Things I believe would revive Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter tha_con


Here are a few ideas I have had about things to revive Gran Turismo to it's once dominant state.

o Point to Point races. I'm not one to say we need a million of them, but for some maufacturer races, these would be golden. Point to Point races can best be utilized because you can focus on portions of tracks that exploit the strengths of certain cars. It also will teach players and drivers alike how to play in a bind. It will force the player to learn to drive agressively while maintaining a safe distance and speed and undertaking proper passing prodecures.

o More race limitations. Sure, it's fun to max out your car, but it takes nearly all of the excitement of GT away. The game simply put, needs to be more challenging. The ability to surpass your opponents off of the line within seconds simply kills a lot of the "fun factor". If they were to add a bit more off the line excitement by implementing some more limitations, such as power, turbo vs. N/A, more tire limitations, weight, and possibly drive train, then I think it would greatly improve a lot of the races more than AI ever could, which brings me to my next point.

o AI. Can it be improved? Yes. But how sould it be improved? Simple. The main thing that the AI lacks right now is awarness. This hinders it greatly. If the AI were aware of it's surroundings, meaning it would avoid hitting other cars, then it would improve significantly. However, it is not. It may fool you into thinking that it is aware during the starting grid, since the cars to not hit eachother, however, this is simply due to pre-programmed race lines that the cars follow. Also, the AI needs to be toned down for higher powered cars, reason being, the AI does not manage high powered cars well at all, it simply follows a raceline and the extra power hinders it because they AI has no idea how to control grip.

o Reward System. Sure, getting money and buying cars is fun, however, other than the goal of a percentage, there is little to gain from GT. I think a few things are in place here, and I will discuss them in sub topics.

o Leader Boards. GT is in DIRE need of a leader board. It would have been the easiest way to give the game some "online" interactivity. Just post up lap times with restrictions on certain corses on a server provided by PD, and BAM, you have people nation wide competing to be the fastest without having to race each other, you now have GOALS.

o Aside from trophy cars and money, GT, in my opinion, should offer videos to those who win certain races. Footage of rare cars, information on certain cars, and so forth, could be provided. Something like Top Gear (only not full of idiots). Just a man telling us about the history of the car, something similar to what you would see in Best Motoring videos.

o Now, take this with a grain of salt, as it's just an idea. But car shows, or competitions and such, would be fun. For example, imagine gathering up onilne in a lobby, and having an entry fee for said car show. From here, spectators and on lookers could look at the cars and vote on them, and the winner could take home the pot. Other events could be equally exciting, such as a gamble mode or something, where you can bet on certain racers during an event as a spectator if the room is full, etc. Also, I completely understand that this system is flawed, lol, but it's an idea.

o Banks. If GT had a bank, it would be awesome. The ability to take out loans, make deposit's, gain interest, and loan others money (with the intent to get paid back w/interest) would be great. I think this would give a bit more variety to the game rather than the "race and earn" side of the coin.

o More weather conditions. It's completely understandable that no motorsport takes place during rain, or snow, however, for novelty, it would be enjoyable.

o Wider variety of "time of day" tracks. I want to race some tracks during the day, btu can't, like wise with racing during the day. This would not offer a significant amount of replay, but it would still be ineteresting. Especailly if your field of vision was slightly limited to your headlights etc (while in cabin or bumper cam, for example).

These are just a few of the ideas I had, that were *slightly* out of the obvious additions and ideas.

Discuss :)

OH...and of course, who could forget reverse lights...sooo important.
Many very good points there Tha_Con, especially the reverse lights ;). I think GT would benefit greatly from all of that. What I'd like to see is the team aspect improved too, to actually have a team of people around you in the game when your in your garage ect, to be able to hire faster pit crew members ect.
Many very good points there Tha_Con, especially the reverse lights ;). I think GT would benefit greatly from all of that. What I'd like to see is the team aspect improved too, to actually have a team of people around you in the game when your in your garage ect, to be able to hire faster pit crew members ect.

Yes i have to agree with you. I've got some good ideas for a team management system, like creating your own cars and all.
Here are a few ideas I have had about things to revive Gran Turismo to it's once dominant state.

"Revive" would mean to bring back to life. Gran Turismo isn't dead, because each time, it sets new sales records. More and more people discover the game every year. It's one of Sony's most profitable franchises; a damn good reason why it hasn't been ported to PC or repackaged as an Xbox/Nintendo game.

