, we are stuck with the same GT4 we bought from the store, and all we have to do is hope and pray
that GT5 will fullfill our GT wants.

I wonder how many GT fansites PD has in there bookmarks, if your reading this or any reply PD plz reply.
I know a guy that works at a gaming corp., I'd mention the company but I don't want to get him fired, they do monitor sites quite often. At PS underground, any ideas you share immediately become PS underground's property. KY even said on the interview, that they view threads there, but I don't know about here, because they may not know about this site, then again, maybe they do.
lol id bet all of you money they dont even know about this site. Even if they do know about it i doubt they take it with any kind of seriousness with all the nonsense like ppl wanting motorcycles, neon lights, etc to be in the game.
German Muscle
lol id bet all of you money they dont even know about this site. Even if they do know about it i doubt they take it with any kind of seriousness with all the nonsense like ppl wanting motorcycles, neon lights, etc to be in the game.

I know that if I worked for a games company I would want to know what people thought of my game, and a forum would be the first place that I would look. Its easy to ignore all the crap :-) But there are also some very reasonable and intelligent suggestions that any developer would be stupid not at least read.

At the end of the day they are all just normal people, why wouldnt they make use internet forums like everyone else.
I heard that KY made the Gran Turismo games for himself or something along those lines, so does what we say really matter to him?
Yes, because if we end up not buying the next GT game cos Kaz didn't listen to fans, Sony will be pissed.
The boys and girls at Polyphony ARE watching, just not here...

PD is a Japanese developer and their primary language is Japanese, so it's obvious that the staff directly involved with GT5 are going to look for feedback on the Japanese sites.

The problem with that is that Japanese gamers want a different 'experience' from their games. Compare the Japanese games charts (full of story based adventures) with ones in the US (sports, GTA:SA,etc) and you can see what I mean.

So did the Japanese fans want more cars in GT4 and weren't too concerned about the racing side of things? Kaz was obviously looking in that direction with his concept of 'the history of the automobile', maybe he was steered in that direction by the fan sites in Japan... Maybe.

Since there seems to be hardly any communication between the Japanese gaming community and the rest of the world, we'll probably never know...

It's all a conspiracy!
One thing is certain, if I would be member of PD, I would LMAO because of this suspicion :lol: LMAO, I'm sure that they'll check a bit though. Maybe not as a "mission" or "asignment" but just for fun, or in their spare time.


I guess it wont be too affective though...:indiff: Would be cool to see our site logo on their plastic CD-game box:D I think we could maybe sponsor them:D

I'd agree with that, I was amazed by all the Japanese cars in GT1. But due to the constant bias and ridiculous ratio of Skylines too other cars I am completely sick of seeing them. So much so I doubt I'd ever want one in real life. Although the R32 GTRs still look good in gunmetal...

I understand due to harsh importing laws a large proportion of cars in Japan are Japanese, but this isn't the case in the rest of the world even though there are a lot! They are also not often the very best cars, which is something GT usually fails to put across ;)
I hope they understand that they can't put in all these crap cars, like old Japanese that you've never heard of with like 30-50hk, I hate them, think they should concentrate on putting in cars that peoples like... but maybe there is many that like those small crapcars...

Agree with ya about those hundreds of skylines to...
💡 I just got an idea, maybe someone found it out before, sorry if...

Anyway, I think they should put in maximum of about 20-30 cars per make. and that would be the best/newest/most fameous and most classic cars from that make... like a top 30 list of every make's cars in the game...

think thats a bad idea? :nervous: