Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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I would like a more immersive experience. There is no point in having beautiful cars and beautiful tracks if you do not 'feel' like you are there, or that anybody else is there.
- terrible AI removes any feeling that you are racing other people - you feel on your own on the track, surrounded by unrealistic robots.
- no marshals waving flags makes you feel that the track is empty of control, not being policed. How do I know if a car has crashed ahead of me, or if I am about to be lapped by the leaders?
- no engine failures, tire blowouts, suspension failures makes you feel like you have been inserted into a fake world, where there is no risk beyond you crashing yourself. But then inaccurate damage removes any consequence of that crash anyway, so again there is an artificial feeling associated with that.
- a 3, 2, 1 countdown to a race start again makes you feel like you have been inserted into a fake world. Where are the red-green lights, or formula 1 style 5 red lights to indicate the off, the go, the start of the racing experience?
- rolling starts give you the feeling that you have just been inserted into the car, in a fantasy world. Where's the grid start, formation lap, tire/brake temperature building?
- An event where the first time you experience the car/track is from a 3, 2, 1 countdown..RACE! is not realistic. You need to practice a track. You need to build confidence in this 'place', with this car, and then go racing.
- Why am I starting last, or in the middle? Do I deserve that? Should I not have the chance to decide my own fate on where I start the race from? Should I not be rewarded for being faster than everyone else over 1 lap?
- Where is the dirt, and muck, and marbles and debris. The experience is too clean, too perfect, too unrealistic.
- I need to be realistically punished for my actions. Slowing my car down for 5 seconds when I cut a corner removes me from the realism, because that is not a real action in real life. I need to be black flagged, or take a drive through penalty.
- Where is my race engineer? Where is the expert to help me set up my car? Where is the guy who can explain the race strategy while I am driving?
- Why do I see so much information on screen? I would like to just see what gear I am in and my rev counter. Can I not just remove the rest of the information if I so please? Seeing times and gaps flashing up on screen with a 'blip' sound is not realistic.
- Why do I only see my gap to the leader when I am in 5th place? Surely my next move is to overtake the guy in 4th right? Where is (s)he? Am I closing in on him/her?
one thing i would like is the revamp of endurance system. every track should have it's onw endurance race, with rules and penalties that can be turned on - off
i dont really see why the endurance system is so simple in GT5, a game that forge real world endurance drivers.
It seems like they have created a lobby system like CALL of duty where once you have enough players the match will instantly start...< I LOVE THIS IDEA because i am a spot racer, i don't have time to join clubs and leagues...but if they are going to do this,....I WOULD LIKE ALL THE CARS TO BE A PART OF THE RECOMMENDED LIST....that way no matter how the lobby is created you can create a car right their INSIDE THE LOBBY and participate against real drivers.......
All cars in the game should be immediately selectable in time attack mode(or some other mode), and provide some alternative avenue to buy cars(in order to tune them) to play online. After finishing the career mode many times over the many versions of GT, I am not as interested in the same career over and over again. I want to try out all the cars in the game. I believe there are many series veterans who feel the same, those who get the game to really try out the new cars. With GT5 I just did not want to go through the tedious career yet again to unlock the cars, I just wanted to boot the game up and start testing any car I please. Polyphony Digital could/should increase the appeal of the game by making it more inviting to more groups of racers.
Engine swaps/greater tuning options (could get a supra to 1000bhp on gt4!)
Better engine sounds (VTEC just kicked in yo!) (Wastegate chatter)
Drag strip/Drag tyres in tuning
Better Damage effects (instant retirement)
Free roam area (Drifting/Gymkhana/Hooning)
More visual modifications (Branded alloys - BBS/Rota/3SDM etc) (Body Kits - subtle not RICER kits) (Serious Lows!)
Why? You want event editor for make your own event for use offline and online? I don't need it as I want to drive or challenge for fun at all.

I just want to make my own race series, both online and both offline. Rules, cars allowed, tracks, points, I would like to set it all to my taste. I would even make my own WEC version, for example.
Real driving sim? OK Kaz you've been on the same page as me with many of my request cars, interface, and feature content that I've been requesting have all been added to my surprise. As a race car driver you know that when cars are damaged they loose parts like tires or they may even become an obstacle themselves on a track when they are disabled. My question is why in the world are is this not yet implemented into the system as of now? We are drivers and if the AI isn't a challenge we need more things to provide challenges.

Its the little things that mean a lot in life.
i would like to be able to set online limits of the year for cars (ex 1972-1982)
limit online races to specific countries. (ex.Japanese vs Ame..... or only British cars)
Prepare yourselves, a giant 'wall of text' is coming!