"Dominant" means that it's in a superior position: See above.

I'm agreed on weather conditions, better AI, but everyone's already mentioned that about 8675309 times, so two more times couldn't hurt for PD to at least get that in the next full version of the game.

It also will teach players and drivers alike how to play in a bind. It will force the player to learn to drive agressively while maintaining a safe distance and speed and undertaking proper passing prodecures.
Search for how many people enjoy those pace-car lap tests.

Footage of rare cars, information on certain cars, and so forth, could be provided.
I think the missing info on all the cars (like GT/GT2-style, the GT3-style "crawl" is was a blunder on PD's part. It would have been nice, bu then again, you can Google just about any car and find out more than you've ever needed to know about these cars. Bonus videos are pointless fluff, and waste disc space.

From here, spectators and on lookers could look at the cars and vote on them, and the winner could take home the pot. Other events could be equally exciting, such as a gamble mode or something, where you can bet on certain racers during an event as a spectator if the room is full, etc.
C-spec?!? Let's get back to the driving.

Unecessary. There's enough pay-drivers in this world; we don't need more, and besides, every GT game has a trick to making fast cash. GT4 couldn't have more ways to make easy money.
Some good points.

Building on the team thing perhaps you could hire mechanics, engineering, aerodynamics, etc to improve your car or recomend the settings for a race.
I think the missing info on all the cars (like GT/GT2-style, the GT3-style "crawl" is was a blunder on PD's part. It would have been nice, bu then again, you can Google just about any car and find out more than you've ever needed to know about these cars..

I enjoyed the crawling info in gt3, and was dissappointed to not see it in gt4
"Revive" would mean to bring back to life. Gran Turismo isn't dead, because each time, it sets new sales records. More and more people discover the game every year. It's one of Sony's most profitable franchises; a damn good reason why it hasn't been ported to PC or repackaged as an Xbox/Nintendo game.

"Dominant" means that it's in a superior position: See above.

I'm agreed on weather conditions, better AI, but everyone's already mentioned that about 8675309 times, so two more times couldn't hurt for PD to at least get that in the next full version of the game.

Search for how many people enjoy those pace-car lap tests.

I think the missing info on all the cars (like GT/GT2-style, the GT3-style "crawl" is was a blunder on PD's part. It would have been nice, bu then again, you can Google just about any car and find out more than you've ever needed to know about these cars. Bonus videos are pointless fluff, and waste disc space.

C-spec?!? Let's get back to the driving.

Unecessary. There's enough pay-drivers in this world; we don't need more, and besides, every GT game has a trick to making fast cash. GT4 couldn't have more ways to make easy money.

I am not arguing that GT4 isn't dominant in sales, however, in terms of gameplay and actual innovation, it is not.

You can continue to "thrash" my posts and points as much as you like, but there is no arguing that YOUR opinion means nothing to the masses. GT4 would be a much better game given more options.

It is a game for car enthusiast, for people who love cars, there is nothing wrong with wanting to see videos, to see car shows, and so forth.

Also, you say Videos are a "waste of disc space"...uhhh...I'd die if I ever saw anything close to 50 GB of video. In fact, I'm positive that GT5 will use blu-ray, and will have plenty of space, so that point is null.

Again, this is not negative, so you can stop clammoring and defending gran turismo, I do it enuogh myself, this is not a post to say how bad it is, but merely for people to discuss what could be better.

Think everyone, not just yourself. These, in my opion, are great options to add.
I am not arguing that GT4 isn't dominant in sales, however, in terms of gameplay and actual innovation, it is not.

You can continue to "thrash" my posts and points as much as you like, but there is no arguing that YOUR opinion means nothing to the masses. GT4 would be a much better game given more options.

It is a game for car enthusiast, for people who love cars, there is nothing wrong with wanting to see videos, to see car shows, and so forth.

Also, you say Videos are a "waste of disc space"...uhhh...I'd die if I ever saw anything close to 50 GB of video. In fact, I'm positive that GT5 will use blu-ray, and will have plenty of space, so that point is null.

Again, this is not negative, so you can stop clammoring and defending gran turismo, I do it enuogh myself, this is not a post to say how bad it is, but merely for people to discuss what could be better.

