Things I Love...

  • Thread starter W3H5
I could go on for a solid 20 minutes on the third rack alone. So magnificent.

We've never owned a dishwasher, not due to the cost which is pretty insignificant but just that we've never bothered even when the kids were young.
This however gives me FOMO.
Admittedly I don't have the same kind of dish turnaround, but I actually enjoy doing the dishes by hand. I find it so relaxing that I tend to not even listen to music while washing them. We have a weekly dinner rotation with neighbors that usually quadruples the place settings, and it's rare that I'll use the dishwasher for anything other than a drying rack because the countertop ensemble just isn't big enough.

The only things I don't enjoy washing by hand are vented pot lids, food processor/juicer parts, sieves and champagne flutes. I think.

That's cool. What I heard was "I don't use a car because I find it relaxing to walk everywhere. I meet people, I get fresh air, exercise, and I like buying shoes a lot".

So when you do the dishes by hand, like a caveman (they had sinks and dishes, little known fact), do you do the soapy sink full of water method or do you suds and rinse each dish individually? Also, do you have a garbage disposal?
That's cool. What I heard was "I don't use a car because I find it relaxing to walk everywhere. I meet people, I get fresh air, exercise, and I like buying shoes a lot".

So when you do the dishes by hand, like a caveman (they had sinks and dishes, little known fact), do you do the soapy sink full of water method or do you suds and rinse each dish individually? Also, do you have a garbage disposal?
Dish pan in the [larger] right-hand basin, rinsing rack in the left-hand basin, drying rack to the left of the sink. Dishes await washing in the right-hand basin to the left of the plastic tub, go into the tub, come out of the tub individually to get scrubbed and placed onto the rinsing rack before getting sprayed off in batches and placed onto the drying rack to be dried by hand. This process is repeated if necessary, but it usually isn't.

I don't have a disposal. Last time I had one it ended up getting clogged because things that ought not have gone into it did anyway.

In case you're wondering, we have a washer and dryer combo that gets used multiple times a week rather than taking clothes down to the creek to be washed by slapping them against the rocks and hanging them up on a line to dry.

Bathtubs (and showers) are plumbed and fed by city supply that gets treated and heated instead of pumping water from the well and carrying it back to the ol' homestead to be heated on the wood stove for weekly bathing (which actually tends to be daily thanks to the modern conveniences).


For what it's worth, what I said wasn't a condemnation of your opting to use the dishwasher. It wasn't really even a response, except that what you said reminded me of something I enjoy doing.

There's something satisfying about starting something and seeing it through to the finish in a relatively short amount of time, and that task in particular is a great opportunity for contemplation. Manual raking is similar in those regards, though I do have a riding mower for dealing with larger quantities.

I suppose if I had dish turnaround similar to what you described, it would end up being more of a chore and I'd be more inclined to opt for the convenience appliance.

I apologize if my remarks appeared to be a condemnation of yours; that genuinely (I can't emphasize that enough) was not the intent.
Today I loved this:


I had two
Perfectly cooked fried calamari--something I've never been able to accomplish with any kind of consistency. There's just enough bite through the flesh to indicate that it's cooked, but the flesh breaks easily and there isn't even a hint of rubberiness.

Fresh mackerel. Being so far from the sea I rarely get fresh sea fish and I dearly miss a nice peppered mackerel to smoke on a bbq.
Hmm, mackerel.

Or a stunning fruits de mer with a chilled Sancerre on the banks of the River Aven in France. Love that!
You know a few there. I should have known the Small Town USA one and Tim McGraw one.
I've been listening to country music for a LONG time, so I've had time to find out about a few over the years and I could be missing some.
I recall that as well and I want to say it was "How Do You Like Me Now?!". Specifically the line "But I always dreamed about living in your radio" replaced with "But I always dreamed about living on *station name*".

I could certainly be wrong, but running the modified line through my head gives me a sense of nostalgia so I feel good about that guess. :lol:
I've heard the song on the radio before, but I have never heard that one. Though you got me kind of curious now and wondering if maybe if I've missed it over the years. You got me thinking about an old Outback Steakhouse commercial from a long time ago that used the song "I Wanna Talk About Me" and replaced the words "number 1" with "barbecue" instead. I can still remember my dad saying "That ain't right". :lol:

Which brings me to my next thing...

Those unique radio edits of songs played on the radio.
Though I sort of touched on this earlier, I felt that part about Montgomery Gentry belonged in a separate post. What I am referring to in this post is some songs that come on my local radio stations will swap certain lyrics to songs with the names of whatever station you're listening to. Unlike what I said about "Lucky Man" earlier, they don't change unless you go to another station. I like this because despite being only a subtle change (most of the time), it makes for a rather unique experience hearing the name of the station in the song and some of them actually sound better than their original versions.

In fact, I have become incredibly obsessed with them lately, to the point I have been trying to record them as they play. Coincidentally, I actually had one come on while I was typing this out.
All this garlic bread love, and no mention of sliced pork on garlic bread? (okay, there's a lot of great ideals and things out there...but, still!)

Must be a Florida thing. Or upstate New York. Take your pick.
All this garlic bread love, and no mention of sliced pork on garlic bread? (okay, there's a lot of great ideals and things out there...but, still!)

Must be a Florida thing. Or upstate New York. Take your pick.
Over here in St. Louis we have a steak sandwich on garlic cheese bread but it isn't too common. It is the Wednesday special at Biggie's is :drool:

It's pretty much the only place I know of that actively advertises it. I guess other places would offer to make it special if you asked though.

Hook and eye driver bit.

I've gone and bought a metric crap ton of lights to hang throughout the backyard for gatherings, starting with Independence Day, and I prefer to use hooks instead of nails because the strands of lights (or the lights themselves when the socket body is what's being attached) are less likely to come free, but they can be a pain to attach; you often still need a pilot hole to get the screw started, and then you either twist by hand or you put an allen wrench into the chuck of your driver, but the former gets old fast and the latter (assuming it even works, as it often doesn't in the case of more "open" hooks) can result in a nasty wobble that drives the screw in crooked even despite the pilot hole.

But with the bit, you just need a little pressure behind the driver and the bit's wings grip the loop of the hook/eye to twist it on in. It's even easier if your hardware has enough of a collar that it causes the driver's clutch to slip once the screw is all the way in.

Makes this sort of thing a breeze--pretty good chance I'll be done this weekend.
I love the fact that I'm probably going to get a new gaming pc next month or so. I'm waiting for the Ryzen 3000 to be released. Switching from Intel to AMD.

Spices and aromatics are wonderful things, but as much as I appreciate them for their qualities when cooking with them, I get the biggest kick out of the knowlege that these are often produced by a plant as a defense mechanism to ward off attack by insects and fauna.

It still works, I'm sure, but humans have figured out how to take what's harsh or harmful to wildlife and get the most out of it.
Skipping meals.

Yesterday I skipped breakfast. I went out to lunch and ate a double cheeseburger (900 cal), fries (300 cal), soda (100 cal), and vanilla shake (900 cal). The final bill comes to 2200 calories. Almost nothing for the remainder of the day. I won't eat again until lunch today.
Did it sound like I don't like eating?
Nope, and it wasn't referred to you although you would think it was because of 'I'm the opposite'. If it was I'd have quoted you. ;)

You just gave me the idea to make that post. 'I'm the opposite" means that I don't like to skip a meal. :D
When I have more than 20 min. to play a game.

Erasing the honey do list.