I'd like to see a throwback to some of the features in the original Gran Turismo and GT2:

1. Less Controller Steering Assist/Adjustable slider
  • GT5 has far too much of it for controller users.
  • It's nothing short of an aid. And a heavy one at that.
  • Makes the cars far too stable; counter-steers the perfect amount in a skid for an easy recovery, angles tires the perfect angle for maximum turn-in and corner speed.
  • You literally max the left analog stick in some corners and control turn-in and exit with the throttle/brake.
  • More speed = less turning angle. Less speed = more turning angle, regardless of steering input.
  • Will not let you experience true understeer from too much steering input. Automatically steers-out for you.
  • You experience more of an "increased radius band-of-grip" effect as opposed to true understeer.
  • Test it yourself. Get in any car (except for Lancer's with AYC. Open wheel car's are good), go to a wide track, stop, max the steering angle, go to third person or cockpit (so long as you can easily see the front tires), and begin to slowly increase your speed without breaking traction. Ta-Da!
  • While GT1 and GT2 do have steering assist, it doesn't feel nearly as overpowering compared to GT5. You can spin (in certain cars) from too much turn-in or heavy braking.
  • I'd like to see a slider system for controller steering assist. Ranging from Off-10.
2. Less stable ABS
  • Combined with steering assist, it seems to offer a stability aid. There is no oversteer during braking upon entering a corner with a controller in GT5, unlike GT1 and GT2. Even the Yellowbird is cake-walk in GT5 with a controller. Full pedal braking on unstable sections of track is easily soaked up by the ABS.
3. More aggressive AI
  • In GT, GT2 and GT3 the AI were serious competitors! (So long as you didn't use OP and uncomparable cars) They really went for it! They'd blow corners, come in hot, rub paint, etc. It felt as if they had a human element to them with the mistakes they'd make and the effort they'd give for a win. (Although, iirc GT1 seems to have a boost feature for the AI)
  • Wheras in GT5, they are slow, dead and robotic feeling. But then again, back in those days, the AI was all you had to compete against, so it's only fitting they'd pose more of a challenge.
4. Balanced PP system
  • American cars need a buffing or Japanese cars need a nerfing. Pushing the stereotype of "American cars can't handle" is fine by me, so long as American cars are allowed to make up for it in the straights. Which in GT5, for the most part, they aren't.
  • 500PP should mean 500PP. The unit alone implies performance to be equal. 3-4 second difference per lap between a 3000GT and a NSX is not equal performance. I understand no system will be perfect, but a ~1 second difference doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

But sadly, to sell copies you have to pander to the LCD. Considering controllers are what most people use on GT, I'd assume they'd cry at the increased difficulty of having no/less steering assist and a less stable ABS system in place. Most drag lobbies are filled with a huge demographic of kids-teens who already can't drive with a controller as is; taking 65mph corners of Indy Road Course at 165mph. So crying and less copies sold in favor of NFS would be expected. Also, the incentive of buying a wheel would probably diminish. I'd imagine that wouldn't sit well with wheel manufacturers and erase some of the luster of owning a wheel.

GT5 is great with a wheel. The best GT in that regard imo. But with a controller, it's lacking and takes the backseat to GT1-3 imo.
A bit off of what you are saying. But I have honestly seen better AI in more fictional racing games like ModNationRacer.

Edit: Would also like to see the implant of Underwater racing. Ex: Building a glass tunnel that starts from let's say Cote D' Aruz's water scenery and we come out of the water to enter the tight chicane before hitting the little straightaway.

I know it's somewhat unrealistic, but I could only imagine the the massive amount of detail and beauty this would bring forth.
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Driver swaps, or at the very worst B spec driver swaps in online lobbies, but the Ai needs to be better so we can have competitve enduros that can include them.

And Vinyl editor like Forza, it will make the racing leagues that much better if we can have our own team skins or real skins used in racing.
I would really like an option for an arcade mode where you could choose what cars your opponents will drive so you could make it challenging instead of just one class cars have all classes race at one time and see who wins i think this would make the arcade mode challenging and fun
Possibility to set a limited pack of tires for qualify and race, like in F1.
Tires what you have used a bit will stay as used, and if changed under again they are sane worn one's, few laps qualify and still good for several laps on race.
I would like to see in GT6 a faster changing weather pattern.
For example at Spa Fracncorchamps a race of one hour during which you have to change tires 4 times tires dry-wet.
Most of the time in GT5 it's a dry race or a wet race in Change Weather mode.
It shut be possible too change the weather faster too create more pit stops even it's a short race !