Think everyone, not just yourself. These, in my opion, are great options to add.

Come on guys, lets not argue. We all agree that GT5 needs to get better, right? Then talk about that.
Search for how many people enjoy those pace-car lap tests.

Just read this, I'm not speaking about pace-car lap tests, you must not understand the concept of a point to point race.

A point to point race means you start at point a, and finish at point b.

This gives the ability for developers to isolate certain area's of a track, and use it to emphasize strengths of certain cars. However, it also forces you to win as soon as possible, seeing as how it's not a lap based event, without being careless, hence, driving agressively, yet maintaining a safe demenor and not getting out of control.

It would be a great way to breed better players.
This gives the ability for developers to isolate certain area's of a track, and use it to emphasize strengths of certain cars. However, it also forces you to win as soon as possible, seeing as how it's not a lap based event, without being careless, hence, driving agressively, yet maintaining a safe demenor and not getting out of control.
This would do very well in mission-style, point-to-point driving missions.
Other than that, I'd love some complete point-to-point tracks actually, not just parts of an existing track. It's especially welcome in the rally department.

I agree with most of your other ideas, I for one would love unlocking videos and info about the automobile history, the history of a specific car dealer, or even a specific model, info on legendary racing events, etc. This is a car enthusiast's game, so that kind of stuff is more than welcome.
Talking about your second point.

It's the players choice to take a fully modified car to a race or to bring a car that is equal to the competition to a race. It's the players choice to either have a challenging race or an unfair one.
Talking about your second point.

It's the players choice to take a fully modified car to a race or to bring a car that is equal to the competition to a race. It's the players choice to either have a challenging race or an unfair one.

I understand that, but there are other motives behind my ideas and desires.

First and foremost, restricting races does not give the option to easily defeat the game, and makes the reward feel better. It also improves the ability of the player as they progress through the game.

Why is this important?

Because it will directly effect online play (assuming that it is online).

Picture a ranking system that weighs both offline and online play into a final "grade".

Online races counting for a grade, however, racing against weaker competitors yeilds fewer "promotion points".

Offline, on the other hand, would offer varied amounts of points based on the races and point value (ala a-spec). For example, doing a low powered Daihatsu race worth 150 a-spec points would yeild more points based on performance etc, taking into account things like running off the track, and hitting other opponents.

I have a LOT of ideas, and will continually update the main topic. But I think overall, restricting the races and making the game slightly more difficult overall would be the best solution for competition online and off.

You know what most people who don't like GT say? It's too easy. Their choice, but if the choice wasn't there, then what? Sure this is just a personal opinoin, but I think it would be welcomed, as it narrows down the competition and for most people who play GT, increase the fun factor and feeling of accomplishment after a race.
well, they should deinetly make it harder, but, that won't improve most (especially good) players skill... cause they all already make it really hard...

car shows? maybe if they include body kits, custom paint, and all kinds of aftermarket items, most of which are not beneficial to racing... otherwise, it'll be a bunch of Identical looking cars assuming anybody enters the same things (which would probly happen)

I'm going to have to agree when people say, let's get back to driving... I'd like to see some of these and many other ideas entered in GT5, but more than anything, I want more tracks and cars, and especially, more championships for different class cars and such
Here are a few ideas I have had about things to revive Gran Turismo to it's once dominant state.

*snip the BS*

It's dead? ****! Someone better tell the 3.8 MILLION people who bought the last one ...
I for one don't care about more cars, ofcourse there are cars I'd like to see but I want the physics engine updated, I want GT to be a proper sim not a makeshift one. I want the races to be more immersive, I want the game to be more immersive. GT4 got old and tired far too quick for me, infact I switched it on the other day and couldn't play it bcause it wasn't great to drive after playing EPR and the whole formula doesn't really get me into it anymore. More is obviousely a plus all the time, but I want the quality improving first.
It's dead? ****! Someone better tell the 3.8 MILLION people who bought the last one ...

You, and others, are compltely missing my point.

Yes, it is a great seller, however, ask those people how much "fun" they had.

I had a blast, but the general consensus? The game is boring.

GT1 was ground breaking and people were simply amazed, they were extremely imperssed. GT3 did the same, but more on a level of visuals.

Since then, GT hasn't seen any real innovation, or difference, from previous installments.

Given that fact, yes, many view it as a series that is in a stand still at the moment, and is in deperate need of something to sell it rather than pretty visuals.

I think it needs a new breath of life, hence, to be revived. Not because it's dead, but because it needs to be born again. :)
they should simply just do like this: put in every single racecar/mas produced car ever made. put in every single race track of all kind in the world. realistic AI, damage and graphic effects. :D
they should simply just do like this: put in every single racecar/mas produced car ever made. put in every single race track of all kind in the world. realistic AI, damage and graphic effects. :D

wow dude.... easy on technology....

I loved GT4... both times I completed it... it's only getting boring now that I can't race without intentionally making is super-hard, that I get bored
Now, I got respect for tha_con here on GTPlanet. But let me see what I think about his plans.

* The idea I seem to like most is the Rewards deal. I even mentioned this back in the GT4 forums. The rewards should be useful and/or helpful. Like, look at Sega GT. If you locked up sponsorship deals, each time you win a race or start on pole, the sponsors give you an equal amount of money which benefits you being able to purchase other cars and such. Someone was talking about making the faster cars cost more, well the most of the fast race cars were quite expensive. It used to be that race cars started from 500K all the way up to 2M credits. This one has the sky as the limit between 450K Cr and 4.5M Cr. Some kind of rewards would be beneficial for novices and veterans alike. * Since Online Play wasn't in GT4 (and the world shed tears and anger), there wasn't really a need for a Leader Board in GT4. I actually believe PD will deliver online gaming for Gran Turismo 5, so you're damn right that PD's going to try to make it hot. If they have this feature, I couldn't care if it was only for multiplayer gaming or for full online integration (like GT's rival "Forza Motorsport"), but a leader board would be nice idea. * Someone said it was a dumb idea, but it would be quite interesting to have a bank system. I'm not saying that it SHOULD feature this, but it would help beginning racers. Perhaps it's even a good idea to deposit some money to save for some critical purchases. The only downside to this? Paying the money back, especially loans. I'm actually kind of for and against a bank feature, not sure to credit it as a good idea or a bad idea. It's like getting a No Decision in baseball. * Time of day and weather are certainly great ideas. I mentioned once that PD should try to come up with an environment engine that allows for time and weather cycles. Yes, I'm talking about dynamics. I think with the PS3's power and capability, PD may actually pull this off. I'm not suggesting overly stupid and non-feasible features, but it is possible PD may finally give me the chance to race Tokyo R246 at night, Deep Forest in the sunset after some snow has fallen, Grand Valley in the daytime with rain, or something like that.

Finally, I don't really notice Reverse Lights being used much except in maybe rally, so I won't comment. I never thought GT games were a dying breed, so I'm not going to use "revive" when talking about the GT series even while most people thought GT4 was pure crap.
I am not arguing that GT4 isn't dominant in sales, however, in terms of gameplay and actual innovation, it is not.
Purely opinon; nobody's yet to make a game with a betting driving physics engine, and combined it with graphics and gameplay like Gran Turismo. Even the original GT has a wonderful gameplay and realism, a story to follow if you're a gearhead; it's just lacking in graphical ability, but it was amazing for it's time. About half of the suggestions I hear about for future releases for GT5 purely are for visual entertainment, rather than for the purpose of enjoying playing a game. It's a video game, not an interactive movie.

You can continue to "thrash" my posts and points as much as you like, but there is no arguing that YOUR opinion means nothing to the masses.
So people are lining up to read your opinions any more than they are begging me for my thoughts? I'm not thrashing your posts any more than you're insulting my opinion. But grow some thicker skin, while you're at it: It's a video game forum, and I'm criticizing your opinons on GT, not anything else personal, political, or emotional. I haven't stooped to a level of making fun of you, although there's plenty of other people here who could do that, if you so desire.

It is a game for car enthusiast, for people who love cars, there is nothing wrong with wanting to see videos, to see car shows, and so forth.

Also, you say Videos are a "waste of disc space"...uhhh...I'd die if I ever saw anything close to 50 GB of video. In fact, I'm positive that GT5 will use blu-ray, and will have plenty of space, so that point is null.
Again, I'm stating that I want less fluff, more content. Bells and whistles are distractions unless the play in harmony.