Greetz Don
Livery editor, why is it not in the game by now? We wanted it for GT5, so it should be in GT6 now. Makes racing so much more fun and actually doing stuff except racing all the time! It can get quite boring after a while. Need more stuff to do!
•Ability to add AI in Split-Screen races like Black Ops does in offline multiplayer where you can set the amount of AI in a certain event.
•Ability to race in teams (Online, Offline Single Player, Offline Multiplayer) like some of the older games does. I.e. 5 on 5; 4 on 4; 8 on 8.
•Ability to mix up both the Game's music and the music off of my HDD/XMB.
•Patch of the horrible glitch where your car goes through the ground and it never lets you back in.
Love the ability to start engine idea, could be hold down R3 for a second for modern cars maybe a little longer for classic cars.

Imagine being online going through the menu into pitlane for practice/qualifying then when your ready holding down R3, the fantastic engine ignition sounds (Only sound people don't complain about) fire into life then after a few seconds settle down to a gentle burble until you slowly accelerate thru the pit's, then roar out onto the track warming up those tires ready to set the best time.
We need Practice Mode to have an option of continuous rotating AI cars. From 0-Infinite. While you're making some runs at Nordschliefe, you may encounter past prototypes and new ones in camo or covered up. New DLC added by PD randomly appear depending on what region youre practicing at. A Vision Gran Turismo car may be sitting in the pits at Daytona with pit crew adding fuel, looking around the car, blah blah blah.

Getting flashed to pass by close catching Lambo GT2 while youre in that Honda Fit, would definitely grab your attention.
I would like a more immersive experience. There is no point in having beautiful cars and beautiful tracks if you do not 'feel' like you are there, or that anybody else is there.
- terrible AI removes any feeling that you are racing other people - you feel on your own on the track, surrounded by unrealistic robots.
- no marshals waving flags makes you feel that the track is empty of control, not being policed. How do I know if a car has crashed ahead of me, or if I am about to be lapped by the leaders?
- no engine failures, tire blowouts, suspension failures makes you feel like you have been inserted into a fake world, where there is no risk beyond you crashing yourself. But then inaccurate damage removes any consequence of that crash anyway, so again there is an artificial feeling associated with that.
- a 3, 2, 1 countdown to a race start again makes you feel like you have been inserted into a fake world. Where are the red-green lights, or formula 1 style 5 red lights to indicate the off, the go, the start of the racing experience?
- rolling starts give you the feeling that you have just been inserted into the car, in a fantasy world. Where's the grid start, formation lap, tire/brake temperature building?
- An event where the first time you experience the car/track is from a 3, 2, 1 countdown..RACE! is not realistic. You need to practice a track. You need to build confidence in this 'place', with this car, and then go racing.
- Why am I starting last, or in the middle? Do I deserve that? Should I not have the chance to decide my own fate on where I start the race from? Should I not be rewarded for being faster than everyone else over 1 lap?
- Where is the dirt, and muck, and marbles and debris. The experience is too clean, too perfect, too unrealistic.
- I need to be realistically punished for my actions. Slowing my car down for 5 seconds when I cut a corner removes me from the realism, because that is not a real action in real life. I need to be black flagged, or take a drive through penalty.
- Where is my race engineer? Where is the expert to help me set up my car? Where is the guy who can explain the race strategy while I am driving?
- Why do I see so much information on screen? I would like to just see what gear I am in and my rev counter. Can I not just remove the rest of the information if I so please? Seeing times and gaps flashing up on screen with a 'blip' sound is not realistic.
- Why do I only see my gap to the leader when I am in 5th place? Surely my next move is to overtake the guy in 4th right? Where is (s)he? Am I closing in on him/her?
Well said, and your post bears repeating. Immersion in a real racing experience is sadly lacking in GT and to my mind it's so simple and easy to do most of what you suggested with very little resources from the PS3:cheers:.
Forza 4 is all I can say .

Gran Trismo 5 was a waste of money and so will Gran Trismo 6 as they have not made one good change in the game .

In order to have the best racing simulator GT6 needed to copy Forza , and make their game similar , which they did not do .

As of now Forza 5 will be the best racing simulator and Gran Trismo 6 wont even come close .

Its to bad as many of us thought Polyphony would of seen what their competition was doing and copy their success and add features of their own , like give rally racing a more active role and getting ride of the B spec mode ( that was a total waste of a game no one wants to see their car just race around the track )

The thing they should of done is change the tuning perimeters so its like it is in Forza making it so you can totally change the setting with out limit . another thing Gran Trismo should of done was changed how the Cars are Classified , more like what is in Forza 4

Sorry to say but Gran Trismo 6 killed The Gran Trismo franchise everyone who has played Forza wont buy GT6 .

Nothing has changed form GT5 its the same crap around and around we go , doing the same races over and over again just to gain enough point to enter the next series .

Well we told Polyphony what we wanted and they didn't listen