Think everyone, not just yourself. These, in my opion, are great options to add.
Since I've played Gran Turismo right from it's beginning, I'd like to see it focus on the most important thing: Becoming a real driving simulator. It's not even claiming to be a racing simulator, which is an excuse for it's sloppy AI. However, making computer-driven cars that act in the way humans drive is the biggest flaw, and therefore the biggest improvement Polyphony Digital needs to make to the game, if nothing else.

It would be nothing less than a slap in the face to millions of true GT fans by demanding other modes for GT5, since PD really needs to focus on an enthralling, challenging, and exciting game using the core elements that have made it popular to begin with.

Heck, I don't care for online play (I don't have the time), but I understand that millions of people like it and want it, since every game is going to have it sooner, rather than later. That alone, may be the only missing mode of the game that's required for GT5. However, I'm certain PD won't make it a required part of the game, because that will alienate some people, and besides, how can a computer program truly judge who's better among other human players? Online mode will certainly provide richer gameplay (cheaters, hacks, and crybabies notwithstanding).

But damn, there are 721 cars, and even though there's a lot of duplicates, there's still about 400-500 truly unique cars to play around with. Nobody still comes close to that. There's tons of tracks, nobody comes close to that. Lots more races, lots more re-play value. Overall, GT doesn't need a revival more than it needs to get back to training camp.
Purely opinon; nobody's yet to make a game with a betting driving physics engine, and combined it with graphics and gameplay like Gran Turismo. Even the original GT has a wonderful gameplay and realism, a story to follow if you're a gearhead; it's just lacking in graphical ability, but it was amazing for it's time. About half of the suggestions I hear about for future releases for GT5 purely are for visual entertainment, rather than for the purpose of enjoying playing a game. It's a video game, not an interactive movie.
I can name several, GT4 does not entertain me much, the physics are mediocre for a game that claims to be sucha sim, and imo the gameplay is poor. EPR does the job 10 times better imo. Many of Tha_Con's idea seem to be to increase the enjoyment of the game rather than the content, so I don't see where the problem lies.

Again, I'm stating that I want less fluff, more content. Bells and whistles are distractions unless the play in harmony.
I dissagree, content is nothing without quality and GT4 is lacking there.

Since I've played Gran Turismo right from it's beginning, I'd like to see it focus on the most important thing: Becoming a real driving simulator. It's not even claiming to be a racing simulator, which is an excuse for it's sloppy AI. However, making computer-driven cars that act in the way humans drive is the biggest flaw, and therefore the biggest improvement Polyphony Digital needs to make to the game, if nothing else.
GT4 has had me hooked for the shortest period of time out of all of them, not because of content but because the competition GT goes up against has improved and in too many ways surpassed GT. The AI is a big reason for this, but not the only one.

Heck, I don't care for online play (I don't have the time), but I understand that millions of people like it and want it, since every game is going to have it sooner, rather than later. That alone, may be the only missing mode of the game that's required for GT5. However, I'm certain PD won't make it a required part of the game, because that will alienate some people, and besides, how can a computer program truly judge who's better among other human players? Online mode will certainly provide richer gameplay (cheaters, hacks, and crybabies notwithstanding).
Completely agree here, online play is nice but as an extra, flesh it out all you want as long as it doesn't take anything from the offline play. I'd use online but not as often as offline.

But damn, there are 721 cars, and even though there's a lot of duplicates, there's still about 400-500 truly unique cars to play around with. Nobody still comes close to that. There's tons of tracks, nobody comes close to that. Lots more races, lots more re-play value. Overall, GT doesn't need a revival more than it needs to get back to training camp.
This is the only thing GT4 has done a fantastic job of not counting the graphics imo, but quantity without quality doesn't work and imo GT4 didn't push the quality of the series forward at all.
Live4Speed, no offence mate, but for someone who spend so much time on this forum, i find your lack of interest for the GT stunning.

Mediocre Physics? Poor Quality?

I mean, are we playing the same game here? I have a good collection of racing games, and am in no way a pro at these, although i wish i'd be better... but GT4 is stunning. The physics are very good and challenging, especially for a game on a console like the PS2. Quality is there for sure, attention to details where its important (read: cars & tracks).

I guess i'm trying to understand why you spend so much energy bringing down GT4... why not spend that much energy in one of those super games forums you like so much instead?

And a note about online play... you don't like Ai because its weak... it'll always be somewhat weak... programming a good Ai is hell, its too hard, especially with the increase in demands from players like you. So the more you want a better AI, the less appreciate you'll be of it... It'll never be satisfying to you. Instead... go play online... With the pool of good and clean racers there are on this forum alone, you could race for an entire year with challenging, never-ending competitive races and it'll make you a lot happier then you seem to be right now...
I get the idea that the AI is lousy at:

- Passing you (except on straights), it always seems to hit you if overtaking you into a corner.

- Giving up the lead by driving like an idiot, though I suppose there's some realism with that. Anyone else had some "hollow" victories in GT4?

- If the game is going to keep at the 6 car (I'll believe 20-car fields when I see the game in my PS-whatever), then there's no sence in having 4 slow cars and one fast rabbit car.

- Mounting a challenge one you pass them for the lead, whether you've overtaken on the first or last lap. The GT3 and GT4 AI seem to "throw in the towel" once you take the lead, at times (or maybe we've found their weak spots).
It's not so much a lack of interest, it's dissapointment that it has so damn much potential but the devs choose to ignor that flog a tried and tested and now very old and worn formula. As for the physics, yes they are mediocre for a game that claims to be a true sim, no game is like real life but a good few come closer than GT4 does and not all are PC sims.

I like games, I like GT4 but it's such a missed opportunity, and again, quality is not quantity, adding more cars is not attention to detail. Having physics that are actually correct rather than designed to seem like they're correct is attention to detail. I can go on about the way certain cars will behave in GT4 that in some cases is almost opposite to what would happen irl.

Also I don't spend much energy trying to bring down GT4, as you said if I hated the game I wouldn't be here. I spend more engery talking about how to improve it, if it was that bad I wouldn't be bothered trying to improve it, I just wouldn't be interested in the first place.

As for AI well in GT4 it's weaker than other games, so that gives anyone a reason to be dissapointed. It's not just bad, it's awful. And yes I do play online, when I have time to with GTR, LFS, RF ect, on the PS2 I play ERP mostly, that game (EPR) is closer to what GT should be, not so much in the way you progress in the game but the physics, the playability ect, the AI while not great, is better than GT4's and puts up quite a challenge and gasp, doesn't push you off the track whenever you get in their way.

What I don't need or appreciate is someone telling me what I enjoy or not, what I should like or not, why I should come here, although tbh I don't actually come here to discuss GT4 anymore, the number of posts I make in the GT4 section is at 0 a day now. GT5 on the other hand, I'd like to think theres potential to make it better. To make it actually move the series forwards in more ways than just better graphics.

I think you simply read too much into my posts, my *****ing about GT is for 2 main reaons, firstly because it's not as realistic as it claims to be, and secondly because GT4 could be called GT1 for the PS2 but with more cars and tracks. The series hasn't moved forwards at all and all the other games have. Like I said, it's not that I despise the GT seires, I just think it's too much of a missed opportunity.
pupik - I appreciate your feedback, but I, from experience, feel that GT4 was a good game with physics, but it was by no means "close to real" etc.

With that said, I'm not naming these features for the sole purpose of fluff. Your looking at this like I want more modes like B-Spec and Photomode. This is not the case. Everything I have mentioned is purely to extend the replay value of the game.

For instance, the reward system will actually push you forward to complete the game, for more than just bragging rights. I mean, what do you get when you actually "beat" Gran Turismo? There's no real sence of reward, you don't really *feel* like you've finished it, because there's nothing to gain at the end. You get your 100% and a car. That's it.

Now imagine if the game actually had some DIRECTION. for instance, just a few more ideas.

o Videos

o Instead of just cars and money, why not win things like sponsorships, etc? This of course would tie into the idea of a race team. If GT had a feature where you could select and create your own team, from the pit crew to the car and items used, starting from scratch, it would be amazing.

Imgaine, you start out an aspiring motorsport enthusiast, with a stock economy car. You give it mods here and there, and partake in local events, from AutoCross to track racing, eventually gaining notice from sponsors and gaining more money. Then you buy more cars, and get involved in more motorsports. Eventually, you are contacted by big name companies, and taking place in JGTC races, or LM races etc. Instead of just being a game, they could turn it into a virtual profession.

Then you still have the direction available to GT, where you can do as you wish, but also have a system where you are invited to events, to race, or even host your own events. These are all great ideas I think, that will bring out the fun factor that GT is missing.

IMO, the problem with GT and it's fun factor is not that it's not a good game, or that the physics aren't good etc. It's that the game lacks direction, it is very open ended, whcih is good, but it does not push you to do anything more.

For instance, look at GTA (this is not a gameplay comparison for anything more than direction). It is entirely open ended, you can do everything you wish. But progressing through the "story" and it's events yeild more money, houses, and rewards.

If the same were to be said about GT, offering more money, bigger suppoter names, fame, or even legendary status etc, it would give the game direction, and give people reason to keep going and complete the game.

Do you understand what I'm saying?
For instance, the reward system will actually push you forward to complete the game, for more than just bragging rights. I mean, what do you get when you actually "beat" Gran Turismo? There's no real sence of reward, you don't really *feel* like you've finished it, because there's nothing to gain at the end. You get your 100% and a car. That's it.
Yes. But I get to brag about it on an internet forum, whcih for some reason, has led to me talking about all sorts of other crap. That's what.

For instance, look at GTA (this is not a gameplay comparison for anything more than direction). It is entirely open ended, you can do everything you wish. But progressing through the "story" and it's events yeild more money, houses, and rewards.
Of course, GTA suffers from a lack of graphical quality compared to GT. But the open-endedness is something else that PD is trying wtih Driving Missions and Photo Mode, but it seems to be handed to us in a characterless way compared to GTA's offerings (although Photo Mode is good for wallpaper).

On the other hand, even though GTA:SA was a lot of fun, I'm essentially finished at ~75%; I don't feel like I'm missing anything since I passed the end of the game. The remainder of the game is really tedious. The same thing is coming from GT4, there's parts that just aren't all that fun, there's cars and races I don't want/care/need to do again, but that's sort of what I expect from a video game. I didn't design or program the darn thing, anyhow.

In fact, it sounds crazy, but the "percentage completion" should be done away with future GT games; you should decide for yourself if you're satisifed with your progress or if you're not, it shouldn't be quantified.

I think a lot of the things from previous GT games, if implemented, might make the game better overall, since there's a lot of quirks that seem to drive people nuts (Why did they change this? It was better in the old one!).
like someone said earlier... you have to think of other people than yourself... (although I believe all we have to do is think for ourselves) PD will think for everybody - why? because they want everybody to like it and buy it
If they implement a system where you have to do certain things in any order, many will give up without ever getting to race what they want... the game's way to big for that.. and I for one (many agree) certainly don't want the game to be smaller... GT4 open ended? maybe, but any more direction than it has, and some people wouldnt bother, because most people arent good enough or don't have the time to spend on it to get 100%.... with that said, I did however, have to complete all beginner, professional events, then GT world champs, than I could do extreme, and, only after all that, I got endurance races... so no, I wouldnt say it's completely open-ended at all

anyway, I'm on anyone's side that says more,better gamplay, along with only fluff that contributes to gameplay.... any fluffy, or needless (like ending videos) or even massive car info I do not want
some car info - cool, videos - to much, If I want to learn about a car, I'll find out everything I want to know, without GT tutoring me on it... and using disk space that could be used for something I'll enjoy... I don't want a teacher, I want a fun, Video-game, that hopefully resembles real-life
GT open-ended is not gonna happen. the GT series is all about driving experience yes, but on a track, not in traffic. Test Drive unlimited will be about that, test driving.

As for Motor swapping, i dont think this is gonna happen either... why? because i'd say about 60% of the clientel of the GT series won't know about it or understand how it works. Plus, it would be very complicated to implement into the game, all the specific engines that can be changed, but can only fit in just a few other cars... its a hell of a headache to make it work.

I would rather see very intense car damage (think those car crash engine demo for the next-gen consoles)... carmageddon, FlatOut... that level of destruction, not just a scratch texture on the side of the door panel or a crack in the windshield or a little icon that shows the engine and transmition as orange...

There needs to be more wow factor to the license, not super complicated stuff so that even less users are interested in it and choose Forza or whatever else racing game on the market.

that's my take on what the GT series need. (amongts other things of course)